Senran Kagura thread
Today is Miyabi's birthday! Wish her a happy birthday today!
Happy birthday Miyabi!!!
Senran Kagura
I want to kick and rape Ryouna
Why is that boy wearing a bikini?
Really you can say anything.
Shit, piss, bitch, cunt.
Happy birthday, best leader!
Happy birthday least popular leader.
>ywn be Miyabi and return Imu's affection
What's this guy doing in a Senran Kagura game?
Formerly Chuck's
happy bday 2nd best girl
1st one is Daidouji
The west is still free of Yumi's reign of terror.
You dissing my bro? Not cool.
never playable again
Happy Birthday Miyabi!
I'm going to marry Yumi!
Happy Birthday best girl!
Miyabi as 2B when
leave tarofag
Bite me nigga
post address
Please stop posting Miyabi, it's killing my boner
Wait until next year so you can spam your less relevant hebijo.
sounds like you're gay
Are you getting the PBS LE?
Arcsys fighter when?
Happy Birthday Miyabi!
It's the only way to have the game physical, so yes even though I already own the identical japanese one.
Fuck yeah, Souji thread.
More for me then.
Man, I love anime tits.
Who doesn't?
Hello, happy birthday Miyabi and I like Daidouji.
Birthday Edge
wheres the babus
I want to force Ikaruga to swallow ten pounds of potassium cyanide.
Happy birthday, Miyabi
Happy birthday, most handsome senran!
someone buy me this game on steam
Happy birthday my little princess
While Homura is my favorite leader, Miyabi is a solid second. She's also a pretty sexy girl. Plus posting her apparently triggers the Soujifag.
The weird thing is, Homura really doesn't feel like her squad's leader, Haruka plays that part way better, but since Asuka is the leader of her squad, and Homura is her rival, then damn it she's gonna be the leader of her own squad too.
I guess Homura is the leader because she's the strongest on her group, in Asuka's case is because she's the one that unites the team. Haruka (and Ikaruga for that matter) are more like team moms/big sisters.
Miyabi is a very big girl now...
There's really no reason Asuka is the leader over Ikaruga. She's unfit to lead in every way. She's emotional, she doesn't follow orders, and just does whatever the fuck she feels like. Whenever they're actually given a mission she just throws a tantrum and refuses because "noooo but killing is mean :(". Why she hasn't been sentenced to death like Kat's parents yet is baffling. I guess she can get away with insubordination and betrayal simply for being Hanzo's granddaughter. Probably the same reason she was even considered for the position.
Ninjas need to stay fit and keep away from any beaches.
>"noooo but killing is mean :("
Did you not finish the first game? She went all out against Homura and for all purposes they all thought the whole Hebijo team was dead, and for the same reason they started to question the whole good vs evil ninja stuff.
Also, pic related.
No! Plump ninjas!
Fit, battle-ready ninjas!
How do you think characters will differ from previous iterations, both in Re:Newal and in SK7? Just played Shinovi Versus Haruka and she's a beast compared to the worthless EV version. You think Re:Newal will just rehash the EV movesets, have new ones or the original ones?
And yet not one of them was killed. And then in SK2 she was given direct orders to kill Naraku and Kagura. Which she promptly ignored because she didn't want to kill someone she didn't know. This is despite Naraku having tried to kill her and getting her ambushed by yoma.
They will alll be shit compared to Burst and SK2 because Versus and Yumi ruined the series.
Mark my words, Burst Boogaloo is going to butcher the characters EV style.
Momi momi
That's the wole team's fault really, not just Asuka, and they did talk to Kagura and Naruku enough to know each other a little, the whole point is that they (and Homura's team) trusted that they weren't actually bad people. The real problem is that SK2 felt rushed to tell the story so it wasn't really done well.
So what's the charm of Senran Kagura, anyway? I wanted to try it out since I'm a disgusting weeaboo, but try to sell me on this game.
The girls. Pick one and see if you stick with her after playing as her and reading her story.
>you will never hug a girl
I want to fucking die
don't loli my wife
Is the delinquent muscle girl relevant?
That's the least worst thing I'm going to do to your wife friend.
Post more Souji
why is she so perfect
She's cute! A very cute and handsome girl! Not a boy!
The Senrans. Trust me, there is one for every type of person and taste.
Barely. Try again.
>So what's the charm of Senran Kagura, anyway?
They are fairly fun beat em ups with cute anime girls who have giant tits.
A lot of the appeal comes from the girls and the story. The girls have some pretty good and surprising characterizaion (but there is some flanderzation now because of the giant cast) and you are bound to find your favorite girls.
have a compromise instead
I really like that image
Fuck, the flat eyepatch then.
No. She used to have some relevance, but in PBS she's probably the second least relevant female in the game, unless you count being captured I guess.
You know what, you're on your own.
Mirai has a fair share of spotlight, specially on Burst.
How the fuck did you go from best to worst so fucking quick? You're hopeless.
Me too
>She used to have some relevance
>post game boss and character on the first games
>appears out of nowhere for only one mission in SK2
>dlc in SV and EV
She was never really relevant, Daidouji was just there as the "legendary senpai", Rin has been far more relevant in comparison.
Call the cops, I don't give a fuck
Fuck you, I never played the games. These two are the only ones I memorized so far.
Are there any other fit Senrans?