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Video Games #3865
Video Games
What do you think of Grand Theft Auto IV? Is it worth it?
What did Blizzard mean by this?
The reddit litmus test
What did he mean by this?
Blizzard actually added a bikini skin
Stalks you through the entire game even after dying from your hands
Just think we will be able to play Monster Hunter World on this baby
Playing OOT master quest on 3DS
ITT: claim your vidya WAlFUS
Isnt this game trash?
So is it good?
Who innovated more?
What games let me wear socks and sandals?
Enemies can open item box
Console comes in two colors
Why did Nintendo release shitty, cheap looking shit in NA, but the good stuff in Japan?
What went wrong?
How do you feel about this paladin?
Hello, we are the worst confidants in Persona 5
Will it be the first game to get 100?
Does anyone else get strange moments of pacifism in games? I was midway through fighting one of these fuckers...
YIIK: postmodern rpg
Remake fucking when
You have been banned from the server
Find your top 10 and judge others
Nintendo Switch is underperforming the Xbox One
900p docked
Not getting high when you play vidya
Hey Sup Forums I'm heading down to the local Pokemart. Do you want anything?
Best character got announced for MvC:I. Now all we need is his villain, Blackheart
Massive amounts of excellent PvE content
Telltale Batman Season 2
What's the most stupid reason you have get stuck in a game?
Post some great video game art. Concept art, cool screenshots, whatever, just artsy stuff!
What are some good SRPGs? I've just about worked through Echoes and I'm looking for new stuff
5000 mustards are collectively throwing over $20k a month at some neckbeards do they don't have to buy a Wii U
Are you even man enough to handle the red sword?
Where did it all go wrong?
Is there any merit to holding onto these relics of the past? I'm cleaning out, and remembered I still had these
What's a game where I can use the power of Alchemy to create and destroy
What's your first thought when you see a person wearing video game apparel in public?
Last video: 8 months ago
Worst steam players you've ever encountered
What went wrong?
What did you choose?
It didn't deserved to win
No man's sky Birthday Thread
Deadly Premonition
Want an HDR-capable TV
Any games with spiral power?
Already dead
Just finished BotW in Cemu. AMA
JRPGs getting stale
Who will win the race by the end of the year?
Grimoire thread: Latest Patch bricks your game
"new maps" are just the 3 existing ones, but made smaller
I think people are overstating Sonic Mania's significance on the franchise
Optional Objectives that arent worth doing
What future games do you hope to see /ourgirl/ in?
Pocket mortys
Games only you played
What games have the best nukes in them? The tactical nuke in COD is lame as fuck...
How did FROM think this abomination was ready for release?
Just picked this up. what am i in for?
Post characters that are virtually you
Can play multiplats with ease, almost every PC game is here
Are they wrong ?
Best version of the game from a mechanical perspective
Nintendo official confirms Samus Returns has a free hard mode
About to finally play this game what am I in for?
Mario is going to want to kill himself trying to adjust to this world. No bing bing wahoo for him
You wake up one day only to find that you're now Ash Ketchum. You're in Pallet Town...
Hello! Today I'll be teaching you how to use the "sage" function
How do we save vidya ?
You didn't buy his game, did you?
How do you feel about the heavy sexualization of anime girls in games?
Rumor Roundup Thread
Is RPG codex right?
How bad will it be?
Fuse a persona that reflects all akechi's attacks
Have you worshipped the Literally Perfect Goddess today user?
ITT: Books with settings/worlds that would make a good game
Have you bought her game yet?
ITT: Post your Favorite Town themes
ITT, times Sup Forums lied to you
Did Xbox become the next water cooler?
This is why you don't get drunk at the mall
Comfort a character in a video game when they need the emotional support
I don't get the appeal of Chie. She was fucking annoying in Japanese dub...
Why don't you own Splatoon 2, the definitive online shooter?
Dumbass teens fapping to the smurf
Find a flaw
Most of the popular D3 streamers that tried playing Necromancer for Season 11 have left for Path of Exile
Have you ever felt bad about pirating a game Sup Forums ?
What are some good vidya channels for lengthy...
What's the matter with TB lately?
Which one?
