Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?

Do you play as a boy or a girl in video games?

Non binary cuck kin usually

Fuck off with the disgusting trapshit.


Boy. I'm a boy and boys are cute. I never understood the "play as a girl = gay" argument.

I play as Link.

not a game
on top of that, FoTM boi. acquire taste.

A guy if the guy looks cool, girl if he doesn't.
Unless the girl looks like the chick from HZD or something, then I'd still pick the guy.
Also fuck off with your gay trapshit.

Always female.

A girl because my gender depresses me.


Being Link and fucking Link are different

Be proud of your gender, user!

>Don't know anything about the show but think Felix is the best
>Decide to watch a clip from said anime with Felix in it
>Has the voice of a nasally old woman. Not hot at all
That voice has ruined Felix for me.

Always as a male, but if I have the option to crossdress him and/or make him look effeminate, I'd usually do that.

btw, why americans are so insecure about their sexuality?

I refuse to watch it because I knew this would happen.

the jews won

Usually female, unless the guys are cuter.
That's why I have to play each Pokemon game twice, usually first playthrough as male, second as female, and any consecutive playthrough as whichever I liked better.

They live in a failing society that promotes being uncomfortable with your gender/sexuality and rebelling against the norm.

Because for some reason a bunch of confederate trash told them that the Jews want them to be gay, so they're averse to it to "defeat" the "Jews"

I like to play as girl because I'm a girl but omg boys are so cute

always a girl if I can
it's fun_ to get my character looking just right

>play first playthrough as male
>then subsecuent playthroughs as girl, unless there is some PC sex related thing i missed
A s c e n d e d

I'm comfortable with mine I just don't want to flaunt it like a badge of honor
big fucking deal you suck dicks so does 50% of the population

>blowing your nose with a sheet

As a girl, always

>Draw a girl and call it a boy
When japs and weebos see that this is not a funny meme anymore?
It's so tiresome

show bob and vegene

A boy that looks like a girl.

>Not pressing the "Random Character Generator" button the same amount of cum bottles you have under your desk.

You've lost it, Sup Forums

it went from being ironic to being unironic, now people actually like it

Girl, cause I can role play yuri shit with NPCs.

>you will never be a slut

Know the difference, user.

traps are serious fucking business user

>le epic europoor that is proud of sucking cock

>It's so tiresome
No, it isn't

females have smaller hitboxes

yes that the only reason

don't be silly user, I said that I play as a girl, not that I am one

Boy if it's something that I'm going to play with my friends, girl if no one besides me will ever see me playing it.

Generally as a man, and usually I attempt to make him resemble myself which means I try to make an angry looking bald ginger manlet with a large amount of body hair.

I don't know, I'm just comfortable with myself. Every once in awhile I'll try to make a girl character but I always just wind up trying to make a hot woman and then I get bored after like 20 minutes of playing. Most I do other than make vague clones of myself is fuck around and see how sexually attractive and then ugly I can make both genders in the character creator before going back to my own character.

Nips are weird and also they have incredibly stale concepts of comedy, especially in fucking anime. It's almost always the same shit. Flaming faggot that looks effeminate has always been in anime.

>Famale elves have larger penises than males

Being gay means that you become immune to the charms of women, which would cause society to collapse if it ever got out of hand.


cute trap here, girl every time

I play as a girl that has a dick.
Also Felix a cute!


Why are euro cucks always trying to pin everything on americans? Are you really that insecure about the shithole continent you live on?

Girl because I like making them look pretty
Guys if I want a meme playthrough.

whatever i damn well please

Azir go the fuck to bed

Girl then proceed to sculpt her ass to Bayonetta perfection.

cool guy for most first/serious playthroughs and attempted waifu for subsequent runs or if I just wanna dick around

doesn't matter to me usually. i alternate to have the option for either/or

>Famale elves have larger penises than males

>Play as a girl in a fighting game
>Normie friends give me shit about only picking her because I want to see some cartoon breasts bounce around

I mean I do, but I'm also better at the game with her.

Whichever is cuter

Too relatable, especially as a trap-user

I always make grizzled warriors.

Not him but the number 1 export of America has been your culture. Everything your country does shapes the world, and your batshit lefties have been left to run riot. Please keep voting conservative. We're fucked otherwise. You guys are the british empire of the 21st century.

>Felix gets to fuck best girl nightly

Anyway boy self-insert for first playthrough and then waifu if it's good enough for a second go around.


girl most of the time but on occasion ill make a cute boy or a /hm/ for eye candy

>Ask a question
>Tell the naked truth
If you don't want honesty, don't ask.

Depends on a lot. Is there a dating mechanic, how customizable I can get with the create a character, is there cross dressing, and how good the voice sounds for each.
I generally favor playing female overall.

>been over a year since re:zero anime finished airing
>still only one translated felix argyle doujin
this is a crime against humanity

I play as guys as playing as a girl feels a bit weird. Though I sometines do.

>in any way left compared to the rest of the world

You're just retarded.

My man.

You can deny it as hard as you want, the fact of the matter is all the worst SJW shit has spawned from the USA. Pretending California, and all the hardcore feminists over there don't exist is silly. The major organizations that peddle their stupid idealogies started in America.

You've literally never heard of communism, huh? Or you just think that being culturally left is the same thing as being left on policies. Fuck off to Sup Forums or whatever.

I just self insert eternally and forever. I've never made a character that didn't just look like me. I've never roleplayed either.

2nd place

Why does it matter?

I play a girl but lesbian if there are romance to develop. If not, I just play it like a girl. Not fat or skinny, dark skinned and short hair like me. I am male btw

>American doesn't control modern politics!
Yes, it does.

I always play as the superior gender. Male.

No one's being accusatory user, you can answer the question


If it did then Corbyn wouldn't have taken Britain by storm and it wouldn't be having this massive whiplash from basically every other country. That said, the left in America hold no power, so it's a moot point anyway.

With trump being voted, it has fundamentally changed things. The anti-establishment feeling the campaign brewed has done more to shift the pendulum back to the center than anything in the last 20 years. Corbyn was -never- going to get in, it was close but he still lost by a large number of seats. And I would thats entirely disgenious because the MSM in America throws a fit about anyone slightly even to the right of Noam Chomsky.

depends on a few circumstances in the game, could be either.

President turnip is literally the establishment though. He literally is one of the biggest filthy capitalists, why do you dumb cucks think hes anti-establishment?

>With trump being voted, it has fundamentally changed things.

Nah dude, you have literally no idea how American politics works. The idea of a Deep State is fucking retarded, but the idea of people wanting to keep the status quo going because it's nice for them is very real and the exact reason why Trump will do fucking nothing but be a terrible PR move for the right.

I know the game is rigged and there's only the Demo-republican party. Its less about that and the more fact Hiliary was what the establishment wanted. People are more critical about politics, and open about it than they used to be. Brexit was never supposed to happen.

See above.

male unless I can't be bald then female