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Video Games #3872
Video Games
*blocks your path*
She's a big girl
This game has caused me to reflect on my entire life in a bad way...
Game has little replayability due to accidental kills/contextual opportunities being displayed with objective markers...
They may as well call it Metal SAG now. Nothing but titty monsters
Has this game aged well? About to start as I haven't played it in forever. Paladin all the way
Sup Forums suddenly loves the potato
Aren't we due for a new Elder Scrolls game?
What's the best Nazi killing game?
Who are the best girls from vidya?
Sup Forums tells you a game is good
Why are most of the rick and mortality episodes so shit. Some are great though
RDR coming to PC
*saves your genre*
ITT: Games that women will never understand
What was his problem?
What's the best MMO out there to get stupid and grind in? No Korean shit
Tits aside, how do you feel about Quiet? I like her but she makes the game too easy and more boring...
Just got a new game in the mail
Makoto is the best girl
Puyo Thread?
Is playing video games for too long actually bad for your eyes?
Is this the best combo this gen?
Is there a bad Kirby game?
Why can't I stop? I want to stop. Please help
Name a game with a better soundtrack, if you think you can
I'm replaying SA2 right now and it's a lot of fun. The only part I'm not liking is the mech stuff...
Itoi advertising a PS4 release
Just borrowed some PS1 games
Don't mind me, just pirating this test
Mario Kart Discussion
Play game
Does Sup Forums play Escape from Tarkov?
Who cookie clicker here?
Who was your first video game crush?
I play games for story
Shadow of the Collosus Remake
Who is your favorite (male) video game character?
Is the Xbox version as bad as the one on ps3?
Can anyone tell me what video games actually are?
How much money did SEGA and Haxman shill out for critics to give it scores it doesn't deserve?
Post favorite RTS units
Kojidrones are the worst
Game has robobro
Mfw when I put all my stats in persuasion
Do you guys wear gaming apparel in public?
PS4 got Nier:Automata
What should my build be Sup Forums?
ARMS (Dead Game)
Launch day
He's a janitor
Is FF8 worth playing? Why is there a stigma attached to this game? What is considered "bad" about it?
ITT: 10 out of 10 vidya soundtracks
What a mess
What's the Max Headroom of video games?
ITT: casual filters
How do we fix the horror genre?
Friends all having a fun time playing Splatoon 2
Morgana was the best character in Persona 5
Smash players
Is Half-Life worth playing through if I've never played it?
Pc heats up the room
Thinking of buying Elite Dangerous on the PS4. No Man's Sky is still dogshit, and I doubt that'll change anytime soon...
What the fuck has Sonic Team been doing for the past 15 years?
*Everybody put your hands together for the DOTA. CARD. GAME.*
Who would would win in a fight?
Shining thread
This game sucks
What are the best Star Wars games?
Do you think Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite has been effectively memed to death?
The Switch is a good sys-
Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?
Tfw Sup Forums will ever praise Gaben again
How do we stop the PlayStation Cuatro?
Game ends on a cliffhanger
What are some video games where you kill dragons with a ice spear besides skyrim?
What are some games that let me pretend to be smart?
Sonic isn't good
Picked up this game and all dlc for $5 over the weekend
Post the top 10 games you have most hours in and be judged for your tastes. I'll start
How is it possible that the writing in this game is so awful?
So I decided to play Spore again to relive my childhood after being told I have about 4 years to live
Now that the dust has settled. Can we now agree that this was worse than DS2?
Skyrim Deluxe Neural Edition coming Spring 2045
How do we fix CD PROJEKT RED
ITT: Vidya bad habits
I just beat Persona 3 and I love Aigis so much
All rise for the Sup Forums court
What are some good Skyrim mods?
Sup Forums, I'm about to go to college and I'm pretty scared of change in my life...
Game tells you not to look up any skirts
I challenge you to find a PS2 game that has aged worse
Picking up a RPG after not playing it for 6 months
The normal battle theme is way too epic
This is Poison. Say something nice about him
More of these?
