ITT: God tier redesigns
ITT: God tier redesigns
Other urls found in this thread:
And another one from LoL...
Complete trash
Don't care
they are both much better than their previous designs
No new Poppy is complete trash just like the entirety of LoL
fuck this board
>small but with oversized weapon
name a worse trope
you cant
it's a shit trope and one of the reasons why I hate Vi
nope, old designs were much better - simple yet effective
>LoL can be a great game like S1-2
>but Riot keeps adding more bullsht gimmicks to Summoners Rift and shitting out more champions fucking up the balance
Only good thing they're doing right now is making runes free soon
>Caring about LoL
Dead game son, not even the spics play that shit, everybody moved to the new casual/normie game PUBG
Season 4 was the last good season
Trist was perfect before.
That game is for dying streamers
Both of these are complete shit, but the Poppy "redesign" is downright fucking terrible. They took and established character and threw her out entirely, then made a new character and gave her the same name.
Riot's redesigns are fucking shit. This is a fact.
Simple yet completely shit
10/10 image
The new Yordles make my dick hard
>implying he wouldn't throw that red headed thot aside and go bareback bush whacker mod on that blueberry
Reminder that you do NOT want to fuck Tristana
You will NOT be able to leave the bed if she likes you, she's very aggressive and you will be having sex nonstop.
posting best better to lewd yordle
ah it's the riot marketers hi guys heard your game is dying
>thinking the LOL GURL GAMER would ever have her talons ripped off of Janna
Oh how naive. As if a female would play ADC.
I don't play LoL anymore but man, I want to fuck the yordles.
That's cool and all, but you accidentally wrote "NOT" in the first sentence too.
I know a female that mains Vayne and she black, pretty cute
LoL is trash but I would prone bone a Yordle even if it gave me a fucking heart attack
Does poppy still have the 11/10 ult?
>brain damaged Yosemite Sam ripoff
Exactly. You definitely don't want to impregnate this.
Mechanically at least old Poppy was fucking cancerous trash and there was no way to salvage her.
As far as character, I agree. NuPoppy was turned into an autistic retard and I have no idea why.
would you fuck gnar?
so is this an attempt at psychological sex appeal conditioning marketing? you guys must be very desperate considering these threads just turn into porn image dumps and nobody actually makes any real posts.
pathetic. if riot disappeared tomorrow nobody would care.
Time to beat the fucking shit out of my dick
No I mean it user.
You won't have a normal life with if you have her. She will keep having sex with you nonstop. Rain or shine she's going down on you, Tristana is very aggressive in bed and will pin you down and even break the bed riding you. Do you really want to have your balls emptied every hour of every day of every week? You will be milked and drained all the time.
>Mechanically at least old Poppy was fucking cancerous trash and there was no way to salvage her.
She was fun in 3v3, before that was removed.
there should be a new rule about keeping these garbage threads on /vg/ similar to the MLP rule
I dunno man, you're doing a pretty good job of convincing me otherwise.
You are right nobody would give a shit. I hate LoL it has a fucking cancerous userbase. Dota 2 is way better (players are more demanding of team effort though)
All I'm saying is, Yordles are like the elins of the west. Short thick and fucking delicious.
You cant deny this, he went from a silly goofy pirate to the most badass character in the game.
And his ost is fucking godtier
Ok, what the hell is up with all the League of Legends threads lately? There's been hardly any MOBA talk ever on this board, and all the sudden it's multiple times a week, usually waifu-ing these purple girls.
That still exists. It's just pretty dead.
take it to
Probably porn dumps.
>have to turn a simple and YARR stereotype into a "mah badass pirate"
It's the biggest game on the planet. I'd be surprised if there wasn't an occasional thread. Plus the porn is excellent, which is probably the main reason.
Dota is shit too don't kid yourself. The guy you were replying to is a retard though
dead game
They made him FAT, fuck that
nah i'm onto you guys. glad your threads are failing as hard as your """game""" is though niggers
I'd pick that qt yordle over that red headed whore anytime.
Can we just have a short stacked thread instead?
>hairy legs
It added depth and a legit personality. I prefer that to a fucking stereotype. But whatever.
It also made him a lot more complicated mechanically, it went to pantheon tier to 5d chess
user NO
you will literally need to keep it up because day or night you will be having sex. If it's summer? Hot and sweaty sex.Winter? She broke the heater again, only way to warm up with with sex.
Over time the bed will REEK of semen and other bodily fluids user. Your balls will be drained daily you will be milked.
Condoms? NOT ALLOWED, she cannot get pregnant so bareback ONLY. and don't even think about leaving, going to work?
She'll pull you back in for one last rough fucking.
You're as pathetic as any "marketers"
>He thinks I play Mobas
Nah, team-based games are a joke.
The rework ruined him for me. GP was my top pick for playing drunk with 0 effort and tons of laughs, and now there's these stupid barrels that supposedly explode but enemies can just shoot and ignore them. It's a fucking disgrace.
>It's the biggest game on the planet
Yes, and the Call of Duty series is massively popular, how many threads a day do you see on that here? Or how about World of Warcraft, are there constant threads on that here? I'd see maybe one LoL thread a week at most, and suddenly it's almost daily.
i'm actually not that guy for once, but he has a point
why are these threads allowed when they've been shown to be blatant marketing
Oh cool it's this copypasta again
I see plenty of threads about those though. Especially WoW.
I just wanted to make an user happy
They're bleeding players heavily and are desperate to get fresh attention for their game
It won't work
>silly goofy pirate
The only silly goofy thing is when this motherfucker hits you for 1200 damage on level 3 and afterwards eating a fucking fruit infront over your corpse.
I haven't played LoL since the end of the open beta, jesus what the fuck are they doing with this game
Yeah that sound pretty horrible, haha
Proof? Besides some thread someone spammed 4 months ago.
look at this thread, porn dump garbage
if it was any other game mods would have deleted by now
I'm going to let Tristana fuck me.
Can humans make Yordles pregnant
This is a very important question.
>tfw no yordle/shortstack gf
They're just furry enough for my dick to be entertained
They can, but only after lots of vigorous mating press sex
Thats my wife you are talking to sir.
You didn't even get the correct #1 redesign from League, with two attempts
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with short girls?
>tfw go full crit dmg runes/masteries, buy nothing but the crit chance gloves, then roll your 1/10 chance to instakill your lane opponent before the creeps spawn, causing them to leave and instantly winning you the game
beta LoL was some fun shit
So no actual proof.
>god tier
>not even a god
stand back lol kiddies
>tfw no midna mistress/owner
> Went from "hardass, no nonsense battle girl" to "LE HAMMER PUNS ARE FUNNY RIGHT?"
> Went from "Slightly slutty gunner with a cannon for a weapon and lots of guts" to "Complete slut"
No and no, both champions were ruined by waifuying them.
what do you want me to photograph the marketing dept at riot offices
this is some blatant marketing and it's been going on for months. we should have a rule against league threads so they stay in the containment zone
hmmmm so how tight do you think Yordles vag is? if its ultra tight id dumb that whore human
Boner king was boring king though.
>we should have a rule against video games
Yeah, you're gonna need better proof for literal marketing than porn dumps from a game that's 50% waifu bait.
Edgeplank is shit, Captain Gangplank should've been his true redesign.
Refer to the fourth icon in my image
Since the mods deleted that can you post the link instead please!