ITT: Aesthetically pleasing screenshots
ITT: Aesthetically pleasing screenshots
Looks like shit.
botw mods?
cool, i always wanted to play the witness in third person as a child.
OP here, gonna go back to playing RiME but post a screenshot every now and then if the thread doesn't die
The new dude sex is pure A E S T H E T I C S, will dump.
yeah rime's comfy op
It's too bad game apparently sucks but this looks fantastic
Is this any good? I thought about getting the switch version when it comes out but I don't know if I wanna pay full price for a game that's only like 6 hours.
It's built from the ground up to be a casual walking sim. Either you like it, or you don't. But it does what it sets out to do well.
It's more like four hours, it's worth $20 but it's not like the Switch has many games anyway.
>It's too bad game apparently sucks
That's all I hear about the new Dood Sex
The game is fine, biggest issue is just story pacing
I'm glad you made it clear you haven't played it yet.
The gameplay is a step up from HR in every single way, better level design, better weapons, better abilities. better enemies to fight.
It also sets up some fucking rad background conspiracies.
Where the game falls completely and utterly apart is pacing and hub.
There is one true hub and it's Prague, everything else is levels.
The game also has a fucked narrative arc, while it is only a little shorter than HR the story goes nowhere and it's a huge letdown.
The best way to explain it would be if HR ended right after the Barret fight in the FEMA camp, shits just getting started, there are conspiracies to solve and spooks to murk and then the credits roll.
>Rime was taken off switch Eshop
>I heard a few people say it sucked so therefore it must suck
If you "heard" that from Sup Forums then you're a double retard.
Nice. Looks like Half life 2. What game?
>screenshots of the same game for an entire thread? Lovely, I'll start!
>I'm a videogame photographer
could this be a thing?
you're free to contribute your own screenshots
I also posted Pyre, Kingdom Hearts, and Kirby Air Ride.
Please feel free to help diversify user
Coming through with a Bound dump.
>Poo in the Loo
>Aesthetically pleasing
Come on
I have more
neat thread
Alright, time to throw my curveball. . . .
H E E - Y A H !!!
Is this from a game?
Another One
>Taking Sup Forums's opinion as law.
Play it yourself and decide for yourself. Like said, it's got solid gameplay, some amazing environments and music. The only thing that is off is the story, it feels like it was rushed, if the rumors are to be believed, that's Squeenix's fault. Gameplay wise, it's as good and maybe even better at parts than Human Revolution.
If you only ever give a fuck about what other people say about games, then you're no better than people who swallow review scores.
Shit, forgot about my Hollow Knight folder
I agree with you
The guns feel better, the levels get really better with the addition of verticality and the level design steps up to deliver beautiful and highly explorable levels.
The city is so well made that you can deactivate the objective markers and easily guide yourself through the Prague landscapes. My only problem with the game is it's short campaign and the lack of previous plots being solved although I think SE is to blame for this since apparently they divided the team during development to make a sequel and that unnecessary breach minigame.
Anyone lurking want more? I have at least 30 more, but I'm also kind of sleepy.
much obliged pharmacist