SWERY'S new game!
SWERY'S new game!
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What the fuck, it isn't PAX Seattle three years from now?
Swery is the shit and I'm glad he's making another video game
I fucking hate cats but ill still back this. As long as its not episodic, ill never forget D4.
On my radar.
Still sad knowing D4 will never be finished.
>Debt paying simulator where you play as a photographer that turns into a cat
PC & PS4
That art style looks way too much like 1970s Chuck Jones, which I don't like. Too many scary Phantom Tollbooth memories.
Season two never. ;_;
>Make a weird Japanese game
>Announce it as a Kinect exclusive on a platform that decidedly does not have any intersect with people who like weird Japanese things
>Never draw attention to the fact that you made a controller option
>Never advertise it more than once
>Never hype up its release, it just releases suddenly
>Take forever to port it to PC, don't even bring it to PS4 where most Swery fans are
What were they thinking?
Swerys a nutcase. Simple as that. He though announcing release date a day before release was a good idea
Microsoft was cool with making S2. But Swery fucked off cause he was "I'll" (read getting shittered all over the world) And then he "retired"(read: getting shittered all over the world) and then he started a new studio.
Honestly I'll preorder a boxed copy of this game. But I hate the lack of work ethic from the DrinKing
It was released for Xbone for the same reason SSO was. MS is the only publisher who would let Swery/AG keep the IP.
"I'll" meant ill
No? It's in less the a month, dingus.
Yeah, but he said "PAX Seattle three years from now" or something a couple days ago, didn't he?
I'm excited because I love Deadly Premonition but that trailer wasn't the best for really selling me on the game
There was a trailer?
>that art style
What was he thinking
Jesus this looks awful in so many ways. The trailer, the art, the graphics, the plot, the text. If it wasn't Swery id be laughing at it horribly.
>Putting Calarts in charge of art design
It's going to be an interesting story but I think I'll just read it on Wikipedia instead.
I love sweary.
IF YOU ARE NOT GONNA FINISH HOW D4 END AT LEAST FUCKING SAY HOW IT ENDS. I had a theory but I'd have to replay it to remember what you it was and I refuse to do that. It was something about misinterpreting her based on some graffiti I found.
Anyway based on this trailer leavings his old studio was a very bad idea.
just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to act like a retard, user
It's funny how Swery was mad Taro didn't ask him to make Automata.
He kills Little Peggy and regrets it, then goes back in time and tries to stop it from happening. But this doesn't work so he has to work with Forest to try and fix the time loop.
Makes no sense. Why would he like to himself and Forrest?
The future him goes back in time and raises Little Peggy, but the other David shoots her anyway. He realizes that he can't stop her from dying, so he tries to prevent an endless loop of misery by having Forest mess up the investigation so that David never learns the truth and goes back in time.
Interesting theory. Did you come up with it yourself?
That is some god-like lowpoly
What, I wanna turn into a cat at night ;_;
Swery would have made it better since the combat was shit Swery would have probably had the good sense to de-emphasize it.
And he would have made the game even worse than it does.
game run even worse*
Rainy Woods? Wasn't that Deadly Premonitions original title?
I'm still a bit salty D4 is going to stay unfinished forever, though. I can just see that second season being already made but unreleased due to Swery's leaving the studio.
That's a theory I thought of but discarded because I thought it was too obvious, but it would have followed Deadly Premonition's foreshadowing of the twist at the beginning, what with the voice of one of the detectives saying that the "D" most probably stood for David.
I'm pretty sure the old man with the supervillain voice is an older David, though. He has a tuft of hair covering the scar spot, the same eyes and even watch. It also makes an appropriate pun, being the Oldmann to David's Young. The question he makes to David "Do you believe the past can be changed, Mr Young?" IIRC also could be proof of this. It still doesn't explain what happened to Peggy's other father, though.
It seriously sucks so bad D4 is stuck in hell.
What's that about getting "backstage access" to the campaign? That you get to partially fund it before it goes public?
Looks like alot of jap developers are cucking ms first Platinum now SWERY
inb4 the twist is that no one actually died because the girl's body would have turned into a dead cat at night.
That's a lot of devs
>tfw the twist is that the corpse is you from the past such was killed by you from the future attempting to prevent your murder and in the process creating a split personality that is present you.
Well I'm talking about others jap developers too you know
The good life is on ps4 pc
Neir is on ps4 and pc
I might fucking love Deadly Premonition but I ain't using no Tim Schafer ass website.
>instead of leveling up, you pay off your debt
So it's an Animal Crossing/DP crossover?
Sounds like the most depressing mechanic off context
>instead of leveling up, someone takes the fruit of your hard work and you stay the same and don't improve anything
Her eyes are a bit dead, but it looks pretty nice.
>Those childbearing hips
>Someone's been murdered in cold blood...
>What sinister mysteries could this happy town's people have to hide...
>lol everyone turns into a cat at night!
That wasn't jarring at all.
Alright, place your bets now: Where and how will Kaysen appear this time?
PC + Denuvo confirmed, baby!
That looks awful, it would be far better if they went 2D instead of 3D. Why do game developers even bother with 3D if it's gonna look this shit?
I still cry.
>Le epik Lowpoly that doesn't actually look a thing like what Gen 5 was capable of
>American photographer
>named Naomi
>is going to England to pay off her debt
Christ, Swery.
>that cat part
>I fucking hate cats
Literally how
Ô la belle vie
Sans amour
Sans soucis
Sans problème.
>giving money to crowdfund
if he wanted me to buy his new game he should have fucking finished D4
I now have zero trust in him
Why did D4 die anyways? Microsoft cut them off?
I'll watch the best friends play it in 3 years
This is so fucking horrible. Why not go with anime art style at least.
>not another budget re/sh/ew tps
This is even worse. What was he thinking.
thats it? looks like shite desu
>Everyone is cats
Can't say I expected it. At least Swery keeps me on my toes. Still curious to see more.
Swery is a drunk no talent hack.
One of the villagers/city hall's gardener who for whatever reason, is actually completely normal.
Just to fuck with you.
>the twist is that it's actually all inside a videogame simulation and isnt real
I'm sorry SWERY but I still haven't gotten over you fucking me in the ass with D4.
I need more time to heal.
Obviously they all did it. Cats are fucking assholes.
I hope they bring back MANYO for this
Do you play as the cat?