Tell me all about your current game of CK2, Sup Forums. Or EU or Vicky if you're doing that instead
ITT: Good Protagonist
Game begins with a verse from the Holy Bible
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Face it
Is it gay if i play as a girl in vidya?
ITT: Things SWITCH needs to have before you even think about buying one
Worthless slab of detritus
Were they right, Sup Forums?
Who is your favourite video game streamer, Sup Forums?
Does it still run like shit on PC?
What's the worst case of a character reboot in vidya?
Let's talk about the game, I guess
Play Nier, Xenogears, Nier Automata, and Muv Luv Alternative
Zelda: Botw
Which JRPG's are you looking forward to?
How can other Pokémon games even compete?
Crysis is an old game and it doesn't look good anymore
You're still getting Samus' game, right?
Why is this game so good?
How are you enjoying Arena Assault?
Ok, real talk, when it comes to fighting games, why are you not playing the most popular game?
Wow, leave it to Blizzard to try appealing to the black audience by including a dab icon for the only black character...
The most powerful console ever?
Looking back, were we too harsh to DmC?
Don't kill me I'm friendly :)
In the end, what was Clover's best game?
Why has Blizzard been avoiding plot points about the UED returning?
Would you marry a Yordle?
Best digimon game
Why would anyone bother with mechs when tanks and humans already do the same, and better?
What's a game where I can engage in ship to ship combat and strangle people on the decks of pirate vessels?
The characters we couldn't save
ITT: Instant turn offs for games
Total War: Warhammer
Daria gets a steam refund
Sonic won
Killer7 is fantastic
Not even 3k players on launch day"
Graceful and deadly
Bullying Twitch Fags
Why are you defending shit games by Ninja Theory now, Sup Forums?
Champ, your mother and I think it's time you went outside and got a job...
How come modders are so much better than devs, Sup Forums?
How would you make a standalone Rouge the Bat game?
What do you want to see in Animal Crossing?
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle - New info
What is your gamerfood of choice, Sup Forums?
You're in the safelane when this motherfucker comes down, ults you and your carry...
Jesus christ what is this guy's problem?
Help me pick a game? $55 shekels left on Steam. Want something to play 4 next week
Sonic Mania
Start gaming channel
BOTW was the peak of Exploration and Level Design
Holy shit what a fucking waste of time. I couldnt even make it through the classroom scene
Go to Gamestop
What do you think you’re doing? Go ahead and execute me; it’ll be murder in the eyes of the world...
Where the fuck did he get a hand axe?
How does Japan get away with making these kinds of characters?
This is the PlayStation Vita
WAAAAH!!! why is this [fictional creature] from this [fantasy game] so unrealistic?? What a shit game!
What games let you influence party members' personalities over time?
Steam Avatars ?
What are some games where I can help Mother Earth?
Characters who did nothing wrong
What games are you lads looking forward to? Let's share and maybe we'll find out about some fun games together
Why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet?
Just bought Fallout New Vegas on steam because i've heard lots of good things about it. What am i in for?
Trails of Cold Steel PC
*block your path*
Life is strange
Redpill me on the razer naga lads
What's your GOTY, anons?
He calls them "extra lives"
Encounters a bug caused by user error
Death by xbox one
CDPR's quests set a new standard for story-based, open-world gameplay
Are you going to give Bioware another chance, Sup Forums?
Seeing how the grimoire threads are popular at the moment on Sup Forums:
Useless Party Members thread
Say 1(one) good MMORPG which is alive and isnt utter shit
*gets 47 lives by the end of world 1 without trying*
What's the best HOMM game? 3 or 5?
Can you hear me
ITT: Good educational games
What kind of IQ do you need to fully appreciate Metal Gear Solid 2?
Why did John Romero and Cliff Bleszinski become irrelevant in the modern video game industry?
Daily reminder that
I love how Takahashi consciously chose the MC of Xenoblade 2 look like a young boy to weed out the whiners, bores...
Is it September yet?
I got a PS3 Slim for dirt cheap and I haven't had it before
Are Undervanias the Dark Souls of video game genres?
Why do we hate this fun game again?
Name the last 3 games you played
Your best friend has been captured by the main villain and has been mind controlled, to work against you
So Modern Warfare Remastered just had an update recently that added more crate drop content
"I hope people don't get their expectations up too high. We'll do our best." on pokémon switch game
Are you happy that the 3DS is still alive?
