Excited to massacre Nazi Sup Forums?
Wolfenstein New Colossus
No, because I'm not an edgy nu-male.
Right cause edgy nu-males love nazis
why yes, I am quite excited about that.
>fuck nazis
>fucking sjws nazis dindu nuffin'
>muh gommies
>muh sassy black woman
>communism was worse than nazism, why aren't there games showing how bad it is?!?!!?!?
>go back to Sup Forums
>go away /leftypol/
>something something about Trump and reddit
There, I've done you a favor and resumed all posts this thread will get, no need to scroll down anymore.
Oh boy I can't wait for this thread to get over 550 replies of not videogames again
Fuck yeah, the new order was fucking stellar
Not at launch, the first game was good but it felt short and i'd be pissed if i had paid full price for it.
what is a video game that lets me kill communist?
Who isn't
Very excited. New Order was just good entertainment which you don't find much in games anymore.
Red Orchestra 2
1960's is more advanced than we are now.
You literally play a Jew Reeeeing around killing people because the Nazis won and the world is great because of it.
Game looks fun.
>everyone getting lung cancer from nazis shitting out super concrete every 5 feet
Is The Old Blood worth getting?
If you liked TNO, yeah. It's more of the same but with less story in your face.
Very much so, yes
>implying you won't team up with commies
>implying the commies won't turn out to be just as bad as the nazis
>implying the game won't end with you massacring both, in true, red-blooded American fashion
trusting Italy with anything
Yeah, but I'm hoping they give the game some replayability beyond just more of the campaign. Id settle for a horde mode or something.
Caused by a Jew that messed up the formula.
>>implying the game won't end with you massacring both, in true, red-blooded American fashion
I unironically want that to happen, with the ending shot showing a battered and bloody BJ saluting with the American flag waving behind him.
One of those two things is already incorrect, and the other only happened because he was protecting Europe, it was already confirmed that Germany had decoded some Russian intel that was showing that their assault on Europe would be starting about 3 weeks after the time when Hitler started his offensive. Hitler saved Europe, only to have his own country destroy it 80 years later by spearheading the import of millions of sandniggers. The poor man is rolling in his grave.
He fucked with Russia.
>tfw it'll run on vulkan
Why does the blood look so bad?
if hitler hadn't decided to genocide the jews he might not have been treated so harshly in history
This, Also Freedom Fighters. Not many games that allow you to purge communist subhumans.
Will pirate this anti-American pro-Marxist propaganda.
*nods respectfully in your direction*
Except communism is/was/always will be objectively worse than national socialism. But I guess it's just common knowledge at this point
I guess he genocided all those camp guards too, then, because they all died around the same time from the same shit: Typhus.
lmao good luck proving the holocaust happened, since proof of it was only "discovered" after the war ended.
Sure is strange how all those evil nazi cafeteria workers all confessed about "gas chambers" despite them making porridge hundreds of miles away.
Also convenient that all those evil nazi mechanics who somehow had personal knowledge of the holocaust despite their job being supply truck drivers were hanged and nobody impartial could ever interview them.
If he really had genocided them, none of this shit would even be happening, though. His biggest crime is not inciting a holocaust, it's NOT doing so.
I hate progressives and niggers and I'm still hype for this. It's always fun playing games where America is under attack.
Shit thread check my 6
>literal Holocaust deniers
This is some 60's level paranoia
>I hate jews and Hitler was right for hating them and trying to kill them all!!
>but actually he didn't really try to kill them all but he should have!!
it's like listening to a 6 year old lying about stealing cookies.
holocaust denial is fucking retarded on literally every single level
>tfw your future followers deny your most successful achievement
Itz just not fair
reminder that if the holocaust never happened nazism might not be treated as the vile thing it is today
when will nazis own up to the fact that the holocaust was too extreme?
Do you still see jews? Yes? There's all the proof you need. He was a competent man, just far too forgiving for the flaws of others, had he wanted to exterminate them there would not be a single jew left on this planet even assuming he still lost the war. You -do- know he gave them a full year to leave Germany with full warning of what was to come AND a full compensation for all of their belongings and homes before he started imprisoning them, right? The fucking maniac, am I right.
No, because it doesn't let me fight jap rapists as well
0/10 imagination
>You -do- know he gave them a full year to leave Germany with full warning of what was to come AND a full compensation for all of their belongings and homes before he started imprisoning them, right?