
Worth it?

He just got a Dokkan in JP, but from what I've heard you're better off with Dabura or Great Saiyaman.

The awakenings for the baba shop units aren't in Global yet

and even then I wouldn't, unless you don't have a good leader

Is he better or worse than STR Beerus?

got pretty specific links but he has a nice passive and leader so depends on if you have a place for him on a str team

He's got a better leader skill, but that's about it.
>STR Ki+3, HP/ATK/DEF +70%

Am I doing it right?

Any other STR units on hand?
You the guy from /dbg/?

Those are my only STR characters that aren't Yamcha, Android 18 or the Gohan from the starter roll

Can I do the ss4 gogeta event with a mono teq?

My mistake. From that loadout, keep an eye out for Goten medals in the Baba shop so you can awaken that Goten.

How's my team for stage 4? Obviously still maxing out a couple of them but should this be fine? I've found xeno trunks just takes way too much damage, I also have a UR Striker teen trunks I could bring but he lacks links for bulma. Looking for a replacement for skinnytenks too

Replace those str units, and keep bulma and roshi linked and it's fine.

Which one of those are worth the use of the ticket?

I feel like I should be doing something else other than what I'm doing. All this stuff going on is spreading my priorities a little thin.

>AGL Kid Vegeta to use for Frieza
>Complete Strike events for medals
>Endure the tedium of LR Goku for free swag

I've been prioritizing the History of Trunks event because I got a Rage Trunks I want to buff, but the drop rates on medals are horrid. It's taken me a week just to get enough #18 medals to get done what needs to be done, and I still have two more medal types to farm.

>still farming SA and medal to do LR even next week

Reporting in
This looking good until I can get better super str units?

dokkan your units man

AGL Gohan or Int 18 because of her orb changing passive

This whole LR thing is annoying the fuck out of me mostly because Stage 4 won't even drop any dupes or enough medals per run and it's irritating the fuck out of me

Also I need to wait until Thursday so I can get Grandpa Gohan and Trunks for Stage 4

Gotta get my max cost up first, hombre. Grinding 21-1 right now for ez levels and gems. dokkans can wait

>tfw based SS Red is coming back


It sucks because I only have the trash ass PHY version of SSJG. Fantastic artwork but god awful stats and links

don't worry, we're getting new ones after SSG's return

I got them ready to 15/15 SA but no medals to dokkan them past SSR

Try the Bulma Event. What I do is I grind for the Awakening medals, hoping that the RNG works in my favor. But if the STOP nimbus cloud shows up, I face master roshi, usually collect an SSR Bulma, and then sell her to Baba for 1k so I can later buy the awakening medals I need if they show up in the shop.

This is the system I used to get Tao to SA 15 since I was out of Bibidi medals