Are you going to give Bioware another chance, Sup Forums?

Are you going to give Bioware another chance, Sup Forums?

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If I want to play destiny I will play destiny. Bioware stopped evolving after da and me.

Bioware is dead and buried. Time to move on.

I've got my eye on it, but not getting hype yet. The concept seems amazing but there's no way they'll deliver.

Why would I do that when I could just wait for it to come out and look at some reviews and watch some gameplay?

No. Besides Anthem is just EA trying to get in on some of that destiny action.

Exactly this. Did Destiny do anything special to coincide with the Division being released? No. They had a content patch one month later, but other than that they didn't bring out all the stops. Why? Because they didn't need to, just how they won't need to do anything for Anthem because they have a strong player base that isn't going anywhere anytime soon no matter how much they bitch on the forums.

I bought Dragon Age 2 with my own money thinking the game would be good. Even going so far to defend it on Sup Forums back then thinking Sup Forums's accusations were exaggerated.

Bioware will never see a dime from me again.

stopped playing BW Games since ME3.

The playerbase will grow because the second game will be on battlenet or rather blizzard app™ as they like to call it now.

I liked Mass Effect 3
I liked it more than Mass Effect 1. I still hold it in high regard for the fantastic writing and worldbuilding but I could not stand the gameplay at all. One of the few games I've ever skipped side quests/plotlines to just get to the end

Mass Effect 2 is the best in the franchise and one of the few masterpieces of vidya ever made
I'm frightened by the thought that Drew K. and Mac W. were like Carmack and Romero and they might have needed each other to make the best game, instead of Mac Walters just ruining it all on his lonesome

>Supporting bioware after Kotor.


Nope. It looks like every other boring open world game that already exists except now you have a jetpack.

Thank you for letting us all know you have 0 standards for writing, gameplay, or bug testing.

>Destiny 2 is just a shitter version of the first
>Anthem is made by A team

Guess I will wait and see.

>Mad he can't sticky nade shoulder charge for easy kills anymore

Bioware used to be a good company, and then shifted to focus more on bad writing around the time of ME1 and DAO; The gameplay in those games was fucking dire. Then they decide to try and improve the gameplay but are completely incapable of doing so, and we're left with the combination of both shit writing and half-assed gameplay. They're the worst of all worlds and a fucking embarrassment these days.

EA sucks, Bioware fuckin sucks, and I hope they get shuttered and finally put out of their misery.

I don't understand the hype for this game, looks like nothing too new and it just seems kind of boring

> The concept seems amazing but there's no way they'll deliver.
i think this might be the best description of the current state of gaming ive seen in a while. its another example of how "idea" people with absolutely no idea what goes into making a game decide to take ideas public before the they have proof of concept.

This game is going to get the greatest downgrade in history. I don't trust that bullshot footage at all.

all im seeing is another version of the division, and that game was a fucking meme.

I am only interested in Star Wars from them.

Surprised EA hasn't just axed them like they do every other studio

>generic sci-fi
suck my ass

As much as I want to say no, I like Destiny model where you can play some raids with friends and the game tickles my inner /m/an. Obviously if it's shit I won't buy it and I'll buy Destiny 2 but we'll see.

Meh they get me in the iron man suits...since i actually never played those kind of games(brother is enjoying the division,didnt interested me yet) a may let myself to commit that mistake...maybe i get some fun

>greatest downgrade

it would take effort to top the division

My days of giving any money to EA are long over.

You are a fucking idiot if you think Mass Effect 2 is a masterpiece

>Bioware's last ditch effort is a too-late entry into the boring and already dying Looter Shooter genre
RIP in peace

This game looks like it's going to be stupid and poorly fleshed out though.

If my giving them a chance you mean waiting to see if they produce something worth a damn then sure.

Just don't preorder their shit and have at best, cautious optimism. Waiting a week or two after release to see if it's worth the hype doesn't cost you much. Fuck preorders.