Daily reminder that one of these two games will be GOTY.
Also BotW will win and will be talked about being the GOAT, finally beating OoT after having the title for over a decade.
Daily reminder that one of these two games will be GOTY.
Also BotW will win and will be talked about being the GOAT, finally beating OoT after having the title for over a decade.
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> BotW will win and will be talked about being the GOAT, finally beating OoT after having the title for over a decade.
When will this shitty meme finally end, BotW is barely in top 5 Zelda games let alone GOTY
>being this far in denial
>BotW is barely in top 5 Zelda games let alone GOTY
If you knew anything about game design, you'd understand why BotW will decimate everything else for the GOTY award.
in a year with no good games
It's not 2016 anymore, you know.
>900 turds
b-b-buh but what about Horizon?!1?!1!!??one?!!? It will surly get GOTY!
Why not both?
But user, GOTY already came out!
>inb4 2016 jap release
It already did.
1. aLttP (LBW is good too)
2. BoTW
3. Wind Waker
4. Majora's Mask
5. Oracle games
Persona's easily a Top 3 game this year, but I think BoTW beats it
This. Kidtendo's nier automata clones could never lay a finger on persona 5.
i hate the hype culture.
GotY at the faggot awards show will be AC:O, HZD, PUBG, or Ghost Recon Wildlands, don't even pretend that they'll look at a Japanese game OP.
Over a decade, yeah. Then you realize that it's nearly been 20 fucking years.
Ocarina of Time has been in the spotlight for so long it's unheard of. Vidya kino.
> No drop rates, every loot is guaranteed
> Mobs respawn by using night/day cycle
> encyclopedia INSIDE THE FUCKING GAME unlike souls games, and you can use camera to search for specific items/monsters/treasures/weapons
> you can remote control the fucking dungeons
>cut the grass to get insects/lizards, but it changes if rain and/or night
> you can climb EVERYTHING exept inside dungeons, unlike in Shadow of the Colossus
>Power upgrades are not a fucking +20% damage
Only top of my head. Please tell me how this is not Goty material
There's no way pubg gets GOTY. It'll get some kind of best indie award or something, its not polished enough. Game of the year is for AAA titles whose publishers partially sponsor the reviewer.
The fact that persona 5 exists
PUBG will get best action game or something. I forgot to include the REAL "G"otY though, we all know it'll be Destiny 2.
>boring ass VN on top of a decent jrpg
In my experience, the VN is more fun than the dungeon crawling
Have you even played it? If you have, you definitely went in forcing yourself to hate it. The gameplay is godly compared to the walking simulator version of nier automata that is botw. The story is fantastic as well, especially better than the one that Nintendo's been using for every game they've ever made. Evil guy captures princess, save her. Botw is shit and you know it.
I enjoyed BotW, and it made me regret buying HZD. That said, I think Splatoon 2 is a better game than BotW now that it's out, and I can see Odyssey passing Splatoon 2. Yakuza 0 still belongs up there, though, and I'd put it right next to Splatoon 2 so far.
zelda sucks
Not him but I've played it and it's dog shit.
Want a time stamp of my copy of the game?
Persona 5 doesn't have shit on Breath of The Wild. It's not even remotely close.
>no good games
>mario odyssey is bound to be good
>nier automata
>persona 5
>splatoon 2
>even indie games like hollow knight are turning out good
how can you have such shit taste? Someone fill in some good ps4 shit I don't own one
Let me guess, you think COD is underrated?
Wrong, I just don't like predictable and awful high school sims with some of the most dull turn based combat I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with.
Persona is weeb shit for normies.
If you want to play some high quality Jap games then look no further than Ys.
i never thought someones opinion could be so wrong...
Jesus Christ this nigga has rancid taste
Yet you like botw, which is just nier automata with a 10 x emptier map and the generic shitty copypaste Zelda story?
What are the top five user?
Mario will become GOTY after getting a perfect 100 Metacritic score.
Persona 5 is literally inferior to 4 though, and 4 was already awful. I played that shit on my henkaku'd vita.
The only good game I've played on my PS4 has been a PS2 port lmao.
Nier Automata is fucking trash though. The gameplay is laughable and the exploration, physics and combat cannot compare to BoTW in the slightest.