Overwatch summer games
Not even 10k players on release
What's the target audience for this game?
Facerolling through the map with one button and 99999 attack speed
Star citizen alpha delayed again
What are some vidya crossovers you would like to see happen?
Do you know this man?
SJWs get mad at sexualized OW characters
Need 900ilvl to get into heroic tomb of sargeras
Choose your destiny
Sells underpowered hardware
Why do stupid people use Windows 10, which is a literal botnet?
This is the goty, say something nice about it
Fallout 4?
Watched Dunkirk, I wanna play some games with good bolt action rifles, what are the best?
What do you think about Mexican Mario?
Curved monitors
People actually think this is attractive
Prove me wrong
What is a good entry point for the Dragon Quest games?
Best current MMO?
Is this game seriously just a bunch of line puzzles?
Final boss is defeated with the power of friendship
Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong?
We had an absolutely delightful wild specimen thread earlier
Is Freiza in the new Dragonball fighting game?
Metroid Samus Returns New 3DS XL system revealed
Will we ever see him again?
She can develop her own game
THIS is moot?
Youre walking on the beach
All games need to be at a constant 60fps in order to be good
Subnautica optimization phase has begun!
ITT: Your currently installed games
What "vs Capcom"crossover do you want to see next?
Is this bad boy piratable?
ITT We make the perfect MMORPG
Which control method is best for Splatoon 2?
Clip is halfway empty
What are your opinions on draenei race and culture?
Gonna start my first playthrough of dark souls what should i expect?
Nepu Nepu
Hey guy, let me tell you a joke
Hwhat are ze best French games, mon ami?
Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire
*Bing Bing wahoooooooooooo*
Outside of waiting for those seasonal Steam sales, what are some sites where I can get games on Steam...
If its not fun why bother
Yfw Aloy is real
Breath of the Wild saved the Zelda series from going stale
What are some games where the main character isn't human?
Oh shit, the Sup Forums Holy Grail War has started, and you, user, have been selected as a Master...
All those PC gaming hate threads
Are the Phantom Thieves Just?
Why can't miyazaki make a game with a good second half?
This is a Navy Seal
Fuck this game, man
Rank the Playstation consoles
What is the Most Overrated Fighting Game
What kind of IQ do you need to fully appreciate Hyperdimension Neptunia?
The One Meta-Thread per Board
Armors and weapons in video games
Does this thing actually exist or is it all an elaborate ruse?
Types of players I run into in this game, sorted from most to least prevalent:
Why did you buy a Switch, user? It doesn't even have games
Post quality 8-bit music. Starting off with a classic
Game set in japan
Love playing healers in games
Can we talk about this game?
Design an ugly piece of shit
This is Quiet
They did it
3x3 Thread
What are some video games about the 1937 Nanking event?
Risk of Rain
Why was this the only good game in the series?
2 hours till new bundle faggots, post wishlists
Randy/Battleborn/Gearbox Tuesday thread
Post a game you really like that belongs to a genre you usually hate
ITT Games that are within other games, unlockable games count too
ITT games only you played
For the gameplay
FFBE Thread
Souls games suck
Name me a fanbase on Sup Forums worse than this
Is this game worth the time investment?
How are you supposed to know you have to jump over it?
Where the hell do I begin? Im stuck and dont know what to play at all...
Game series that didn't deserve to die
Favorite RPGs
Female characters that don't pander to SJWs
Comfy 3DS Thread
These days it feels like a chore to even start a game
Dark souls 3 to hard
Rate my collection Sup Forums
What ONLINE game let's me play as an animal?
Not playing the game of the decade
RPG Codex
The truth about Angry Joe
This game is brand new and not even in the steam top 100
About to start this up, what am I in for?
What the fuck happened with this game?
How the fuck do I beat this asshole to get the awakening medals I need...
Was the leak last night real?
Game is getting absolutely positively glowing previews
Sonic Mania
Gentlemen, how do we make her real?
Sober the fuck up. Scorch is by far the best
New BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle info
Lili or Asuka?
Why do mechs in video games always portrait as better than tanks when in reality, it's unlikely?
