Your move, Mario.
Your move, Mario
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With all the hype and positive words said about Sonic Mania, I'm seriously considering picking it up. However, I have no idea how to play a Sonic game.
They've always been confusing to me. Are you trying to acquire and hang onto as many rings as possible, or do they not really matter outside of lives?
Are you trying to complete levels as fast as possible or are you supposed to regularly stop and explore? The focus on speed in the game is a little confusing to me, as it seems like you'll be quickly ushered through gigantic parts of the game in the name of speed. Are you expected to kind of backtrack and explore the area that you just zoomed through?
Should you be seeking out every TV to smash? What rewards do these garner? What about enemies? Should you be trying to kill them all or is it okay to just run past them?
What do you need to do to acquire the giant ring (no idea if that's what it's called)? What makes it invisible/unattainable and what unlocks the ability to acquire it? What's the benefit of acquiring the giant ring?
I have other questions, but I guess I'll just leave it at that for now.
Have you forgotten that Sonic Forces is still coming out?
Why lie on the internet, user?
Play it how you want; it's a video game
Fake news
Sounds like you've figured out what many of us have known for years... That Sonic games are terrible.
Did you just copy BotW score? lol
You just hold onto rings so you don't die. But it's good to get 100 as you get an extra life. Life's are always helpful.
You can go fast or explore. Either or. Im going slow and exploring my first playthrough. Next time I'll probably speed through. It's up to you. The games have many multiple routes so it encourages lots of replayability. There's paths I've still never got in some games I played 20 years ago.
TVs just hold rings and powerups. You don't have to smash them all but if you see one grab them.
You don't have to kill enemies at all really but some get in your way of jumps and you can use them for extra height.
The giant rings are entrances to the special stages. To enter them all you got to do is find them. They're hidden away though in secret places so you got look hard for them. I haven't found one in like 4 levels now. They give Chaos Emeralds where if you collect them all you get the good endings and can turn SUPER sonic which is basically going super saiyan. It's awesome
except for the Eggman TV that kills you - I didn't know what it did and learned the hard way. Mania truly is the Dark Souls of platformers
Oh yeah. Well anything Robotnik on it is bad.
>not going fast
You have forgotten the face of your father.
You are fake news OP.
Those were in the originals.
10/10 would laugh again.
true news
It probably can't replicated, and certainly not by Mario. People wanted a return to form with sonic since 3D sonic games are total shit, however Mario 3D games are at least decent and everything 2D can be made with Mario maker.
>Haha Sega does what Nintendon't
Switch blown the fuck out!
can somebody explain why sonic mania needs 2gb of ram. 32mb of vram is understandable. but 2GBs of GOD DAMN ram
Wew that scared me for a second there
But true if Mania had a 98 score this would not be the only thread about it
Because it isn't a fucking Mega Drive game. It is just imitating the Mega Drive's aesthetics.
Sega is dead and sonic is shit, for every good sonic game there are always 5 or 6 sonic games that sucks hard, the company is only alive thanks to spinoffs and hatsune miku.
Should I get this if the last Sonic games I enjoyed were the Sonic Advance games?
Funny enough, Mario's big nostalgic throwback spin off actually scored better than Mania
Same reason it needs a GTX 1060
Gotta mine those bitcoins to make up for the lost PC sales because of pirates
Alternatively it's just not optimized well. Also while 2 GB is kinda high, 32MB is way too fucking low.
is it the last 90s again? sega has been doing great.
Fucking delet this 2D sonic was always better...
you missed the point of throwback. its not in the same visual style as its predecessors
The objective is to get from point A to point B. How you do that, how fast, what path you take, is up to you. That's the beauty of a Sonic level. No pointless things to collect, no time limit, no medals, nothing. You just go through the level however you want to go through it.
>It probably can't replicated, and certainly not by Mario.
We'll see. The next 2D Mario game is going to start a whole different series.
I doubt they'll go back to sprites, though.
>samefagging with neofag reposts
Is this how low shitposting has fallen?
You never played Sonic? How the fuck do you even call yourself a gamer, that's like not leaning one of the alphabets. Sonic is unironically a classic, ignore the hate which come from nintendo fags.
Probably not, what with all their other 2D platformers pushing for 3D character models, including the new 2D Metroid.
Here's hoping whatever new mechanics and level design they come up with is as imaginative as their outings before NSMB (though NSMBU had some pretty cool levels).
But what if I bought it on Switch?
I was being ironic user.
I wonder how young you are
Shitposting and faggotry aside, is anyone genuinely happy about a good Sonic game finally coming out?
I am
Sanic was my first vidya ever and 3&K is still in like my top 3 games. I've always mourned all the mediocre and shitty sonic games coming out, but this is like being a kid again and not having to brace for liquid shit.
You're overthinking it dude just play and have fun you fucking autist play how you want
Sonic is indie tier at this point, Sega doesn't even try to compete with Mario anymore. Do I have to remind you of what Sonic Forces (the "big" Sonic game of the year) is up against?
when will the shitty '90s nostalgia end?
Reminder that Nintendo consistently puts out quality games and Sega is still trying to reform their biggest IP
When better mascot platformers come out.
yeah, nintendo puts out so many quality games like uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
98 but still an indie game.
Just go right
Ever played a platformer?