All these casual millenial BOTWbabbies really need to shut the fuck up and stay the fuck out from this series. You shit are ruining it.
"Hurr hurr me iz Zelda fan cuz me play BOTW best gaem evah!!! XD"
Stop pretending to be a Zelda fan when the only game you've played is this shitty discount Minecraft. Claiming a mediocre, barely Zelda game as the best in the series without even playing all the classics like OoT really shows that casualcucks like you only jump on the hottest shit in the market because everyone is doing that as well.
Nigga, have you not played pokemon?
>No drop rates, every loot is guaranteed
Guaranteed shitty weapons the break anyway.
>Mobs respawn by using night/day cycle
Waiting for mobs to respawn. And the game tries to pretend that respawning mobs is a threat.
>encyclopedia INSIDE THE FUCKING GAME unlike souls games, and you can use camera to search for specific items/monsters/treasures/weapons
Don't even try to compare your shit forced saturday morning cartoon story to the Souls series.
>you can remote control the fucking dungeons
You mean slightly larger Shrines that move?
>cut the grass to get insects/lizards, but it changes if rain and/or night
And you could cut grass in other zelda games to get shit. How is that "revolutionary?"
>you can climb EVERYTHING exept inside dungeons, unlike in Shadow of the Colossus
Guess what? You can climb EVERY large enemy in Dragon's Dogma unlike BotW. Stop comparing your shit game to others that have nothing to do with it.
>Power upgrades are not a fucking +20% damage
How is this a bad thing? You can't even stack food buffs in BotW.
This is not GOTY material.
Sure I have. What about it?
Wait you have no arguments at all. How is anything you said bad soulsbabby?
Lots of people think BoTW is shit not as much people think OoT is.
Get fucked kid.
Literally miles worse than persona 5's combat
> You can't even stack food buffs in BotW.
Why would anybody want to stack food buffs in BoTW you delusion cunt?
Stay mad faggot.
>Botw is shit and you know it.
>Ocarina of Time has been in the spotlight for so long it's unheard of. Vidya kino.
Just because you haven't stopped talking about it for 20 years doesn't make it the greatest.
The N64 and PS1 both had plenty of better games.
>it's a "we blindly trust game journalism and white knight them against all criticism" episode
*blocks your path*
still won't get GotY because it's too "anime" despite being probably being better
>Persona combat
>Better than anything
My little sister breezed through persona 5, the combat is fucking laughably simplistic.
Bravely Default has a better combat system.
BoTW is garbage I still don't know why people put up with it let alone call it a decent game.
Fanboys are all fucked in the head.
cinematic games are shit, and so are people who dickride them.
Doesn't matter. Every main Mario and Zelda game is guaranteed to get rated >90 score and hailed as a masterpiece by mainstream reviewers anyway due to their sacred cow status and Nintendo Bonus.
Jesus fuck are you saying persona 5 has a good story, combat, and isn't a reading simulator? How delusional
As if the title "GotY" still holds any meaningful value. Every game, shit or not, will always be boasted as "GotY" and will be resold for $60 USD in its "GOTY Edition." Remember Memelands 2?
Maybe you are the fanboy here user, just on the other end of the spectrum. Or you have autism. Probably both
Nigga calm down, I'm old fag, been playing Zelda since the original NES. BotW is the Zelda game i've always wanted - a complely seamless Hyrule to explore and go adventuring in. I seem to remember lots of people losing their shit back in 2000 because Majora's Mask was different. Now it's one of the most beloved in the series.
Artistic direction aside, the game design of BotW is truly evolutionary, it's astonishing what Nintendo achieved on the tech they used. The Wii U is literally PS3 tier and the Switch is barely bigger than my cell fone for fuck sake.
Not him, but when have you ever heralded "popular opinion" as a good thing in the past? This entire board built itself on being contrarian against the mainstream, and now you're lapping up whatever the filthy normies tell you to?
If you like the game, that's fine. but you can't force others to accept your opinion, and claiming that mob rule makes you right just makes you look like an idiot.
>everyone says its true, now submit or die!
How childish.
BotW is the Dark Souls of the Zelda franchise
Overrated cinematic trash that runs at a silky smooth(tm) 30 FPS? Sounds accurate.
