Is pic related any good Sup Forums?
I love Dishonored 1 and I found Dishonored 2 enjoyable, but I haven't heard much praise for Prey.
Is pic related any good Sup Forums?
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its good
its shit
It's ok
It's too bad there ain't many Prey threads.
It's a good game with a great first 1/3 of the game that starts to fizzle out to mediocrity towards the end. It is a good system shock love letter though. Check it out next time it's on sale.
It's alright. Can get a little boring when the late-game backtracking kicks in but otherwise the station's fun to explore and the level design is on point
It's good, but nothing special, I'd recommend it if you like system shock or Bioshock.
dat soundtrack though
It's shit. No enemy variety. No weapon variety. Forced SJW lesbian shit. Quirky Reddit humor. Generic aesthetic. Linear as fuck. Levels are short as fuck. Main protagonist is a small dick chink. Awful boring villains. Retarded cliche it was all a dream story.
It's shit.
also fuck the mimics man
> Forced SJW lesbian shit
>There's a single Lesbian couple that is only mentioned in like 2 transcribes
Rest of the shit is right though
Playing it right now, I like it, it's like a hugely improved Bioshock.
The dyke couple are mentioned several times in the game.
There's also 2 men that flirt with each other in some transcribes.
Nice try though.
It was pretty good. I like it more than Bioshock games, except 2.
Bioshock was better than this crap. I'm glad the game sold like shit. I hope Arkane burns to the ground.
t. Ken Levine
Shut the fuck up joeyposter
Away with your SJW game.
Go shill your shit game somewhere else Arkane. Bend over and get fucked by Bethesda.
i enjoyed it. not flawless, the enemy selection is weak and the lobby's deco styling was a groaner, but still, a fun game.
never pay for vidya.
If you like System Shock, you'll probably love it. It's great but it's got a niche appeal.
It's amazing. Just don't go into it expecting a sequel to the original Prey. In fact, it has nothing to do with the original Prey. But once you get past that and look to the gameplay, environment, the combat & story, you'll find a really fucking fun game that if released 10 years ago would probably have won GOTY.
I literally came buckets upon hearing this song
I was disappointed as fuck to find out that we didn't get another song like it in the game
It's a fantastic game with a lousy final act
who the hell thought that it would be a good idea to have a bunch of back and forth backtracking through cleared areas as the climax of a game that's primarily about exploration & options