Donkey Kong Country vs Crash Bandicoot
Opening scene has major spoiler
You take another step forward, and here I am again, like your own reflection repeated in a hall of Deus Ex threads
Try your luck. Do you own a 2D fighting game that I don't?
Just dowloaded the demo, how good is this game?
VIII deserves the remake
What does Sup Forums think of Dante Sparda and his video games
There are a lot of games where you can romance your companions, but why won't more games let you romance your enemies?
Is a Capcom-developed Zelda actually one of the best ever made?
What game or platform do you think this guy playing?
What games have girls that look so fit for breeding?
Finished this in 56 minutes
Vidya Dev
Is there ever going to be a character death that will too this?
Who is the best female video game character and why is it samus?
What the fuck was her problem?
Quick, you have 10 seconds to post the comfiest vidya location of all time
Yet another amazing game released in 2017
Well, I didn't think it possible, not for 20 years long but they finally did it
Stop giving this fat fuck your money
Buy my game and DLC
90,000 sales worldwide
Why is Tails your favorite Sonic character Sup Forums?
ITT: Post ugly aloy screenshots
Mindfuck thread
Virgins side with Mr. House
Best Sonic game is made by westerners
Use heal on undead enemy
What's the best way to get high quality game soundtracks? Doesn't matter if flac or mp3 or something else
Duuuuude more green fel zones lmao
Muh nostalgia pandering
Name a game that does water levels well
PC > Phones >>>>>> Consoles
Hi, we were given a blank cheque by Microsoft Corporation to destroy video games. Did we do a good job?
One month
This is Sup Forums. Say something nice about her
Xenoblade 2 rated in Australia
SEGA Wishlist
Guessed a coin flip right
I'll give you exactly ten seconds to post legitimate valid reasons why you haven't ditched old...
Dont mind me just dumping some stuff
20 years later and this is still the best looking game of the 4th gen
See Ela AND IQ both in their prone positions
PlayStation has been eating this gen up. Is there anyone that can stop it?
Hows those skin round ups going? All I've gotten is grill master 76
Why does Sup Forums like Ape Escape so much? I thought it was just an 8/10 game, I stopped playing when I finished it
Why jap games feature so much rape?
Why does everyone on Sup Forums hate this game? I thought the gameplay was way more interesting than Smash
Rate my taste
What would you like to see in Sonic Mania 2?
ITT: God tier redesigns
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Can deathmatch even work in this game...
Load = blown
More like this
I swear to god, you guys are so self-entitled. Stop disliking my videos
Mosaic thread: Sonic Mania
Why is the tutorial so hard? Is this one of those games for autists like original xcoms?
What exactly makes Geralt so attractive to women? How does he manage to score with nearly every chick he comes across?
ITT: Best Multiplayer Maps
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why are nips so bad at making crawlers
Is there a canonical reason Roxas has two keyblades?
It's been 16 years since we've had a good Sonic game
ITT: good video games to play while listening to heavy metal
Wtf i love no mans sky now
Are there any games that use the uncanny valley to make you scared?
*steals your GOTY*
Which one's the best?
Look at your Dualshock 4
NeoGAF cant figure out how to play Sonic Games
Game expects you to have extensive knowledge of shakespeare for a puzzle 10 minutes in
People defend this
Sup Forums deletes any recc threads
Sonic Mania
And this is our son's room
Who's the smuggest video game character?
Just got a new computer. I've never played Overwatch nor do I really know anything about it. Should I buy it?
What went wrong?
My first hint that this game was going to be fucking shit...
P.T. had its 3rd anniversary a few days ago
ITT: games that are now impossible to talk about on Sup Forums
*blocks your path*
......I actually liked it
The console industry should be between MS, Apple and Google
Best part of this game
ITT Letter to Gaben
*blocks your path*
This is Zero, he's going to sleep for 102 Years starting today. Say something nice to him
Surely my DEX character will be able to block this weapon and riposte for the kill!
Sup Forums The Musical
Why can't From recreate the atmosphere and feel of Dark Souls 1? You still remember the first time you play Dark Souls...
