I want a fucking explanation for what the fuck happened here. This was NOT like this last year...

I want a fucking explanation for what the fuck happened here. This was NOT like this last year, what the FUCK did Blizzard do??

Is it the net code? Did they change hitboxes or something? Not only is it a fucking gamble whether your air blast fucking registers or not but the way the ball randomly decides to roll over or even through players rather than bouncing off of them is fucking stupid. They took something I loved and fucking made it insufferable.

To make things even worse, every second match you have some shitter either on your team or theirs who just wants to grief people because they're frustrated. Get a goal on someone who didn't want you to get a goal on them? Congrats, they're now going to refuse to play and emote spam to piss off their team. It's not fucking fun when a match is 2v3 because Blizzard refuses to segregate the tantrumming little children into their own containment rank.

And this is probably just in my head, but I fucking swear every time I get to 2490+ in ranked, they deliberately start matching me with Silvers so I'll lose ten games in a row. What the fuck is witch this shit?? Every single time I climb back near to 2500 it just hammers me with a dozen losses in a fucking row. It's mighty suspect when I'm playing alongside people my own rank and right as I'm about to rank up I'm suddenly with people 500+ points lower than myself, losing because I can't carry two people by myself.

I hit platinum without a sweat user.


>op throws a tantrum and complains about other people throwing tantrums

t. someone who doesn't even play Overwatch

I won 5 placement matches and lost 5 and still came out at 2740, suck my dick m8.

>rants are tantrums now
And microaggressions are violence! I didn't know we had snowflakes on the board.

>I didn't know we had snowflakes on the board

If your going to complain about snowflakes then sack the fuck up and go climb back up to plat you fucking loser

What the fuck are you crying about? They made is way bettet than the mess it was last year. Placed Diamond no sweat.

This is what you get for not playing rocket league

>then sack the fuck up
I can't read illiterate bearish, your snowflake education has fucking failed you.

Oh neat, I discovered a new filtered word on Sup Forums.

I'm real sorry your stuck down in silver m8 but you can relax about it, it's just a game.

it sucked last year and it sucks this year

who cares

which one?

>playing shitty bootleg rocket league when rocket league exists
what do you expect retard? just play the actual game

I dont want to pay 30 dollars for this fairly limited mode of play.

I placed in high diamond. How the fuck do you even place below platinum? How bad are you?

>win 8 placement matches in a row
>get matched with complete shitters and lose last 2

Fuck the matchmaking system

the full game is fun enough that you can play it for many hours. plus it goes on sale constantly


Confirmed for never even playing the game, 2000-2500 isn't silver.

is the loot system similar to overwatch's?

>confirmed for never playing

As I said before, I placed 2740 despite losing 5 placement matches - I didn't read your entire tantrum so I didn't see your "2000-2500" but lets face it, your probably lower than that since you wont tell us the actual number, kek. I'm sorry you suck.

I got placed in diamond and I never even played lucioball last year, if it makes you feel better OP.

Because Lucio Ball was actually fun last year, then Blizzard ruined it

>its ruined because you suck at it

>I didn't read your entire tantrum so I didn't see your "2000-2500"
If you didn't read it then how did you know he wasn't in platinum too? Your entire speel is falling apart faster than Overwatch's playerbase.

>how did you know he wasn't in platinum too

he said he couldnt get there, or should I say, you said it. lol. Why are you so triggered you are shitty at a mode in Overwatch of all games? Goddamn.

I like it better than last year because you can't shove people with your right click anymore.

That shit was infuriating.

its fun this year I'm assuming the physics were just as whack as it was before, I haven't played before this season. Getting to plat was almost too easy.

They changed the reload time on your toon's abilities and changed how the ultimate works, it's not the same game as last year's.

Lucioball came out when the game was running at 20 tick, not the current 60 tick.

You've been playing for a year of 60 tick (or, like most people, werent playing when the game was running at 20 tick) and Lucioball has not been updated to 60 tick for whatever reason.

This is the problem with Lucioball, granted, if you got a shit rank its on you.

>if you got a shit rank its on you.

according to him its the matchmaking's fault. lel.

It feels the same as last time in terms of physics. The new ult and removal of shoving promotes more active gameplay than last year.

First year playing it and got 3494

I think you might just be shit OP

>get 10 crates at start of game
>get 10 for twitch prime
>get golden crate for twitch prime
>all the crates you get on the way to level 50

guys im simply swimming in legendaries
im the luckiest ovwerwatch player i swear, everyone else tells me they have shit luck but sometimes i get 2 or 3 legendaries in one crate

i have so many legendaries, i dont even have the urge to buy crates
i just wanted to tell someone/

hey how did you get 10 from prime I only got 5 and 1 gold box

aren't the majority of players around plat? How bad can you be????

oh sorry maybe i got 5


The netcode is awful and they changed the way the Ults work.

ignore the quality i was messing around with game setting

>get placed in masters despite being plat in the real game
>going to let myself derank to avoid playing the shitty collision detection

Just finished my 10 preliminaries and got 3499 CP, OP confirmed for a scrub

Platinum is average. I'm fine with that. It's a casual game./

Masters is average, Platimum is Mid-Tier. Gold is faggot tier. Anything below isn't worth mentioning.

just play it for the box

I placed plat with my girlfriend and we lost most of our games.

my brother and I just lost all ten matches and still came out on platinum lol

why dont we have Sup Forums overwatch partyvans?

