Will AI players kill the E-sport meme?

Will AI players kill the E-sport meme?
I for one would like these fat fucks get a real job.
Would you watch 2 AI bots playing DOTA against each other?

nonsense, watching 2 perfect beings trying to compete is boring, I tried by racing against my ghost

I wouldn't watch two of anything play DOTA against each other, what a waste of time


Didn't they only like do the weird midlane Shadow Fiend lasthit duel or some shit?
That AI most likely cannot control any other hero or do anything else and would be useless past the laning stage in a real game.

But in general the AI will always be better than a human at some very specific task.

Of course a killbot is going make perfect mechanical moves in a twitch reaction game. It's the same thing as an aimbot in CS.

No, when they made that AI public it took less than 30min for people to find multiple ways to exploit it and win easily, and some pro players were able to win against it in "legit" way..

>I for one would like these fat fucks get a real job.
Why? What the fuck do you care?

Not even in laning stage because even then there's often more than few heroes.

>AI stream-sniping bots will end the twitch cancer within your lifetime

feels fucking great

It was standard mid 1vs1 game. The rules are that both players play the mid lane and first player who gets a kill or destroys the enemy mid tower wins.

>Will AI players kill the E-sport meme?
No, people aren't going to watch AI compete with each other for anything other than the novelty. It's outright autism to think otherwise.

>Would you watch 2 AI bots playing DOTA against each other?
Nobody watches 1v1 DOTA already unless they're really fucking bored.

Which game was this AI for?

Didnt some team (google or even elon again) said they would make a perfect StarCraft 2 AI?

Still that's far, far removed from an actual Dota match. So the quote in the OP is very misleading. The 1v1 midlane situation in Dota isn't nearly as complex as an entire game of Go.

I would argue that eSports are not more complex than go

No, just like AI didn't kill Chess

>real job

For AI it is

>it's just reading your inputs and reacting to what you're doing immediately
plus it's always open for exploits
tons of people already beat it
it's literally retarded

From the perspective of AI, even the simplest of real-time video games (and even some turn-based) are magnitudes more complex than board games. We'll see what games Elon is talking about. If it's MOBAs, I'll genuinely be impressed, as I assume those games are quite like RTSs, which are complex for AIs. There's a reason we have highly advanced Chess AI but any human can absolutely trash the best AI at Total War.

>tons of people already beat it
Where? It was only shown at TI and only a handful of people actually played with it

they made an online tourney after and the first 150 people to beat it get awarded with an arcana item
the day after the showcase on stage 50 people had already beat the bot, so I imagine 150 people have done it already.

Go isn't complex at all. It's just much harder for AI to cheat in by simply sorting through all possible variants of future moves by the opponent. So it actually has to "learn" by recognizing and picking only the most advantageous patterns for itself, but not all of them, like in chess.

Online as it globally or only for those who are at the tournament? 50 doesn't sound quite a lot either way, which is somewhat impressive in it's own way

I think it was globally.

>upload video of myself playing a videogame
>stream sniping ucav burns my house down

>any human can absolutely trash the best AI at Total War.
Y...Yeah. I...I always play my total war games at the hardest difficulty and breeze through them. R...Right guys?

>Will AI players kill the E-sport meme?
A car can go faster than a person. Did that kill running as a sport?

You fucking imbecile. I mean, I hate esports, but only because I hate all sports. Esports is not special and doesn't deserve to die any more than football or hockey.

>Go isn't complex at all
How to spot someone who doesn't know anything about Go and probably thinks it's same as checkers.

Yeah? I'm not even into Total War and it's kind of shit.

In RTS games, high difficulty AI doesn't play better (because that's incredibly hard to implement), it just has more resources than the player.

>gave out 50 SF Arcanas if you manage to beat the AI
>All 50 were given away the same day they showcased it against Dendi because someone figured out if you pull its creeps out of lane and take them on a jungle tour it has no idea what to do without creep equilibrium and lets it's own T1 fall

That was just one of the tactics people used. Other included stuff like buying shit loads of mangoes and baiting enemy to use all of their mana and then going for the kill.

For AI it's not complex

It's not complex period. I'm not insulting the game or anything, some people just don't understand what complexity means.

It's easy to make perfect AI that kills a player before he can even blink, I'm not sure why this is news.

In total war the AI just cheats resources on the map and in battle it gets huge moral/damage/defense bonuses but it's dumb as ever.

Yeah I'm sure all the pro players and actual professors who rate it as one of most complex games in the world are wrong because some autistic fuck in Sup Forums says otherwise.

How do you do that in any game that is not a shooter? Even if an AI can micro like a he can still lose the macro game

>nearly $25m prize pool
ironically dota is the only esport that is a real job

How can it lose the macro game as long as you input it the right set of stuff it needs?

That doesn't feel like irony, but I'm not smart enough to correct you for sure.