I hate to say it, but i agree with Polygon/Arthur Gies. i been playing Mania all day since 12 o clock...
Is this accurate?
Agents of JUST
Developer is a confirmed supremacist/pedo/tranny/whatever the fuck
Which is the better approach Sup Forums?
Almost a 90 on Metacritic. Is it really that good?
Who here enjoyed the baldurs gate and champions of norrath games
This video game will never be topped
Let's have a Vidya Webm Thread™
Haha, us gamers, right?
This map is a joke
Undisputed, unrefuted
Are we really going to act like this game isnt a 3ds port
Does the current generation have any abhorrent games? I'm talking Superman 64 bad. Or at the worst, Sonic 06 bad...
Does Mania have Hyper Sonic?
I started Old Hunters on NG+, what am i getting myself into?
Want to replay one of your favorite games
Why aren't you playing Persona 5 for free on your PC right now?
Final boss asks you to join them
Game has a lava level full of platforming
Admit it - you cried when this came in the mail today
Too many main characters in vidya have little to no family. Any games where the protagonist has a happy home life?
Yes. It's happening. Obsidian is developing another Fallout!
Shouldn't they at least get some DPS to tag along?
S3&K > Mania > 2 = CD > 1
She turns into the main antagonist/villain of the last video game you played
Fact: Grapplers are the most fun fighting game archetype
Small hand gaming
It's happening! ^_^
Now that he hype has died down, what are your honest thoughts on this game...
Motion controllers will be forced
This is Celestia Ludenberg, the best girl in Danganronpa
What went wrong?
What's your fighting game winpose Sup Forums?
This kills Bioware Montreal
Mfw i just found out about a 15 year old game about pirates that is still getting modded to this day
What does Sup Forums think of the Fairy Fencer series? Is it any good or is it just flashy...
Why is this game so boring?
Show your latest pickups keep it vidya
Have you ever been addicted to video games?
Who else thinks this game is criminally underrated
Final boss is you
This game is terrible
Will you buy Blue Reflection on PS4 or PC?
Thoughts on Metal Gear Solid?
Japan does not take risks in creating new and exciting games. Oh by the way...
Do you prefer practical or impractical weapon designs in videogames?
I don't care what Sup Forums says, it's a home console that you can also bring anywhere
Favorite female video game character. Mine is Sunny. She's cute and smart
Looking for Baal?
Why aren't you playing SFV right now? Abigail is really fun
Your favourite part of The Legend of Zelda series?
Game calls you a fucking nerd for 100%ing it
Does Oblivion have good mods?
Your move, Mario
I got a Steam key for Sonic Cd
Is vita worth it
First person perspective
Bearing in mind the fact that it is free and ~8 hours, is Cry of Fear a good game?
Steam avatar thread boys
Tons of fantasy rpg games
This game was released nearly 20 years ago...
Screenshot thread
Sonic Mania
What games would God play?
Senran Kagura
How many anons stayed to listen to his story towards the end?
Favorite game
What did they mean by this
This game should have never gotten popular
Bioware Job
Is Blacked the best looking game on the PS2?
Sonic Mania
Why does vidya "journalists" pretend to know what they are talking about?
I need more games with a high cut outfit like this one. Any platform but I prefer to play on PC...
Is this the greatest blunder of 2017?
I want to get into this series
Unrecorded dumb or great achievments no will believe you did
How is that game you've been working on coming along, Sup Forums?
Monster Hunter Comfy Thread
Is it good? Got it for free on PS4
Mayb here, things will be different
Dark souls help
Any good games for a shitty PC?
You have no excuse not to own a Switch
2 more weeks
OOH!!! Majestic!!! A Hunter is a Hunter, even in a Bloodborne thread
This is Bullet. Say something nice about her
You gays argue about everything
Will we ever see command and conquer make a comeback?
Undertale is greatest RPG. Maybe
Nidhogg 2 launch trailer
This is the cancer killing video games
What games help you get over depression?
