Hey, Sup Forums. This is my favorite video game of all time

Hey, Sup Forums. This is my favorite video game of all time.

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Mine too! I finished it 30 times and it's still fun!
p.s. Regenerators still make me scream like a girl.

enjoy your game bros :D

Mine too! haha :D

ironic shitposting aside, I think RE4 is a really good game and it's the only game where I've replayed it like 5-6 times and still enjoy it every time

Most of them didn't play the game.

RE4 ruined the series. RE7 is saving it.

I never understood this. First time I played it on ps2 on release but first time I finished it was when pc hd version released. I always find it rather boring and controls are just horrible for a tps, maybe because I played lots of tps on pc in early 00s, I don't know. It's not a bad game by any means but I never understood the praise. Same with most nintendo games.

It's a really good game bro. Do you guys like to play with stuff like the Chicago Typewriter and PRL or play it legit in subsequent playthroughs?

If they make RE8 I hope they put at least a third person point of view as an option because I fucking despise the first person camera.

different strokes, i guess

i can see how people wouldn't like the game, but RE4 was the last game with that Capcom magic (back when if you saw a box with 'Capcom' on it, it was guaranteed to be at least an 8/10 game). i really enjoyed the crunchy gunplay, level design, pacing and overall atmosphere of the game. the controls are pretty dated if you go back to it these days, but coming from the original RE games, it was something I was totally used to

I don't man. Even before RE4, Capcom had made some bad games. Bionic Commando for the NES for example is trash, as well as Mega Man X6.

What is even the deal with Capcom anyway? They went full Konami for a time and now they try really hard to bring something decent. What went wrong?

yeah, but the ratio of good to bad was definitely a lot higher.

Capcom games these days range from 'it was decent but it could've been great' to 'outright awful'

Real shit this game never gets boring, I've played it so many fucking times now its like muscle memory

Aladdin for the SNES is a capcom game

Really makes you think. They made 8bit versions of the songs in the movie just to each stage of the game

Shame the plataforming is kinda off.

The game's mechanics are so fucking polished. From the enemy timings to the feels of each gun, from each and every boss to the serious tone of the plot that usually gets carried away by cool B-movie stuff and not-taking-itself-too-seriously, everything in the game is so well made and well thought out, it's just so satisfying to master it's mechanics, and that's why people do multiple playthrus.

Also the decent variety of guns and the way they're balanced help.

I really liked the whole loot and merchant system too. It really encouraged you to explore levels since you're directly reward with better guns to shoot things with

Also diablo style inventory systems are godlike and should be in all games

Well then max payne is the best game ever.

goddamn dude I love max payne even the third one which I think has some of the slickest TPS gunplay

It's among the best one no doubt dud

>tfw started it over 5 times since release but only reached chain gun guy on the island

Fuck him

>had a hard day at work
>boss started to fire some people
>dunno if tomorrow it will be me
>reach home
>wife start annoy me about wood, saying we don't have it enough
>go outside
>son playing with my broken axe
>ask him who break it
>beat the shit out of him
>wife curse me and take son to hospital
>now need to by another one
>go to store
>José is there again, fuck him
>at least Carmen it's working today, she got nice boobs
>find a magnificient axe
>looks fucking perfect
>go to Carmen and pay with my hard worked money
>back home
>cut some wood
>fuck nice axe man
>perfect silence, no wife or son around to annoy me
>best day ever
>rest at fireplace
>carrying my axe with me because i'm going to sleep with it
>some noises
>oh fuck no, wife and son comming back
>is actually a stranger who broke into my house
>i mean, i know the door it's broken man, but you could knock, you know...
>he's waving a photo of a young girl, saying something that i can't understand
>he looks trustfull
>try to make friendly ties with him showing my new axe, i'm sure he wil like the design also
>he pop a gun and shot me 5 times on face

Fucking lost it my dude

>tfw this youtube poop is what got me into RE4, which led me into getting into the series in general.
A fucking YouTube poop introduced me to this franchise.


it's pretty good but I prefer classic style RE

You have autism.


Expand the image at least a bit so I can save it.



REmake > RE3 > RE2 > RE7 > RE1 > RE4 > RE0 > RE5 > RE6

This is the official list.

well your opinion was probably soured by playing the worst version first. but it's not a TPS, never has been a TPS, and never will be one.

Good taste friendo, mine is

REmake > RE1 > RE2 > RE3 > RECV > RE0 > RE4 > RE7 > RE6 > RE5


Ok reinstalling.

Which handgun do I use?

Best one is the Red9