Is there any game in which the German war effort is presented in a positive light?
Why are Sony and Mircosoft trying to aim for 4K instead of better performance? Hell...
RPG's are a dead genre
What have you been emulating Sup Forums?
Was Quentin right? Is playing videogames in public degenerate?
Dark souls has a new contender
Sup Forums says game is good
The hype is finally over for this game and it has literally been milked to death. How does that make you feel?
Why does nu-Sup Forums hate characters with this body type so much?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Do you think mod authors deserve monetary compensation for their work?
This game is gonna fucking flop
How would you improve OverWatch?
Ahh.. a prime normal!
Was that too hard?
How is that Strike team farming going for LR Goku this weekend anons? You are getting your team ready aren't you?
So I guess this is a thing... again
Nintendo listened to our bitching and we won
Best party member dies in the beginning of the game
TPP doesn't have memorable cutscenes
Metroid: Samus Returns
Steam distributing hentai was a mistake
Thoughts? Hopes? Fears? Are you genuinely excited for or are sceptical?
Obviously garbage Ninja Theory walking sim
P5D AND P3D Confirmed Non-Canon
Comfy FFX thread
I want to get into Metroid
Will you buy it? Or be stuck with inferior multiplats for a few years?
Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS)
What's your type of game?
Play spacechem a year ago and finish it
Where were you when fightning games got saved?
What did people think of Final Fantasy XV?
ITT: times when Sup Forums was wrong
ITT: Specimen in public
So...when's the next one coming out?
Not even in top 50 steam games at launch
I'd like to discuss the Witcher 3 wild hunt with some other people
1. That's terror
This is the standard female now
McDonald's edition
Can we have a Gravity Rush 2 thread since I finished it last night?
Give a shitty synopsis to the last game you played
Kojibro thread. Here we discuss gaming's hero and savior. How has our aniki improved the quality of your life...
Nier 1 soundtrack was better than Automata's
The"git gud" mentality is a cancer
How good are you at vidya?
Admit it Sup Forums, you teared up
Sonic is hold right to w-
What's Sup Forums's favorite pokemon?
Has a series ever jumped the shark THIS hard?
Oh boy...
Sup Forums I want to make a porn game. Give me some ideas on how I should make the gameplay
Games with an incredibly heavy atmosphere
Tell me Sup Forums, what doth life?
Why are D&D games so damn comfy? Just finished KOTOR 2 and started playing NWN Diamond...
Video game tattoo ideas?
How do you people find time to play vidya? I'm either too busy or to tired to play. Maybe I've just got old
So? Did someone already play this? Is it worth?
Is VR the future of gaming or just a meme?
What's it saying?
This is your new and improved Kat
Do you think that situation of Xbox One was better if 343 Industries wasn't fucking up Halo series so badly?
Persona 3+5 Dancing won't have story mode
Predict it's lifetime sales, regardless of how good or bad of a console you think it is
ITT: we're Metal Gear Solid guards
Was it good?
How do you feel about paladins?
DOOM 4 Story
Best DS games?
What happens to vidya if Japan gets nuked again?
How bad is your psn username Sup Forums ?
Hows your warband campaign going Sup Forums
What happened to 3D platforming?
This is a PS4 game in 2017
Literally the fucking worst girl
Best PS1 RPGs to play on PSP
Serious question here
Just made a steam account. Where are the games? No Metroid. No old school Castlevania. No fucking nothing...
How many early access games does it need, to make retards realize they being scammed all the time?
Yfw you're the last person on your team
Life is Feudal: MMO New Trailer
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Those desperate bandwagon faggots who try get in to a series as soon as the new one is coming out instead of any other...
Ps1 thread lads, less known titles edition
Why are you not playing the GOTY?
Thoughts on RetroArch?
Path of exile (Bizness since Diablo 2...) lucrative
It's here
ITT: "Villains" that did nothing wrong
Comfy BOTW thread
Anybody got a mirror of the 1/10 Hellblade YouTube review Fatboy Sterling deleted?
Originally planned for a release in 2014, and again in 2016, there is as of 2017 no official release date...
I'm trying to remember this game i saw someone play when i was younger. Can you guys help me out?
