Why can't I stop? I want to stop. Please help

Why can't I stop? I want to stop. Please help.

Invest in the stock market

Try paladins to ween off

Just uninstall it and move on. Find something else to invest your time in

I play Path of Exile. Same autism and time sink for minor improvements to numbers that don't mean anything but I don't have to rely on 9 other fucktards to play.

POE is almost too much autism for me though.

Why cant I be more autistic.

Diablo 3 is like PoE for babbies. Try that.

But I want a game that isn't dead.

Pffft you think thats addictive?
Try this one.


Im just going to kill myself after playing a few hours of Gigantic

once you get over the initial learning curve, there's just no other competitive game out there that has as much depth and replayability as this
I wish my friends stopped playing so I could stop playing already

it fucks me up so much i always quit after 2 matches bacause i dont have the patience of my 15 year old self and i can literally feel my time going away as i watch my teammate running down mid and i know its a lose but still gonna play through this 50 minute boring shit
every 6 months i go back a bit but its cancer

But why, user? Is it because you suck?
Git gud

Im 5k and I want out.

If you can't strike terror into the hearts of all 3 lanes as CM, then you're still in 3k pool

You are not allowed to stop until you win the International

Every time I try to get into this game I never make it past the beach prologue

Fuck, I hate isometric games.

Path of exile isn't isometric.
Why does nobody know what isometric means?

poe has terrible balancing and economy issues fuck that

>you can't play dota for fun, it's a time waste

I was in your shoes a while back. Just uninstall it. The urge to download it again will go away after a bit.

Just stop playing? What the fuck is wrong with all you niggas hahaha like just walk away hahahaha

Cant stop playing league either.

Im actually scared to play dota cause i know if i do, i can kiss my life goodbye due to how much more in-depth it is when it comes to mechanics

what kind of mindset do you have to have to enjoy fucking MOBA? I swear I feel like I'm missing out on something it just feels like competitive grinding to me.

if you have an understanding of the big picture at any given point in the match, it feels like you're in a constant whirlwind, trying to make the best of whatever is happening around you

also, if you coordinate with the team, it can be incredibly satisfying to execute an efficient team fight with all hands on deck

lastly, momentary flashes of dopamine whenever you land a successful skillshot or come out on top from a close exchange

There's grinding, but in order to do the grinding the pieces have to be in place, and you can lose your 'pace' pretty easily if someone gets the jump on you or screws you over in some other way. Once you're at a point where you can go to town and fuck people up its pretty rewarding, and its a real team effort to get enough people on your team to that point to make a difference and win the game.

By having different opinions than yourself

Had the same problem back when I was playing League. My friend were playing with me so it was fun at first but when you get into a ranked match and start realising that you laugh less and get angry more inside a dark net cafe surrounded by 12 year olds playing the same game as you then you know its time to stop.
I dont know why but mobas can trick you into a loop of not having fun but wanting to play more at the same time. Maybe its the false sense of achievement that you get after a victory that makes you think that you are better than somebody else that gets you.
This is my experience with mobas, maybe you need some more time before you realise you are done with the game user

if you reach a certain level of proficiency, you'll realise that the game is actually deep, fun and rewarding

however, you will also realise (if you haven't already) that it's ruined by retards at every level

it's only good if you have 2-4 chill friends to play with, and you put the time in to learn how to play properly, or if you're the kind of person who actually enjoys the insanity and retardation of solo matchmaking

I used to be an ASSFAGGOTS in LoL then in Dota2 (4.5k mmr scrub desu) but since i realized that you need to rely on 4 retards, i droped it. It´s like seeing the fucking light out of the cave.

i was the same for years i was so addicted but eventually the insufferable beaner user base became too much and i uninstalled

>play a 50m game
>someone throws a hissy fit and throws the game
>get demotivated
>dont play anymore
i regret those 3k hours

>tfw I could never get into it
>saved myself thousands of hours

>tfw got off the ride after 1.6k hours before going full bitterness and resentment mode
feels good man. I have great memories of the game.

