Wolfenstein New Colossus
holocaust denial is fucking retarded on literally every single level
>tfw your future followers deny your most successful achievement
Itz just not fair
reminder that if the holocaust never happened nazism might not be treated as the vile thing it is today
when will nazis own up to the fact that the holocaust was too extreme?
Do you still see jews? Yes? There's all the proof you need. He was a competent man, just far too forgiving for the flaws of others, had he wanted to exterminate them there would not be a single jew left on this planet even assuming he still lost the war. You -do- know he gave them a full year to leave Germany with full warning of what was to come AND a full compensation for all of their belongings and homes before he started imprisoning them, right? The fucking maniac, am I right.
No, because it doesn't let me fight jap rapists as well
0/10 imagination
>You -do- know he gave them a full year to leave Germany with full warning of what was to come AND a full compensation for all of their belongings and homes before he started imprisoning them, right?