I didn't know that Ocarina of Time was game of the year for almost 20 years.
Impressive how a 64-bit console still outranks all modern PCs and consoles huh?
what's it to you?
you enjoyed the game, right?
why do you care if nintendo wins, are you getting paid if one of them wins goty?
you console war idiots are literal reddit pc masterace tier, sony isn't a jew but really knows how to make shitty games in the past few years while nintendo will never ever let go of their muhrio and zelda while basically telling non nintendo devs to fuck off and are the biggest jew in the entire fucking industry.
by blindly sucking cock of any company you are constantly making video games shittier and shittier.
What's so good about ALttP? Beat it recently and it's very overrated and outdated imo
>dark souls
what did he mean by this
Check the framerate it runs at, brosef.
don't even know why I responded
>Nintendo Bonus.
You're an utter fucking child.
You know that Nintendo have produced some of the greatest and most influential games of all time, right? Every time Nintendo develop a new Zelda or a new Mario, the gaming world waits with baited breath, expecting Nintendo to turn in another genre-defining masterpiece - every single time. Anything less is seen as a disappointment. The standard Nintendo are held up to is absolutely insane and their games come under far more scrutiny than any other developer.
Your claim that Nintendo receive special treatment only highlights that there must be something special about Nintendo games in the first place. They didn't earn that reputation for nothing. Do you see how deluded your argument is?
>Kidtendo's nier automata clones
Your trying way too hard
Being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian was never what 4chinz was about. Leave
>You know that Nintendo have produced some of the greatest and most influential games of all time, right?
Argumentum ad populum. Being liked by the brainless masses does not make your game good. It just means they had a strong marketing budget. Would you like me to link to countless articles talking about how No Man's Sky revolutionized space exploration, how Uncharted dealt with amazing "videogame/story integration"? How about TLOU and its epic "struggle against white privilege"? The modern industry does nothing but jerk itself off and shake hands with a bribe in one hand and an agenda in the other. Even now you have countless people saying how the new God of War is gonna be revolutionary and how Uncharted 5 will sell the Ps4 pro. So are they wrong?
What about the sales of consoles like the Ps4? Such success means that the console and all of its games are objectively good, right? So yu can't argue that any other console is better, unless you happen to imply that popularity and sales aren't everything. but then you're contradicting your other arguments.
1. OoT/MM (preferance)
3.WW inb4 twilicucks
Anything else is biased nostalgia and personal opinion
Nice deflection, read my post again and point out anywhere I tried to say what you think I said.
I quite clearly said it was the game *I* have always wanted from Zelda. And I made a completely objective plaudit towards the exceptional game design - which even the most deluded salty hater should be able to grudgingly admit.
YOU are the one calling others childish names just because YOU think the game is shit and nobody agrees with you. Immature indeed.
Sorry man, you're straight up wrong. Nintendo get those good scores every time because they make top tier games. It's as simple as that.
Being the best game of all time automatically makes you the GOTY all years until you get beat, and no game has beaten OoT. And they never will.
No arguments? I've pretty much told you why your points aren't GOTY material. Why don't you tell me why you thought CUTTING GRASS is "revolutionary." Why slightly larger Shrines that pose no challenge what-so-ever and look the same are better than traditional and "memorable" dungeons? Why guaranteed weapon drops that BREAK after THREE hits is better than working for a good weapon that won't break?
>the art direction is great because I FEEEEEEL it
>this is objective to people
Sod off out of here m8.
Popular doesn't mean GOOD you silly child. Nintendo have produced some of the greatest and most influential games in history, not because of popularity, but because they're one of the best developers of interactive entertainment on the planet.
Cry some with your tin hat delusions rather than simply admit Nintendo made a good game, Jesus fucking Christ.
Nice argument kiddo. I guess you have nothing to bring to the table except salt.
seeYou're basing your opinion on faulty infrastructure. I suggest you reconsider.
>unironically links to websites with Kotaku-tier writers
>the games are good because I feel that they are, my feelings are more important than facts
Bait, absolute lack of arguments and still thinks he can shitpost BotW into being bad.