PS2 multiplats looked like THAT??!
Should I play it?
What are the best Kirby games, in your personal opinion?
Who is the most manly video game character?
Which games have powerful character creators?
I refuse to believe he is dead he will come back!
ITT: only 11/10 games
So when are GPU prices finally gonna drop again?
Find a flaw
Steam friend stops talking to you
can stream meme games like PUBG in 360p
Which Link was the best Link?
The music suddenly stops
Ratchet and Clank thread
Perfect games don't exi-
Shit games thread
Reminder if you stick by any of these you're no better than any of them
Played a game years ago that was pretty good
You're going to buy Neppy's new game, right, Sup Forums?
Would you buy an Amy game?
Vanilla WoW thread
Risk of rain
One month
Villianess is romancable
For Honor
Can someone explain the buzz around this, not only now but for the last months and maybe one year...
How did Bethesda manage to make such a lifeless, repetitive and empty RPG, and have it still sell millions?
What does Sup Forums think about Sadayo "skip my class, later fuck me in the ass" Kawakami?
Physical Copies
It's out
I don't care, my new tattoo is cool as fuck. What do you think? Anyone here have vidya tattoos!
I just realized that I've had Saints Row 3 and 4 in my library for ages but never played them
Is it safe to say we're never going to get a good LOTR game ever again and must endure sequel after sequel of Shadow of...
You will never be him
Leaked July 2017 NPD
Why does this game have a 10/10 rating everywhere?
Your MBTI type
Humble Bundle
What sort of people play fighting games?
Yo buddy, still alive?
What are the chances that Square Enix DOESN'T fuck up the Final Fantasy VII Remake...
I need you to name a game you always come back to when there's nothing good to play
Itt: things that were absolutely superior to the gameboy that were available at the same time as it
Itt post the best video game armour
ITT: Games with twists you never saw coming
*blocks your path*
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Now there's no excuse if PS4 still outsells Switch this month
ITT: We predict when Volition goes bankrupt
Thoughts about Sombra?
Did mega man invent the dab?
What weapons r u gonna use in monster hunter world?
Vidya butts
Post a better looking hunter. you can't
Study suggests first-person shooters may be damaging your brain
Hear her voice-over in GTA V
Did you know?
This is a Unicorn
Add floating orbs you can press E on and fuck up the biomes while adding barely any actual content
The Telltale treatment
Why do so many people hate Nier Automata even though it was an enormous success financially...
Here bro. You can be Player 2
Which is the patrician way to play switch?
The Metaphysics of Sonic
What is the last indie game you enjoyed?
SJWs got to RB6 Siege
What video games would Sup Forums play with their children when they have children...
This is the true GOTY for 2016
Ruh Roh... the Switch version of Sonic Mania is selling FIVE TIMES as well as the PS4 version
Argonians are the best race and this is why
What happened to video game conferences?
Do you remember them?
These are the heroines from the video game Maitetsu. It has an English release planned by Sekai Project
Pretty good controller. Shame about the console
Dokkan Battle
Sonic is alive
Hector thread
Its out for Ps4 today should i get it anons?
After playing Grimoire, I'm interested in checking other old-school blobbers...
What's in the the box?
Mania thread no memes edition
There was a thread about how to make Fallout 5 that had some good potential...
*Ruins your game*
Sonic Adventure isn't "badly aged"; it was always fun despite the flaws
It's up
If Dark Souls is a Japanese game, then why is there a European giant , instead of an oriental one?
He did a presentation about Bloodborne
Japan Popularity Poll
I don't give a shit about "reviewers" and scores or whatever
Fire emblem switch
Hurr durr
Who will win by the end of the year?
First day of school
Post how many hours you were able to tolerate this steaming pile of dog shit that killed one of the most beloved RPGs...
Does Sup Forums play any mobile games?
New banner
Why is it a taboo to like jap games?
Would a game set in a fantasy setting inspired by the African continent and its folklore be interesting to you
He doesn't listen to music while playing video games
People on Sup Forums actually buy and play shovelware mobile phone games
Hey, Sup Forums. This is my favorite video game of all time
How's that backlog coming along, Sup Forums?