>mfw literally everyone is platinum or masters but OP is struggling to get out of gold

>playing ranked

It's Overwatch, stop acting like it's a competitive game. It's great in quick play, but completely pointless in ranked.

can't be that hard

>got silver

Half the games are people either not playing or intentionally throwing for quick exp. Fucking infuriating.

Stop crying about your gold rank lol

>Always on the team that doesn't have the shitters on it
>Always win by default

>mid tier
>the middle
>not average

>Doesn't know the differences between median, medium, and mean

keep on digging, sooner or later you're bound to accidentally say something that makes you look like less of a retard

Jesus Christ, didn't even know you could get that shit a quality.

lol user I threw half my games to try and get ranked in bronze and the game still shitted me into masters.

How the fuck do you unironically get gold in lucioball.

That's Dunky's rank you just cropped from a screenshot.

>playing RANKED lucioball in any serious capacity
you guys are fucking retarded

Did Dunky actually get ranked at 3622 or is this bait?

What is with Blizzard games where ranked is where everyone shits the bed and casual play is where everyone plays seriously?

It's much better now. The new ult requires actual skill and planning and the reduced range on your boop means you have to actually be accurate.

I love it, I've already had three games where we Mercy Ruled them out. Placed in high platinum and still there.

>reinstall game to open the 5 boxes from twitch prime
>literally only get whites and blues

Except when your game registers a save but the net code gives the other team a goal anyway.
They need to fix that, at the very least. There's an issue if the player is registering a perfect save on their end and not everyone else. It's not a hit box issue like people keep crying, it's a net code issue.

I haven't run into that. I hate to say it, but it works fine on my end. ;)

I placed Diamond in Lucioball and stopped. Shit is boring.

since this is the only overwatch thread up, i just wanted to express my pure, white hot hatred for symmetra. I have a deep and primal loathing for her.

thank you.

I just miss playing as bastion or symetra and ruining the game for everyone else.

Nerf Symmetra Daily

I play goalie in the friend group. That shit is common as hell. Its fucking infuriating.

>To make things even worse, every second match you have some shitter either on your team
Play with two friends.

this post cursed me and I lost about 8 matches in a row, down to 3948
that's what I get for trying to show off, I guess

>Played Lucio Ball last year
>Blizz took it away
>Bought Rocket League, clocked 80 hours in a few weeks
>Played 3 rounds of Lucio Ball this year cause a friend wanted to
>Went to Rocket League instead

Lucio Ball is slow and unreliable cause the game isn't really designed for it.
Don't really get why my friend hates Rocket League but loves Lucio Ball.

lol It really isn't, you're just shit

Just a guess, but maybe people are less willing to be experimental, and stick to the meta, which is easier to counter since everyone knows what to expect.

>Play with two friends

itt; We can easily tell who has two friends to co-operate with and who's stuck relying on random pugs.

Lucioball is an extremely dumbed down Rocket League. OW simplified physics make me fucking sick

I solo queued though and placed in diamond.

Hit reg was just as sketchy the last time

>getting mad about ranked Lucioball
Jesus fucking christ

>taking lucioball this seriously

Just get your lootbox and gtfo

>they're trying to steal some of rocket league's thunder
why put so much effort into trying to though?

Lucioball was always a shit tier mode that really brings to light the shortcomings of the games engine. Its just that the first time Lucioball came around it was still thee games honeymoon period

What are you talking about, lucioball is a million times better than it was last year. I'm actually surprised how small a change of making the ult not garbage makes it more fun.

Even the competitive lucioball is good, it's the only good aspect of competitive play without any of the autism that you normally get. No team composition bitching, no getting shit maps like anubis, nothing. It's honestly one of the only good things Blizzard has ever done with this game, though with doomfist actually being a good character and TDM maybe they decided to start making a good game now.

>doomfist actually being a good character
*stuns you*
*oneshots your supports*

Pshhh respect the noble sewages

He's much better than ana, sombra, and orisa.

>always on the other team

>Masters is average
Masters and up is the top 4% of the playerbase
GM and up is less than 1%

I'll give you that Orisa is unimpressive and Sombra is actively bad but Ana dominated the game for months after release and is still quite strong

>but Ana dominated the game for months after release and is still quite strong
That's not a good thing, she was aggressively overpowered on release (and still kind of us, though less so)
Then there's [Dies in Spanish] who's maybe good if you're in a master comp game where everyone perfectly communicates with each other but that shouldn't be a necessary aspect to play a character.

>Sombra is actively bad
Showing your gold there buddy. There is a reason she's the least chosen character, but consistently picked in the top tiers. Shitters can't use her.

I hit master in less than 20 games
Step it up

>top 4%
All you have to do is get the wins to that number, everyone can do it

>There is a reason she's the least chosen character, but consistently picked in the top tiers. Shitters can't use her.
then she's objectively a bad design as a character

>not getting mad about ranked lucioball

>tremendous skill gaps between players in the same ranks (just like in normal comp tho)
>bullshit lucky gols everywhere
>teams scoring one or two then sitting at the goalpost
>people instantly giving up after they get shit on early, deliberate or not