My argument is your hypocrisy. Go on, with the logic you provided, tell me why you don't consider consoles like the Ps4 the greatest among this generation. I hope you don't consider garbage like Wonderful 101 or Arms or Splatoon better than masterpieces like TLOU and Uncharted, especially with the line of thinking you established earlier, since metacritic scores and popularity are the most important things.
>b-but the metacritics are wrong! Sony paid for them
ahh, but you said that never happens. you called me a tinfoil hat conspirator for implying that.
>Game auto saves before every enemy encounter.
>Dodge without even trying
>(Y) Flurry Rush
>Pause the game to heal
>Hording food items
Truly the Dark Souls of the series!
Being this deluded
>games are good because I feel that they are, my feelings are more important than facts
I could write a thesis on how the game design of BotW is next level stuff - a new benchmark to which all future open world games will be measured against. But why bother? You'll never accept. The battle lines were drawn months ago. And yet BotW is sitting pretty in the history books, and will stroll away with the GOTY award, and will be discussed and analysed for years to come.
>Kotaku-tier writers
what, the articles are the opinions of game developers.
You have no arguments other than "my feelings telll me Zelda is the best". You don't listen to anything else.
>I could write a thesis on how the game design of BotW is next level stuff - a new benchmark to which all future open world games will be measured against.
And yet you'll claim that trash like Splatoon and Arms and Wonderful 101 are just as good when the metacritic scores show them to be average at best, but you'll turn around and say "popularity doesn't matter, the industry just hates fun and is too casual". And you'll be completely unable to grasp the irony of you stabbing the very people you once heralded as wise sages.
Like I said, kotaku-tier writers. All AAA devs are garbage.
>tell me why you don't consider consoles like the Ps4 the greatest among this generation.
What the actual fuck are you talking about? What does that have to do with anything? Are you seriously this insecure? The PS4 is fucking great man, without a doubt the best 'traditional' console this gen. I fucking OWN one. Will you stop crying now?
>Nintendo have produced some of the greatest and most influential games in history, not because of popularity, but because they're one of the best developers of interactive entertainment on the planet.
Nintendo has made a lot of good games, but expecting and believing Nintendo to be this wonderful company that turns to gold everything it touches is delusional and exactly the type of company-worship that others look at skepticism with. If reviewers already like Nintendo and are willing to talk about how great it is, then of course they're going to give 10/10 to every Nintendo flagship title and call it a night, but that's a biased decision and not at all objective. If a reviewer posted multiple articles about how stupid Nintendo games were and gave them all nothing above a 5/10, they should be called out, and that's exactly what's happening here, except with a positive bias.
>The PS4 is fucking great man
Someone's earning their paycheck today, I see.
>And yet you'll claim that trash like Splatoon and Arms and Wonderful 101 are just as good when the metacritic scores show them to be average at best
Why the fuck would I say that? What ever gave you that idea? In fact that only backs up what I was saying about Nintendo games being held to a higher level of scrutiny.
ARMS and Spaltoon are merely quite good games. Oh no, they're not genre-defining masterpieces, Nintendo has FAILED! FAILED I tell ye! We expect every fucking Nintendo game to change the gaming landscape forever!
>ARMS and Spaltoon are merely quite good games with metacritic scores in the 80's
>but Uncharted is evil sonyroach propaganda despite having a 95
>metacritic only matters when it's a Nintendo game
Not likely better than oot. GotY, maybe but oot has content. BotW has barren wasteland to explore with less enemy types than bosses in most previous games.
I own both a PS4 and a Switch, Uncharted games are great, I haven't tried ARMS, BotW is a masterpiece.
if the devs cared half as much about their game as the guys from zelda they would've never let those designs make it past their desks
>Craftin' and SHIET with 10 hit durability weapons
>Empty open world with 900 McGuffins to collect for a literal shit trophy at the end
>Easy as piss combat mechanics, designed alongside the rest of the streamlined, casualized aspects of the game
If this was just a random standalone title without any Zelda connection it would get an okay score. It wouldn't get legions of reviewers and fans slobbering all over its dick like it was the second coming.
>Uncharted games are great
>despite the fact that any thread about Uncharted gets bombed with shitposting and the thread promptly deleted
>but no, I'm totally not biased, promise :)