What sort of people play fighting games?
What sort of people play fighting games?
People that enjoy fighting games, mostly.
Fans of fighting games.
I want to fuck Nine
The kind of people who wanna see a cat fuck a big titty witch.
what game is she from?
N _ G G E R S
Violent nigs who have suppressed the urge to attack with something that won't get them thrown in jail
Apparently people who aren't retarded enough to not be able to do motion inputs
Niggers, obviously
>that guy who thinks he's smart for being able to move his finger along two buttons and press X
ummm, honey, I have some news for you.
The kind of people that can't win at life so they conform to win in a screen by smashing buttons.
Yeah those people sure moan and bitch quite a lot when they lose.
>Everyone says niggers
>A majority of the FGC scene is composed of hispanics and asians
ebin maymay xd
arcana heart
It's weird isn't it. And if you discount America, the overwhelming MAJORITY of fighting game players around the globe are asian.
But a disproportionate amount of them are black in comparison to other competitive games, like RTS, MOBAs, and FPS. So it seems like you can't even think properly.
>implying your dick is barbed enough for Nine
How does that change that they are still not the majority of the FGC, and all the best players ever historically have been asian or white.
You're a troglodyte if you somehow can't do something that simple
so is it good?
niggers spics chinks and some honky ass white boys
fgc is pretty diverse I'd argue
People with a lot of time in their hands i suppose.
The only fighter i was ever good was sf4 and only because i had a lot of time in my hands to keep playin and learning. Also having friends and a big enough playerbase in the same level is also key to make people keep playing the game and get good at it.
Every other fighter i ttied is filled with extremelly good people and none of them wantrd to play casually or help me learn, so i kinda gave up on the genre as a whole, which is really kinda sad because i was starting to enjoy GG xrd.
good hardcore gamers that are not racist beta boys that hate competition like Sup Forumsermits
What the fuck is wrong with that artist?
Don't they know?
Modern men no longer desire big breasts
who's telling the truth?
>you will never cum in Nine's titpussy
Sup, nigger.
That's right, as a modern man I prefer her daughter
is blue, her name is nine, the cat fucker.
so is blazblue good? is there a story? is it shit? i bet it's shit
There's a story. It isn't worth it even just for curiosity
figures. how the fuck can the japanese nail gameplay well but can't write a story for shit?
People of many different races and creeds that actually enjoy the games they play and have social gathering where they play these games with others.
So the opposite of Sup Forums
So basically subhumans which is basically the same.