Great. Good for you. Where does the Sonic franchise go from here?
>unironically putting Sonic Forces on there
Classic Sonic levels in that game will bog it down when people begin comparing the physics to Mania.
Sonic was never good
Mario Odyssey
>2 Yakuza games
>a fucking WEEB game
3 of those are on switch
>sonic forces
>Having fun cruising around as Super Sonic
>Come to a crashing hault as the shittastic crush kill gets me because two objects were near enough to touch me
Fuck this shit
>You just hold onto rings so you don't die
Don't you need fifty rings to get the special stages?
Blue orbs is 25 rings at a checkpoint, special stages don't require rings
once everyone beats it by tonight the FoTM crew will have moved on and the score will fall. Right now everyone is hyped because OOH SHINY NEW TOY!
In a month I expect Sup Forums to be shitting on this game just like every other Sonic game
This is not like every game post Sonic CD, user.
Expect Forces to be compared heavily to Mania's physics in regards to the Classic Sonic stages and every future game from now on.
>rehashes music, zones, sprites, game concepts and graphics from previous games
it'll be shit talked in a month for being a short boring nostalgia kick and then everyone will remember Sonic is and always has been dogshit
BotW is 97
Hey, a good game every ten years is not bad, right?
So guys, I played a lot of sonic back when I was a kid however I never actually played the genesis games. I played a few ps2 ones which weren't that amazing and the gba ones, which were my favorites. Do you recommend me sonic mania? I'm a big fan of platformers in general.
Isn't Sega owned by Nintendo now?
Never ever, nintencück
Yes, it is. Just let us oldfags have this, a Sega vs Nintendo discussion like good old times.
so botw is literally sonic level, good thing i didnt even pirate this shit
Yeah but sometimes you go left
Why did the movie have to be such shit?
If that were the case Mania would've been canceled back when it was a fan project so Nintendo could release an ugly as hell 3D version.
By the end of this year:
>Sonic Mania: MC 82
>Sonic Forces: MC 64
>Super Mario Odyssey: MC 94
I dont think you can say they won
the reviews for this game follow the same edging principal that BotW did.
>release shitty game
>announce that next game will go back to its roots
>get everyone excited predicated on the fact that it will be like the origional
>actually fucking deliver
>fans explode after edging since they were kids for a true sequel to their game
>10/10 for doing what you said you were going to do
This is also about to happen with Mario Odyssey
Fantastic game but I'm pretty sure it's not that high of a score
i'm playing this on the switch heh heh HEH
saying anything "is the dark souls of " is fucking autistic
>sonic mania is following how botw was reviewed
Ok explain
>release shitty game
Oh, right. Honestly I'm not a fan of S3&K's giant ring method. I think it's a pain to go around scouting for the rings, it's like I'd have to write them down to actually get all the Emeralds since you can only use them once and have to start a new file entirely to use them again, not even being able to just reload your save to get another try on the same ring.
He's talking about Skyward Sword on that line, not BotW.
Only autistic spergs who drool and smell like shit play sonic, fuck off
Mania is actually competing with the Metroid 2 remake
I guess no one cares about the sonic advanced games...
epic zinger my dude
You mean the fanmade one, right? The official one looks like the Sonic Forces to AM2R's Sonic Mania.
Why is being a PC gamer always suffering Sup Forums?
Yes. Most Sonic games are actually good it only has a few bad games.
>20 dollar indie remake with incredible polish and care put into it
>60 dollar triple A title which nintendo is comparing to legendary games super mario sunshine and super mario 64
it's like comparing apples and oranges
Obviously a Mania sequel with 100% original levels and hand-drawn artwork a la Rayman Origins
anyone who says 3d sonic/ was never good is either ign or a contrarian let's have a quick rundown:
>adventure 1 and 2
a perfectly acceptable first jump into 3d the cutscenes weren't the best as was the style at the time unless you were a big budget rpg nothing to really complain about except treasure hunting which loses a few points
honestly thought it was even better than the adventure games
one of the best games in the series
>shadow the hedgehog
not great but not as bad as some people would have you believe solid 5/10
>sonic 06
indefensible music was good though
>secret rings
worst motion controls i've ever used
>black knight
what secret rings should of been: actually good
despite le werehog memes there was absolutely nothing wrong with the werehog it was just somewhat out of place but not horrible in any way. Plus daytime stages were amazing. solid 8/10
unleashed's anorexic brother despite being technically sound it was over reliant on 2d sections 7/10
perfected the daytime unleashed formula and the 2d sections were advertised well beforehand and were also fun 9/10
>lost world
tried to experiment a little too hard 6/10
indefensible at least the cartoon is good
i don't consider anything above a 5/10 that bad because all those other numbers exist for a reason
this guy gets it
puyo puyo tetris
its in your fucking image you dumb fuck
>for every good sonic game there are always 5 or 6 sonic games that sucks hard
Just like Mario
But it's ok when Nintendo does it
>actual new game vs romhack
>Sonic is indie tier at this point
I never played an indie game as good as mania
and only a couple of mario games are as good as mania as well. namely just 3, world and 64
>pedophile pandering garbage
The fact that Sonic Team uses my money to make this upsets me
This. You just hold right, and watch the game play itself. It's boring.
nice non-answers
why do I even bother coming here anymore