Start gaming channel

>start gaming channel
>realize you can't do commentary because you are boring and not funny

Other urls found in this thread:

Just do speed-runs or minimum level challenges.

You just need to be presentable, well-spoken, and confident-sounding.

It's not like other gamers make good commentary they're just good actors and articulators.

yep do this, it's what all no lifers, retards and fucking failed humans do.

you might as well be an orphan child as well at that point because you're so low on the totem pole

My main problem is I focus too much on the game. I just talk about little stuff involving the gameplay as I play. But I can trail off and tell stories. Its hard to do that when alone.

> start gaming channel

Alright, now how the fuck do I market it? Can't put it here, because user goes autismal spasmo every time someone does that.


Or be the guy who posts longplays without commentary.

>realize you can't get a gf because you're a ugly and boring person

Good. Make videos without commentary where you just play the game. There is a serious lack of those. Be sure to mark every video with "no commentary".

>can't do lets plays since im boring without script
>"alright Ill do reviews!"
>every game to hell and back has been reviewed and you would just be repeating the same info
>"alright, well maybe Ill make the review, more like a show! Maybe something like AVGN/Jontron/Angry Joe but with my own spin!"
>need filming equipment, props, and decent editing knowledge to do that, plus its not creative, and likely to be very tiring content to create after a year
>streaming is useless since no viewers

My thought process everytime I try come up with gaming related content for youtube. The last thing I can think of is Etika World Network style content, but that relys entirly on his interesting personality. Which frankly I dont have one.

I might just do in depth reviews like ProJared for fun I guess.

Just do something,
Don't worry if you suck, just have fun negro

Look at it this way, OP:

You're still more interesting than most popular gaming personalities.

You really think there is a market for that? Seems kinda boring. What about longplay with minimum talking. For the most part silent gaming, but still talk or get audio reaction when something crazy happens?

Or do you think that would be too middle of the road and not what anyone wants? I wouldn't mind doing completely silent longplays I suppose.

>playing game alone
>pretend to be doing commentary on it

You'd be surprised. A lot of people just want to watch a game they can't afford or is no longer on the market without someone talking over it.

At least you realise this.

Sometimes for a chuckle I go to twitch and scroll down to people with a few viewers. There are some boring cunts there with no personality at all who clearly try and stream daily for years to no avail and they wonder why.

>gaming channel
For what purpose? I work and when I get home, I shut myself in my room for a few hours to play video games alone. The last thing I want is human interaction, let alone recording myself and having people comment about me online.

Whats your shit op
Post it so i can watch stream now aswell so i can watch a stream of some narl

Just because it isn't for you doesn't mean there aren't people who enjoy it.

What games can you stream set it up faggot it'll be narl as fuck bruh

There's quite a few people who hate commentary, especially horror game fans (understandably).

Start a horror game channel without commentary = PROFIT.

Stream something with ass in it and were gud2go user

>you are boring and not funny
You're in the right place, friend.

There hasn't been a bigger collection of boring and not funny people since 'insert last game Anthony Burch worked on here'

You know, you are right. I will do it. Wonder if I should make that a separate channel or just mix the silent longplays in with all my other content

Meme it up.

>>start gaming channel

What are you trying to do, user? It seems like you want to make commentary heavy, personality focused lets plays but that's such an over-saturated market that you might as well not bother.

If you want to make gaming videos, then do something that's in short supply and is unique. Make lets plays that go in-depth and talk about the history of the game you're playing. Make reviews of obscure titles that no one else has heard about.

Don't worry about being shit, you'll get better over time. Just make sure to accept actual criticism when it's handed to you.

I'm one of these ppl. I need a streamer friend to shill me.

I'm bored right now so lets look:

twitch tv/bowsncanes

Mute it first
twitch tv/21aldringuia

Look at this whale:
twitch tv/asetgebnut

Stream now you bitch what the fuck how havent you set up a stream already no wonder your op jesus christ gaping assholes set up a stream and live the dream baby if you cant do that for Sup Forums then Sup Forums will hate you and call you gay everytime you post here and yeah I have the authority to say that fuck you op you faggot motherfucker haha egglord

>all these fucking normie teens in this thread.

>appeared in a Gmod video of some youtuber that gets 150K views each vid
>good 5-8 minutes of a 30min video of me joking around with him
>humor and interactions between us were great and editing made it it way better
>didn't even know the guy was some semi-popular youtuber until a friend sent me a link when he saw the vid of us

It really stoked my ego seeing people enjoying something I had a part in but I could never do something like that consistently as a content creator as I'm almost always too depressed to be humorous

Post link user

Not our prob if ur old gramps

I wouldn't mind streaming on Twitch, but I don't own a microphone/webcam.