Pretend to afk for the first minute or two of a game, see how toxic the community is, and realize this game is not where you want to be
It's an extreme measure that can be considered griefing but when you realize how hateful some people can be in this game, it's not you that's the problem... it's them

get away from dota and come play PUBG with me

>haven't played ASSFAGGOTS in years
>have the urge to start playing again
Thanks god my computer is broken

the first 10 minutes of the game is really important and your going to fall behind a ton if you sit afk for a few minutes so yeah thats going to piss people off are you retarded

go play unranked if you want to casually play

>"lol those nerds on the footballfield playing, i'll just sit here on the sideline and pretend i am not their goal scorer heh... that'll teach em"
>"why is everyone yelling at me?"

mentally ill retards like you should stick to nintendo consoles

Speaking as someone who hasn't quit the same game, but a moba that's just as bad? Just quit cold turkey. Uninstall the whole thing and go play something else. It'll hurt at first, but it'll get better as you find better games to play.

The most magical thing about Dota 2 is its ability to turn anyone who plays it long enough into a racist. My best friend never once said anything bad about South Americans until he started playing Dota. Now he can't shut up about how much he fucking hates Peruvians and I can't either.

most angry people don't go into the game angry. they become angry because someone is being a little bitch so they feel validated in becoming a little bitch themselves. sure it's a shitty attitude but it can be hard to control your emotions in a competitive setting.

so if you're griefing a ranked match, you are a part of the problem and you can suck a fat one.

Try playing exclusively meme heroes or heroes you're bad at.

>tfw thinking about going back after watching TI

>I'm 1k MMR
>Keep playing because I think I'll get better
>I never do

Oh hey, I made that webm. Nice to see it getting used for shitposting.


because there really isn't a better term for that camera style, as far as I know

What's so bad about this webm? Smoke break is 1050 radius and gust max range is around 900. It's more about AM having good reactions and not EE fucking up.

now post the webm where EE dies as arc warden

Sure the smoke didnt work but they still got the tower

>Fuck up
>He starts casually farming creeps like he meant to

OC coming through

1. hit creeps
2. look at the map and don't die
3. don't pick agility

"Top Down"

>watch TI
>feel like playing after its over
>get a teammate whose name is in Cyrillic
>Demands mid and picks TA
>ends the game 0/27/3
>tries to blame the supports
DotA 2 would be literally perfect if casual play was anywhere near as fun as professionals make it look

the good old undying gank into reverse triple kill
you can't do that anymore though

this was back when undying was super op no one cares

Same, played on a decent level for quite a while back in 2013 and beyond but I just can't stomach it anymore.

Game still has glaring issues, solo is literally impossible if you have any kind of emotions. Even the core design of the game irks me so hard now, RNG is rampant, certain hero designs existing just to frustrate you to no end etc etc

Glad I fucked off, the amount of mad wasn't worth it at all anymore.

I swear I cannot get into last hitting properly. Since every hero has a different attack animation speed and damage I just constantly fuck it up. It's probably a big part of why I'm so bad.

If you're having trouble last-hitting, there's two things I can think of that you can do:
>1. Practice last-hitting
>2. Buy more items early on that help you last hit better (quelling blade, null talisman, ring of aquila...)

See their first mistake was trying to gank an Undying. That never works out.

SC:R looks better compared to doto

Why is c9 so fucking trash, i thought they were a popular/good group of players, or is that only in LoL

>popular/good group of players
>Clown 9

For me it's always
>if I bought x item on y hero, would I fared better?
Since replaying the exact constellations are rare, you kinda end up wiki surfing and you have like 500 what-if questions which you someday hope to try out.

The only other time it gets so bad, is when I am playing paradox games like Victoria 2.

t. slav poorfag with a toaster PC

Clown9 are notorious for being weird as fuck. Mostly due to EE baffling.

after enough forced "meta changes" and enough years of putting up with them you'll get bored