>yfw Aloy is real
Yfw Aloy is real
real ugly
>looks like a woman IRL
>looks like a man in-game
Why is that?
you probably wouldn't bang huh
Looks nothing, NOTHING, like the character.
>actually cute model
>makes video game character ugly as fuck for some tumblr points
Sony always wins!
user, you may need to get your eyesight checked.
Sony living in nintenbros head rent free
I think she's pretty.
>B-But Nintendo!
Like clockwork.
>b-but sony!!
She does, when a photographer isn't telling her to stand at a certain angle.
They are identical!
I got you covered famalan!
nice job user
Cute girl
Chubby tranny face
>This many gay toddlers ITT
>that little string of spittle
technology is cool
Not that cool, it's the edge of a tooth illuminated by a stupid in-mouth light source.
For being a bunch of shut in virgins, Sup Forums has some insanely high standards.
>a stupid in-mouth light source
I hate when devs do that, it really is fucking stupid
It's called "sour grapes", user