Was it good?

Was it good?

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It was excellent. The singleplayer changes were still fun, just not as fun as original. But the multiplayer was top notch, IMO best multiplayer of that entire generation. Its a shame it was so short lived. It did Battlefront better than the actual Battlefront games.


One of my best gaming memories was playing with my brother on beach dead as the tediz, at the very last gate, dropping down turrets left and right, when all the squirrels hit us all at once, all I remember was pure fucking chaos. Someone threw a gas grenade and I all I could hear was gunshots, screaming, squirrel blood, tedi bodyparts flying through the toxic smoke, napalm spraying everywhere, and I just held down the fire button, spraying flames all over, the only way for me to even tell that someone was in the thick green fog was when I lit them on fire, and there must have been a dozen of the little furry bastards trying to get through our last wall to kill our fearless leader

I imagine how amazing would this game look on 1080p or bigger.

Yes. Probably one of the best remakes ever made.

NO. Anyone that says yes is an idiot. It loses the cartoony vibe of the original and all the adult jokes are gone

I want another remake or a
sequel but i just know it will probably suck.

One of the few examples of censorship actually somewhat hurting a game, but makes up for it by fixing most of the bullshit levels

better than the Crash Vicarious remake

Multiplayer could have been its own game and it would have still been worth full price

They completely ruined the multiplayer. The one thing they shouldn't have changed they completely fucked up.

Never played Conker Multiplayer on the N64, but the Xbox version was fantastic.

It was great and the multiplayer is an entirely different game on xbox. Everyone I know at least hates the xbox version.

64 Multiplayer is amazing, tons of weapons & modes, good maps to play and is just satisfying to kill people with the arsenal the game has.
Fuck this weapon tho.

It was actually really fun, Back when managing Lan Party was still a thing
>it did battlefront best than the actual Battlefront games
Also this, pure chaos on the first map
Now when you get to try and capture the maps, that's when shit hits the fan

the online multiplayer was GOAT! when are we getting an online remaster!!!?! i loved when you were shitting on someone and it would let everyone know.

>ninjaboy456 is at the mercy of user

this game was my fucking life in highschool

It's mechanically better than the N64 version (improved controls and camera) but it looses a lot of its charm and comedy factor simply because of being a console marketed for older gamers as opposed to being on a family-friendly console like the original game was.

Dem graphics tho. Still a good game to play.

I will never understand how the single player ended up being more censored than the original but the multiplayer had an option to disable censors

Do you remember the Sniping lines?
>Running across with the Flag behind my back
>Red dot appears behind me
>"Night night Motherfucker"
I miss when There was banter between characters, loved those bloody Teddyz

Pretty much how I feel. And the redone music sounded fantastic.
Also here's nice a breakdown of both games from this guy just today.

Replayed this game a few months ago and im honestly shocked how much fun I had. It's a very well put together game with a multiplayer mode that was one of the best on the original xbox console.

You are wrong

aw man i remember all that good stuff. the lines , the purple bullets unlock, all the crazy ass glitches . i think my favorite line was the long ranger on the tediz side. when he switches to the 7.62mm rounds, sometimes he would yell it out. SEVEN POINT SIX TWO MILLA MEETA!

One of the things I completely overlook in the remake are those weak ass speech bubbles. I hated how some of them were just a scrolling wall of text. Should have just removed them if they were going to look like shit.

Or when Starting the Dead beach map?
>Alright guys, it's been a pleasure
>Doors open
Followed inmediatly by the Complete Slaughter of the Squirrels because in every game there was always that one asshole that would get the upgrade for the Rocket Teddy
>Run You little Shits Run!
>See that Cunt Explode
Good times

on beach dead without an upgrade mod for the demolisher, nailing a perfectly timed normal rocket and killing 3 or so squirrels right when the doors drop and getting that text spam that you're dominating the game was so sexy. i miss the online for this game sooooo much. i still have my original xbox copy of the game along with the manual. it really takes me back looking at it