Game where character size disparity is used in gameplay feature?
What is the best sprite based racing game?
100 games played
I don't get it
Will AI players kill the E-sport meme?
Is it really deserving of the title "best Castlemania ever"?
Fuck, bros, is 2017 the best year for video games in a decade?
How Will Sonic Forces Even Compete?
ITT: Best Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Experiences
What are some good party-based RPGs?
Shit tier Zelda games
Oh, don't mind us
Integrate glitch into game lore instead of fixing it
How do the console bing bing wahoo yahoo players feel about Total War: Warhammer?
What games do Japanese people play? Not weebs; actual Japanese people...
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Thanks for beta-testing. We'll handle Undertale from here
Name one thing from this game that's gonna make this GOTY for you
Post A E S T H E T I C or kino screenshots
So now that PUBG is literally stealing the playerbase from Overwatch...
This is Curie. She's objectively the best vidya companion since Tali...
Game based on going fast
Fire boss
People paid for this shit
Why is Zarya so GOD DAMN perfect?
So user, I heard you had a pitch for the new fallout game
Gf of one year
I wholeheartedly believe this
Moero Chronicle
What game lets me flip the tables on the bad guys?
Hows the Warband campaign going Sup Forums
Awful physics
Do Video Game Reviews Still Matter?
Name a better emulator
Listen to one song
So /fgg/ made a list of the 20 best fighting games of all time, what do you guys think of it?
There's nothing wrong with mobile gam-
ITT: Games with the shittiest most toxic communities
How do we fix it?
Why does everything in this piece of shit weeb grindfest look like fucking porcelain?
What am I in for?
This game is back. And open-source, apparently
Is this video correct , Sup Forums?
What are these people?
When is the OG Xbox bc going to be available?
Is Borderlands 2 worth a play? Got gifted to me a few years back never bothered trying it
Anyone have trouble getting into Witcher 3 because of the
Final boss is you from a different timeline where you fucked up
What other games really nailed their sound design?
Post perfect games only
Persona 3 vs Persona 4
Sega Mega Drive / Genesis appreciation thread?
Infinity Engine = master race of cRPG
A thread for those who are playing Sonic Mania
Post your exact face during this moment
ITT: overrated shit
Japanese devs
Hey sis, I know you've murdered several people in cold blood...
Do you like Paradox's grand strategy games, Sup Forums?
Ways to Identify Gamers in Real Life
Not all 7.3 content will be available on day 1
Best RPG from the year 2007?
Enemies cant see the giant green lights illuminating the entire room
RPG where I can play a blind character
Name 3 games that are bad on purpose
Should I get this or is V better? Ive not played this series since II
Favorite AVGN episode
What happens in Dubai, stays in Dubai
GOG sale thread
What are some games where you mostly just chat?
Raid: WW2. Payday 2 with nazis
How can you choose cold metal, over the splendor of flesh
How can a game like Escape From Tarkov make shockwaves in the gaming community when it's made by a small developer team...
We can all agree that FFXV was disappointing mess so how do we save Final Fantasy...
Hey you. Fuckface. If you want into my dojo than give me your best rap. Now
[Hentai 2D] Ugoku E.C.M.5 (August 2017) / 動くE.C.M.5
Reminder that the new Metroid Prime game will be a 3rd person shooter
Splatoon 2
How do i save up for nintendo switch
What is the Xavier: Renegade Angel of video games?
Let's discuss this incredible game
Glory kills
We can talk about the lore?
Simple reminder that it's never too late to switch to the winning team
One of these threads
What did EA mean by this?
Can anyone enlighten me as to what the fuck is up with this general?
Are there any good Orwellian games?
Samus <3
Opinions about new Call of Duty?
This is literally the most underrated game on the planet. Shame on you if you haven't played it yet
What games are keeping you from hanging yourself from a doorknob with a towel?