Why do you need a webcam for streaming, anyway?

>Start youtube channel
>Afraid to do my normal type of commentary on the games because it might come off as trying hard to be funny even though I'm just a goof
>So instead resort to rattling off facts and trivia like a wiki page while playing
>Never finish any of the runs and delete all videos

Have you found any genuinely entertaining ones with few viewers?

Actually that was the concept of the channel when I was starting it. I wanted the content to be mostly reviews of PSN/Nintendo downloadable games. Games that have no reviews/shit reviews.

But every decent game I came across that I wanted to reviewed, already has been reviewed to hell. i would just be repeating the info. Which is why I was thinking of making it more of a show+review, so there is still value in watching it. But I dunno.

I might just make indepth reviews and make them interesting/funny, and try to ignore everyone one else's content.

My mic and capture card just arrived a few days ago. This is a little test video I made to try out the equipment.

Wheres the fucking stream not impressed at all

pretend to be someone praising the channel
you have to sound convincing or anons will spam dislikes and call you a nigger in the comments

do in-depth reviews and criticism if you arent funny
give people straight up info and logic
just dont be a moron and dont half-ass it

Only once some guy streaming Jad on OSRS, originally went in to watch him die and laugh but ended up giving him advice as he was pretty funny and chilled.

review niche games


Just get some video editing skills and add a witty comment here and there. Dont need to put your voice over the vid.

>every game to hell and back has been reviewed

If you actually want to try building an audience instead of just dicking around for fun, unless you are the most charismatic fucker in the world and get lucky through word of mouth, you need to piggyback off of things that are already popular (to get started).

1. Buy and review brand new games that already have a decent amount of hype. Try to put away $60 a month for this at least.

2. Critical/controversial reviews tend to get you more publicity. I'm not saying you should necessarily be harder on games, but don't be afraid to buy games that you think you might not like. Pure "yes men" are boring. If you end up reviewing one that you actually hate, you'll still enjoy shitting on it.

3. If you think you're boring to listen to, then study some public speaking techniques. You can make yourself a lot more interesting to listen to just by keeping your voice dynamic - changing up your pitch, volume, rhythm and emphasis at key points instead of speaking monotone or with the exact same rhythmic pattern over and over. You don't even have to say different things or be clever or funny.

If you only want to focus on a more niche subject then it's harder to get started, though not impossible. Good presentation can take you a very, very long way.

>record video of me playing a singleplayer game alone
>edit about half of the video
>not enough content in the video because i barely talk
>realize that i'm just not funny and that every time i say anything it sounds super forced
>give up on the video

>Want to do playthrough/commentary on old games you enjoyed
>Zero fucking time

You realize you need some friends first, right? And not just 1 or 2.

This post helps me a lot. Thank you user.

>every decent game I came across that I wanted to reviewed, already has been reviewed to hell.

Are they actually good reviews, or is it just someone talking in a monotone voice for 5 minutes? If it's the latter then you might as well try to make something that's better, more in-depth, and more bearable to listen to.

You may also want to expand your horizons beyond Nintendo/PSN stuff. Steam and GOG have a lot of interesting titles on them with not much coverage. Thrift stores as well are worth giving a shot if you need more titles; I've gotten a decent backlog of oddball games to talk about because of those places.

Also listen to , he's got good advice.

Is there an upper age limit to setting up gaming streams? I know there isn't, but where would you personally set it, and should popular streamers who reach this age quit?

If I miss a part of a story (like accidently skipping something) I'll try to find either the specific scene or try to skip to it in a no commentry long play. You won't get a lot of subscribers but I'd imagine you'd quite quickly get a lot of views. You have to be good at the game though.

25 unless you're fairly certain you have what it takes

there are plenty of popular streamers in their 30s

this is a stupid question user, just stream if you want to stream. who cares what your age is?

A lot of people, it seems. I don't get them either.

>Start up 80's anime review channel
>get a little bit better with each video
>Each review gets harder, & longer to make
>Realize nobody gives a fuck about anime older than 5 years that isn't Eva
>Youtube changes, & only gives views to daily blogpost channels

I would have to review something daily with a facecam taking up 90% of the video for any videos to get recommended on by youtube to likeminded people. Feels bad.

No commentary videos. Don't become another in a sea of shitty voices. If you can play games with skill then gameplay videos with no commentary are the way to go. Just show off what makes the game fun.