I'm so fucking depressed

Please post your Kirbys

end my fucking suffering

Hope you feel better user.



Good luck OP


Spherical friend cares about you


Have my oc op

I love it. Thanks

I don't have any kirbys, so have this birdie

that's a beautiful birdie

What do you need, King Sup Forumsv/v/?



















I love this

I need a monster to club at that'a Kirby



Feel better soon, Op.



What was that power? Cutter + Needle, something like that?


OP said he's depressed not horny.

why man? this thread was comfy.






how 'bout some dedede

Where can I get glasses like that?

Someone spoonfeed me here, did this happen in a game


I felt the same thing this morning. Found my kirby plush and curled up in bed for an extra 5 hours thinking of how lonely of a loser I am.

It'll be alright, user.



Did you follow the guide?




So do we still not have any new info at all regarding either new Kirby game?






not that i know of






what is he doing


Anyone have a link to the 25th anniversary album?





Fuck this thread Kirby makes me depressed because whenever I see this fuck it just reminds me of my ex's rabbits.



When will Platinum stop being cowards and finally make the Kirby game we all want



here OP I hope this makes you feel better

When will they ever learn?


My very first time playing Kirby 64, when it first came out, I was an impatient child and skipped the tutorial, I then proceeded to play through the whole game without knowing you could mix and match powerups.
When I later figured it out, I freaked out, especially at the lightsaber-esque power.



Never forget guys.


Kirby is a pussy slayer







Man I need to get the Kirby Nendoroid.

Take this borb