Gf of one year

>gf of one year
>never mention video games, we have other things in common so I don't give two shits
>fast forward to last weekend
>she mentions how all her uni friends are playing LoL and how it seems pretty boring
>asks me if i am into it
>say no because LoL is shit
>asks what I play if I do
>"oh not much nowadays, I like older video games really"
>asks me to show her
>I put Resident Evil 1 on
>hand her the controller
>she dies 3 times in a row within a minute
>"please don't be offended but this is even worse than League, don't make me play this again"

bitch broke my heart Sup Forums

>expecting taste from someone who has played ASSFAGGOTS even once
You deserve this.

It's ok man, re1 was made for people that love video games... sounds like she doesn't really like them at all...from my experience just show the bitch katamari or Mario galaxy, you won't have to talk to her for hours on end.

Did you mention it was a survival horror game? Death is quite common if you fuck up.

Wow you sure are impressive telling us about your 'superior' taste in a game that came out before you were born and how 'le normie gf xD xD' didn't like it but reddit doesn't care so you come here with your sad bowling ball eyed frog looking motherfucker and your blogpost and your obvious 16 year old ass trying too hard to fit in with edgy 4Channers by shitposting like the rest of them. Fucking normies. Go back to school already for fucks sake.

>giving her an old game
>not giving her a retro-styled modern game or a full modern remake of a classic
You didn't think this through, OP.

So why is she a keeper if video games mean a lot to you

>Resident Evil 1.
No shit. Tank controls are garbage and aiming a gun is hilarious. I played the shit when it was current and it's completely unintuitive.
She should cuck you for opting for such a game.

Learn punctuation, underage faggot.

Because it's irrational to have the same vidya taste for relationship criteria.
Dude calm the autism, I'm 27 and my post wasn't edgy at all, unlike yours.

You fucked up, when she asked you what you played you should have put your penis in her hand and said "here's you controller, bro"

Mentally deficient people should be taken out back and shot like the animals they are. Tank controls hold up fine and RE1 is still a great game by todays standards.

Did your parents just tell you they were getting a divorce?

surprised she didn't leave you on the spot for making her play such shit

Luckily, me and my girlfriend's tastes are pretty similar.
Not just in video games, but most everything else.

>tank controls are garbage

Use some fucking puctuation, you sperg.

>Expecting a person who doesn't really play video games to enjoy a game like Resident Evil 1.

I agree with this 2bh

ITT: a bunch of jelly underaged virgins who weren't alive to see why resident evil was so ground breaking and important.

You have to play one to critique it. How else would your point be valid if you've never played it?

Smmer fags is just a meme created by old fags to help weed them out. Fun fact: traffic doesn't change much in summer. It's the same retards you see all the time,faggot

>uni friends

She meant Chad Thundercock and his buddies from the football team Tyrone and Daquan mentioned they played LoL in passing before she let them each blow a load in her snatch while all your betacuck ass wants to do is play resident evil with her.

Face it OP you have shit taste in games and your gf is better off getting railed by college studs instead of an autistic frogposter like you.

That projection almost sounds plausible if not for a few things unfortunately: I live in a nigger-free country, she goes to a female-only uni and I am chad.

>here, play this extremely slowly paced game with stiff robotic controls and laughable story and character exposition
I would be disappointed too.

RE1 was trash 20 years ago and the series is still trash now. Action game with tank controls? Get the mother of fuck out of here.

>people go to uni and still play child games


>how to lie on the internet

Your gf doesn't even exist. Post pics or GTFO.

>inb4 bloo bloo I don't have to prove it waaah


>you have to eat shit to know if it's shit

American education

>RE is bad meme

Once you gain several hundred hours of videogames in your life, you can pretty much judge the game fairly by a gameplay video or demo.

>the average f2p tf2 player can automatically judge any game by sight alone
more tens of thousands of hours

>tens of thousands of hours
Kek, maybe in the days before broadband internet

No RE1 has been fucking awful ever since RE2 was released and then it was made even worse with the release of REmake which is objectively the better version to play and forget about RE1 for forever.

>food analogy

I once tried to play Halo 1 with a girl.
I asked if she wanted to play with me or against me. She said against me (ehh okay).

She couldn't even hit me if I stood still in front of her.
So I spend a while just jumping around her character shooting her every couple seconds.

>show my girlfriend crystal chronicles
>she loves it and we play the shit out of it
>show my girlfriend dragon's crown
>she loves it and we play the shit out of it
>give her pokemon blue and I use pokemon red
>we complete pokedex together and battle
>do the same for gold and silver
>show her demon's souls
>it's too hard so she watches me play
>then asks to watch me play dark souls after

Vidya girlfriend is best possible girlfriend

This. My gf doesn't play so much but she has good taste in both games and film. Feels great not to be dating a moron

Well the reason you like the game so much is nostalgia. She clearly never experienced it herself back in the day, so can't feel nostalgic to it.

Where are the video games?

>that one guy with the backpack who got memed when he ran at the back of the car

Loving every laugh.

Wife doesn't play anything that requires timing or reflexes, only civ.

>>hand her the controller
>>she dies 3 times in a row within a minute
Women in charge of anything in a nutshell

Are you retarded?

Just be happy she at least gave it a go and that you can be in a relationship with someone who has different hobbies to you.

are you retarded?

*record scratch* yeah, that's me. I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation. Well, to tell you that, we have to go back to the beginning...

>Resident Evil 1
Shit taste dude, hope she cucks you, but this is all make believe anyway so whatever.

I see so many assholes try to get into relationships with people who have the exact same boring fucking hobbies as one another when the best thing about dating someone is experiencing something they enjoy that's new to you.
Although I don't expect someone like you to understand that.

TIme to go gay :/

Not mention its survival horror and being so new that you put on literally shitty survival horror game. KYS faggot and put on Silent Hill or parasite eve.

>RE1 is worse than LoL

She's not wrong, though to be fair it's only by a narrow fucking margin. You both have awful taste and this is a sign you are clearly meant for each other, congratulations.