How can you choose cold metal, over the splendor of flesh

How can you choose cold metal, over the splendor of flesh...

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I'm assuming this is a reference, but I'm retarded, so I'll take your question at face value. why wouldn't you be a robot? they can do a lot of the same shit a human can do and don't have to worry about petty things like food and running out of time.

mistrust is the tyranny of the individual, your own kind sees you as a threat, why do you murder our unity? No matter, the line is drawn, you will cease to be, it is just a question, who will bring your end? Us? Or you?

Sorry, I'm not a vorefag.


The robots go insane, the flesh is united, gross, but united

>run out of fucking ammo: the level
I'm glad that final boss scales to your ammo count because I went in with 3 fucking bullets left.

Running out of time isn't really an issue when you're part of an immortal hivemind, like what The Many (actually just one) are advocating here.

>they can do a lot of the same shit a human can do and don't have to worry about petty things like food and running out of time
Because robots don't need a power source and don't suffer from material degradation?

>final boss scales to your ammo count

Also I had like 1500-2000 of various rounds on my Impossible playthrough.

3 shots, on Very Hard, all it took. It's a wee bit broken.

fuck you machines are better
also ss1>ss2

just transfer your "consciousness" to a new robot once the shitty old one gets broke. like buying a new car.

wait a second are you trying to cheat me again

user pls

I must say I raelly don't like the idea of mechanical or even nanotechnological augmentations.
If I were to be augmented I'd like to be biologically/genetically augmented.

Like if I could see in the dark I'd prefer it to be a shitty night vision with a membrane like a cat instead of a really good night vision but with actual cameras instead of eyes.

didn't Invisible War have something like this?

and yea genetic engineering is a cooler concept. but nano technology based augments like in DX1 aren't bad either

Biological augs is really the way to go.


>didn't Invisible War have something like this?
That's the only Deus Ex game I didn't play but if it has that kind of thing I'm interested.

Nanotechnology could make really impressive things but I don't know if the new dangers we would expose ourselves to are worth it.

Biological augmentation is also way way way way way more practical and closer to what might eventually happen in reality.

Taking someone's stem cells and someone's own genetic material to vat-grow perfectly compatible replacement organs and limbs for transplant is a billion times easier than making a machine that could interface with biological systems. Nevermind the fact that organic tissues repair and maintain themselves and all you need to fuel them is just eat regular fucking food.

Unless you go full-on NANOMACHINES SON with self-propagating, autonomous nanite swarms, biological enhancement is the way to go

eh I haven't played it either but I seem to be wrong either way since they're all nano/mechanical based

I enjoyed invisible war. It was better than most console games out at the time. People were just mad that it wasn't a carbon clone of the first game.

Personally I was made that all the areas were 3 feet across and the loading times were 3 minutes apiece, fucking ridiculous.

Pretty much every game on Xbox was like that though.

Really? Man I played a shitload of Xbox games, games like Blinx the Cat or Tomb Raider Legend had fairly giant areas. Or Morrowind. Or Arx Fatalis.

You can blame it on Ion Storm but the same, Invisible War has some real core performance and design issues that mean I'll probably never return to it.

This game would have been much better if The Many actually actively fought over with SHODAN for your loyalty and you could choose which of the two to side with. As it was it was just The Many constantly trying to kill you then calling you dumb for not wanting to die, and SHODAN taking your loyalty for granted because she didn't have the means to attempt your murder yet so of course she was the only one you were going to trust as you had a common enemy at first.

I really want System Shock 3 to go deeper into this aspect or machine vs flesh and give the player option while putting SHODAN in the unique position where she actually has to play nice if she wants your loyalty and not just have it granted to her because the other side is being a dick. Its the only position left for SHODAN to be in after the first two games anyway.

Siding with The Many doesn't really make sense. Your goal is to GTFO and SHODAN is the ticket, while The Many don't want to do that. They don't need your loyalty either, just to get a parasite inside you.

Considering the graphics, particle effects, the ragdolls, etc. It was ok. I'm probably looking at it with rose tinted glasses, but games like thief did the same shit

Any games where you ARE the hivemind? Or at least a small part of it?

Second sight

>TFW no SHODAN or Many route


Only game that would fit that would be an RTS type deal. So Starcraft.

I'd enjoy playing something like a first or third person Starcraft hive game where you can jump around between the different parts of the hivemind, the workers, the warriors, the scouts or the queen itself to give remote orders or choose different upgrade paths based on the type of material it consumes.

In Men of War you can take control of individual units on the battlefield and control them, TPS style, its completely overpowered and with skill you can basically turn a single soldier into a one man army. Its not a traditional RTS though.