How does this game win an award in anything?

How does this game win an award in anything?

Like we told you with Gamergate, paid reviews
>inb4 sjws try and virtue signal that GG was bad

>anthro genre
it's a containment genre

Lol what

I miss GG. Sup Forums has turned to complete shit after it.
They tried to warn them, and this is the future they chose.

even for fur garbage this shit looks bad.

>Best Anthropomorphic Game
So is this some kind of pity award category?

oh it is

Why does the '''art''' look so unfinished

>image of perfection
oh boy

>we just want games to be different
>to expand
>to get better
>two years later
>bear simulator


what the fuck

I never understood all this anthro shit. If you wanna fuck animals, why make them look human? That means you just wanna fuck humans.

there's something so disgustingly smug about the way Furries draw anthropomorphic animals, I think it's the eyes and huge grins they always have

what is anthropomorphic????

But they don't want to fuck animals, they whole point of the furry fetish is that they are anthropomorphic.


gay furry shit

Technically, it's supposed to mean a non-human seen as though it has human traits. In this context, it's people who are sexually deviant drawing man-wolves with big cocks.

>Stories: The Path of Destinies
Is this a real name? Like did someone seriously decide this is what their game needs to be called?

doesn't matter what it's called. One of the people at their last furpile told them they'd get them an award for it.

Why haven't you written an award-winning videogame?