Why you dont have a girlfriend?

Why you dont have a girlfriend?

But I do. We played double dash just today.


I like her dick.

I don't ever see girls my age.

>ywn pound that boipussy

The last girl I asked said "can I think about it" and then it never came up again

At least we are still fuckin'

Why don't you?

Because, one way or the other, I've driven all of them away.

Would rather be by myself.

waste of time and money

Because I could not just settle for one and decided to have 9 of them.

Split with the last one a while back and haven't met one I want to date yet.

Too much baggage, don't want to have them deal with it. Some people are meant to be alone I suppose.

I'm ugly, don't want things in my life that come with the gf, would rather fuck a hooker but not really interested to pay for it or have sex with strangers in general, it's disgusting. You get the picture, maybe. People usually don't get it.

Because I have a wife.

I don't know how to meet new people!

The one I had left me and broke my heart cause I'm a fucking pussy I guess.

Now all the ones I go for don't like me back, or I just end up disliking them because I'm not happy and I'm not gonna put them through nothingness.

I'm not happy with myself, even after losing a shitload of weight from my past relationship, getting in good shape, getting more friends, having a better job, etc. Nothing is worth it.

I just want to fade away. This isn't all because of my ex, but it definitely didn't help.

Because I'm a fucking hideous person who only a mother could love and will probably kill himself by the time i am 30

Because video games are a solitary hobby for men.

Because I'm only attracted to toxic psychopaths and I now have enough sense to stay the fuck away from them.

Too time consuming. I'd rather be doing things that I enjoy and are actually rewarding.

I also enjoy my own company way too much.

Me and my wife's son live happily together thank you very much

I'm a fat NEET who lives with his mother.

Boyfriend > Girlfriend

because faggot

Dating is overrated af.

>besides a old friend and my mom I think I haven't talked with a woman since i left college 7 years ago
It's probably this

I like casual sex too much to invite more drama into my life

man I miss when those were 89 cents

>I can't keep a conversation
>I get nervous in front of them

>Sup Forums - whatever the fuck this is

I have a cat

>89 cent burrito

Don't put that in your mouth man. I've got a Frankfurter here for free.

Chill out mate, just ride it out and don't think too hard about it. Shit has a tendency to work itself out in the end.

>I don't leave my house
>Boring hobbies
That's it.

Because I'm a failure of the game designer.

It's difficult to date when you're the textbook definition of a loser.

too afraid to get hurt again.
if I don't date, there's no chance of that happening