We will never get another Souls game of the caliber of the Dark Souls 2 DLCs
True King of Skyrim
You're buying this today, right? You want to show Capcom that people still care about the series, right?
Will you be playing her event?
Seriously when is this prick going to kick the bucket?
Patreon: fuck off shill
When did you stop caring about Halo?
Why aren't you playing a fighting game RIGHT NOW?!
Let's discuss the new patch
So now that the dust has settled
ITT solid 6/10 games
Shin Megami Tensei: Akuma to no intabyu
ITT: walking simulators
What happened?
Just beat this game, r8 muh team
This is a PS4 game
ARMS update tomorrow. Will you get back into it?
PUBG updated Rules of Conduct
ITT: God tier maps
Nintendo Switch defect?
Can a game be poorly made but still fun?
Game that Sup Forums hypes up to hell and back
What's the verdict?
Where should Resident Evil 8 be set?
BattleStations Thread
You know the deal, post those profiles
So how is Splatoon 2? Is it better than the first game?
Post the cutest qt vidya cuties!
Hiroyuki approved META THREAD
So, what progress have you made on your game since yesterday Sup Forums?
GOTY 2017
What are the best and, dare I say, essential video games from before the year 2000? I was born in 1996
Mods for a 20 some year old game are better put together then entire triple A FPS games
So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming
You've got ten seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of Deus Ex threads
When the best girl isn't one of the romance option
Who is the most powerful fighting game character?
Finally got around to playing this and I must say it's pretty bad. I'm at chapter 21 of Conquest...
Nintendo sent a cease and desist notice to emuparadise...
Its Out
Meanwhile, on Zeal Sup Forums
Want to play a horror game with fun gameplay mechanics or good puzzles
Hey lads, I'm looking to build my first actual gaming pc and I need some tips. I would like to spend around $700-$800...
How does blizzard manage to keep fucking up every expansion even worse than the last?
Who /closedbeta/ here?
Escape from Tarkov thread?
Fighting games from our era
How dare they sexualize a spider! Have game devs gone too far this time?
Loved DOOM 2016, will I like pic related? Is it any good?
What's the appeal to these games?
What do you guys do when you get burned out on games?
FFXIV tops 10 million unique accounts
Post yfw 1HP
Recommend me good VNs Sup Forums
Do you usually play on Ultra settings or the step below? (High or Very high)
We got this literal who before Kunimitsu
Alright you fucking faggots how the fuck can I get a PS4 for under $250. I can only pay in fucking cash god damn it
Hellblade first impressions
If Gerald Of Rivia and Snake have a fight who will win?
Cold Steel - released on GoG/Steam
How to get into dark souls 3...
Game creates their own language just for songs
Hey Sup Forums
Party Van: I Improved It!
What's the best Mega Man game?
Tired gamer thread
StarCraft "Remastered"
Pinpoint what went wrong
What are some games with really, really long tutorials?
I'm an adult virgin!
Have two vidya series with their own style and charm that are enjoyed by many people
Only attractive character in DOA
What are some video games where the protagonist is in a bad place, but then things start to get better for him?
Let's hear your video game idea, user
Is this game fun Sup Forums? Or is it waifu bait?
It's time to talk about the best RPG ever made
Just took an online test and found out I have a really high IQ (109)
Anyone got some odd or obscure mods that are non nexus or removed from nexus
Advice on PS4 games
Should I get this game?
Mfw the GameCube came out 16 years ago
Game installs a hidden screamer onto your hard drive if you pirate it
Shit games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
AM2R Dev has been hired as a level designer for ori and the will of the wisps
Who cares if tonight is not the night, why don't we settle down and talk about TF2?
Be me
What's the best singleplayer shooter I can play on PC?
Emotions are prohibited
Any y'all got a special kind of drink you keep around you specifically for gaming...
Let's take a look at what PC gaming had to offer recentl-
What are the comfiest Spyro worlds? I like the Dream Weavers home world a lot. The music is really nice too
Handhelds are the true masterrace
Can we all agree DQ9 is the best in series
ITT: We discuss which Yugioh Game is the best
The greatest vidya composer of all time
Walk into a waterfall
If Sony released a PS2 Mini in 2018, would you buy it? What games should it come with for you to get one ASAP?