>AI can only play one character
>can only fight one character
>can't use bottle, account for runes and neutral creeps
>can only play laning phase 1 v 1
>took them this long to get even this
>this is going to put humans out of dota

yeah nah

Holy SHIT dat butthurt

It needs to react to an extremely vaguely defined set of conditions. You can't input every necessary reaction into it.

That was with 2 weeks of work, so I would like to see their progress come next TI, since they want to have 5 AI facing off with pros.

2 weeks of training the NN. They did not specify how much they spent designing and building the whole thing.

If the game has the right set of stuff it needs that works every time then it's not a game, it's a tic-tac-toe. How do you program right set for every, and I mean EVERY scenario AI can encounter in something like Starcraft? You can't, AI has to learn and organize this shit itself.

Thing is, if the pros are allowed to practice against the AI like the're allowed to practice against real humans before tournaments or matches, the AI gets crushed and is gonna look like a complete retard.
Of course they're not gonna allow that though.

You can but it's extremely time consuming, see the top chess """AIs""".

They aren't AI and we can't make AI we can just program bots that feign intelligence.

Not him but if anything its ironic Sup Forums pretends that competitive gaming is a recent development and only a passing fad

Youd think a bunch of neckbears wouldnt be so infuriated that people make money being good at the same thing they do casually

>Would you watch 2 AI bots playing DOTA against each other?
i can barely follow the pro players

It was under vastly limited circumstances, though. 1v1, 1 character only, highly specific rules that don't really reflect a normal game

>Would you watch 2 AI bots playing DOTA against each other?
Maybe for the novelty. I think I'd be more interested in following a tournament where some are humans and some are AIs, mixed in with the competitors having no idea who's who at least until after the first round.

You mean "standard" with further restrictions like no bottle, no soul ring, no runes. The bot also has hardcoded item choices.

Pretty sure Musk knows more about whether the game is complex or not than autistic fuck on Sup Forums like you or those pro players. You can hate the guy, I don't like him or some of his projects either, but he's on the bleeding edge of AI tech and those pro players are not.

lmao what the fuck are you talking about faggot, do you think Musk is some magical gospel about every tech issue?

How so?

I wager that Musk his setting his sights on esports because it's such a low bar. Nobody thinks that esportsmen are successful because they are intelligent. They are successful because they practice. Which computers can do now.

Humans can't and won't play faster than a good AI, and humans who only know how to do this one game also won't be able to think better or faster than any good AI. Maybe people have a low estimation of video game AI because up to this point, they have always been designed to give an average person a good chance to win. Systems that are actually designed to beat really intelligent people, do, and this is in games where interface and speed doesn't even factor.

>Will AI players kill the E-sport meme?
>I for one would like these fat fucks get a real job.

AI players are already completely outclassing professional chess players for decades now, yet chess tournaments and championships still exist and will continue to exist in the future.

i remember when all of those professors and pro players were beaten at chess by a calculator

so take your stupid fallacy and show it up your ass

Read my post, retard. Yes, I do think that the guy who owns the fucking OpenAI project knows more about AI than 99.9999999% of the population. Too bad those 99% include you too.

Instead of asking rhetorical questions and writing a wall of text full of ramblings, better read how AlphaAI and other similar neural networks operate.

Educate yourself on programming and AI. Things will be much clearer to you.

>Yes, I do think that the guy who owns the fucking OpenAI project knows more about AI than 99.9999999% of the population.

do you think warren buffet is a leading world expert in organic chemistry because he happens to own some chemistry company (among dozens of others) ?

musk is a businessman, an investor, an entrepreneur. not a research scientist.

You're talking about different kinds of complex. As I understand it, in science, complexity refers to a variety of related factors. Go has like two factors and a staggering number of possible arrangements. That makes it sophisticated, but scientifically, not complex.

It would be more challenging to program an AI to play something like DOTA than Go. But it will not be as challenging to program an AI to beat the best DOTA player than to beat the best Go player. They would probably go about it the same way AlphaGo did -- see here: Once the computer knows that that's something someone may do, it can adapt to that. People will quickly run out of ways to be unpredictable at the rate that an advanced computer can run hypotheticals.

It was easy to make a computer good at Go. It was hard to make a computer good at playing Go like a human. I don't even know what it would look like for a computer to play video games like a human -- will it misclick occasionally, or stop for water or pee?

The ai can't actually strategize better than a player but, even with the same resources, it can have a nearly infinitely better APM which honestly is all it takes.

>I wager that Musk his setting his sights on esports because it's such a low bar.
You realize that AI already beats professional Chess players and the like, right? What sounds harder for an AI, choosing the best possible move against one person within a couple minutes based on a small group of controlled variables, or choosing the best possible move against five other people with your four teammates in real-time based on at least dozens of variables, some of which you can't have knowledge of or are outright RNG, and that are changing in each and every game. It's a lot easier for an AI to go through every possible move either player can make in a game of chess than it is for it to figure out if it should be worried that the mid lane has been gone for a few seconds too long.