Tekken 7 sold more units in two months than Street Fighter 5 did in a year
TEKKEN mains
Vidya boobie thread
What do you drink while gaming?
Christmas 2001 is coming
Backstories allow your character to play heroic or mercenary playstyles without contradicting your origin
Why the fuck are graphics still not as good as Toy Story yet?
Give me a bit of your energy. Just a sip
TFW Salmon Rush has bad weapons
What was the last good racing game Sup Forums?
ITT: games that should get a sequel
Over to you Nintendo
Whats the most honest fighting game that people still play?
Are time limits the worst mechanic ever introduced to adventure/exploration/RPG games?
This is honestly amazing
Daily reminder that the best medieval game of the decade will be playable later this month
Game has moral system
Steam friend removes you without a word
Is Freeze the most broken status effect in all of gaming?
Trying to play persona 5
Will she ever get her own game?
“My guess is that if you watch the same handful of people over time, you start to feel like they’re… your friends...
Post games with thoroughly oppressive atmospheres that make you want to kill yourself
Will this ever come out for anything other than ps3, even ps4 or pc would be better
Tch, any reason you still haven't finished your backlog yet, user?
Sonic Mania Launch thread
Alright, Sup Forums, what would your perfect game be?
Do you want to talk about your favorite games, user? I love Skyrim
Undertale has sold approximately 2,728,439 copies (check steamspy)
Ha ha
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare goes as far as it possibly can into the future...
Tfw game burnout
I just finished the first chapter of Blood, so let's have a retro FPS thread
ITT: The worst fucking ideas
Your favorite angry game reviewers who are better than AVGN
Path of Exile
Now that the dust has settled, how did Hitman 2016 compare to older entries and especially Blood Money?
The latest beauty from western developers, hoa can Japan even compete?
Daily Reminder PCFags are missing out for another half month
Hey Sup Forumsusers
Good Co-OP Games
Is Persona 5 worth buying a PS4 for? Also what other GOOD weeb games are there on PS4
Still has 12 unit limit
Steam Trade Thread
Finnish player joins your guild
So, Sup Forums, I fucked up my penis...
Ed Edd N Eddy Online
Why aren't you playing a fighting game RIGHT NOW?!
Claim your vidya girl
Sup Forums The Musical
I've seen a lot of people saying 2 is better than 3&K
I'm replaying Adventure 2 right now and wow. I've never realized how dog shit this game was...
Name a game where the final boss is a real disappointment. I'll start
Why are men allowed to be this sexualized in video games?
Luck out and roll a bunch of 5* on relatively few orbs
Breath of the Wild Trailer 3
Why do modern developers struggle so hard to grasp the concept of "old school" FPS...
Are you getting these?
How many people do you guys sub to on twitch? I sub to 4, summit1g sodapoppin andy milonakis and shroud
Streamers are dumping Overwatch and moving to PUBG en masse due to toxicity and meta problems
Hey guys, what are some good Xbox 360 games? I'm bored as fuck and I don't know what to play after beating Dishonored
ITT: Aesthetically pleasing screenshots
Can anyone recommend a good RPG with good, visceral combat?
What went wrong?
Persona 3 anniversary thread
How would you create a Sonic game in 3D?
Underrated downloadable games from the ps360 era
COD Zombies
Why do people love Alisa
Does wanting to fuck Mipha make me a furry?
I thought this was supposed to be the year of VR? Seems like theres been no interest since January
He sides Mr. House
ITT: Post the most retarded game-breaking bugs you've ever encountered
Which Prey was the best Prey?
Can Sup Forums recommend some comfy playthroughs to binge?
How do you feel about fan artists making woefully inaccurate versions of characters?
So I'm going to be getting this laptop because the one I've had since 2007 I'm poor as shit so I could never upgrade...
Why haven't you built that gaming PC yet, user?
Play my game
What racing games have good drifting Sup Forums?
Who's ready for patch 1.7 tomorrow?
ITT: Post Skeletons
I want a fucking explanation for what the fuck happened here. This was NOT like this last year...
I like Tharja. Like, a lot
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...