Does Sup Forums still hate her? She's unanimously agree to be the best new character everywhere else
Game that only you had played
Chris Chan
What did v think of Mankind Divided?
Which one do I buy
Name a more based party member, I'll wait
If you like 2 more than 1 you should literally fucking kill yourself
I've heard MMOs are dead. What is lacking in MMOs nowadays? Asking veterans of the genre
Super Mario Odyssey
KoF 14 PC lobby is up right now. Look for Pao Pao Cafe II hosted by Claude
Video game magazine thread
Describe a game using an Xavier: Renegade Angel quote
What are some good games that could run on a toaster?
Injustice Thread
ITT: Great games that Sup Forums says are shit
Game lets you look at your feet
ITT: Lying developers
Delita was the real hero!
What are some games where I can play as a traditional samurai and decapitate people
What vidya character wud u punch in their guts?
Find a flaw
Playing game with friend
How's that gaming related Youtube channel going?
Under Night
What's a good stick
What games do autistic geniuses play?
Have you ever bought from Kinguin?
Welcome to the Dumpster
Does Sup Forums prefer fat or slim pikachu?
Thats it!
What exactly was safer about him?
Prove it isn't a scam or prove that it is
Is it really that bad Sup Forums?
What went so terribly wrong?
Max athletics takes 42.6 hours of running
Why are the best characters stuck in the worst games?
What went wrong?
Im waiting for my new Nintendo DSI and R4 to come in the mail. What are the best NDS games of all time...
What are some comfy towns/cities in vidya?
*blocks your path*
There has been a lot of talk on whether or not PlayStation All-Stars will get a sequel and that it will be revealed...
First Console
This is the fastest...
Name a better vehicle
Koreans are fucking weird
You'll buy her crossover fighting game, right Sup Forums?
Nightly DS/3DS comfy thread
I have quite the dilemma for you, Sup Forums...
3x3 thread: archived edition
Is Jim Fucking Sterling Son right that there are no ugly female characters in games? Clearly this is a huge problem...
Are you going to introduce vidya to your kids, or let them introduce themselves to it...
Name a fictional location from a game, and have others guess it WITHOUT GOOGLING OR I'LL KNOW
Co-Workers start talking about vidya Thread
Why did they stop making this series anyway?
Splatoon 2 Thread
What's the age gap for video games and when did you realize you're too old/getting too old for video games?
What does Sup Forums think of Nanako from persona 4?
Was Heavensward the Wrath of the Lich King of FFXIV? Discuss
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What was the best Simpsons game?
I love grand strategy, I love space themed games and I love the Master of Orion series (Except for 3)...
Hardmode: 1 is still a great game
Former Naughty Dog employee here...
Prove this wrong
ITT: Buyers remorse
What games feature or let you play as a hippo, the greatest animal on earth?
How does Chris Roberts sleep at night?
Wαifufags unironically think this Hank Hill ass is attractive
This acceptable?
C'mon Sup Forums, do you really think I'm gonna be low tier?
MGSV The pain
Do you have any vidya related tattoos Sup Forums?
Sonic Mania
Alright, Sup Forums, I'll give this silly MMORPG you play a chance, should I get FFXIV on Steam or stand alone?
Is the PSvita the current day dreamcast?
What's your opinion of this game?
ITT: games that would save the switch
I want this game. Do you?
I grew up believing Japan was some kind of nerd paradise where everyone played vidya
Persona 5 thread
I'm so fucking depressed
Now that Final Fantasy is officially a joke, what future does it have outside of cashgrab remakes?
Has there been a character that represent the concern of the players for a game like gudako?
Megaman BN thread: never ever edition
Why do americans love halo
Lawbreakers day one has less players than Battleborn day one
Why does time go by so much faster now?
Was she the villain of her own game? Objectively, everything was her fault
Why isn't she more popular?
What do critics see in PlayStation games?
Post a more overrated game
You did choose best girl, right Sup Forums?
Besides Wild Arms, are there any other western/cowboy-setting RPGs or Japanese adventure games?
Suggest me some good DOS games, Sup Forums
Why is it so good?
Late night Halo bread
Was it good?
Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a videogame?
Anybody else getting shit framerate? I thought it was UE3?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...