There's nothing wrong with mobile gam-

>There's nothing wrong with mobile gam-

Why is this legal?

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Rich people are weird.

I'll never understand the appeal. Is it just a power trip for richfags?

It's called a gambling addiction


stay in your general and keep on playing your mobile game, retards. We have better FF threads on a daily basis without your cancerous presence.


no you don't

>$1,100 wasted for some kind of in-game benefit
Literally kill yourslef.
Even wasting $20 on an actual 10-20hr DLC pack feels bad to me.

You could've supported 20 $60 games with that.
You're probably too rich and ignorant to care about the investment if you're dropping this much on mobile trash

This phenomenon shows how fucking gullible the new generation of gamers are. Youtube/Twitch shills tell them how awesome gacha games are, so they HAVE to get in on that, forcing themselves to get hooked on the most awful moneymaking scheme available on their phone.

things being legal is the default state. tell me why it should be illegal

>Spending money on mobileshit
>Spending money on FF:BE


Why do so many richfags also browse Sup Forums or /vg/? Is it because they have no friends?

>paying 20-100 bucks for 4 bytes of data assigned to your account in some random SQL server

>spend $1,000
>get almost no gratification from your investment
>post on Sup Forums
>'lol check out my sweet achievement'
>slight emotional reward gained
The real problem is how, for rich people, time investment is the real problem.
A 40-80 hour game is a GRIND to rich people.
Their time is worth so much that it's actually a bigger investment to complete something like this than $1,000+.

There are ridiculous amounts of poorfags who spend ridiculous amount of money on mobagames, and some even ask for money to mafias or loan to banks to get their favorite characters.

>ff14 on daily basis
>without your cancerous presence
thanks for the giggle

Or maybe he just has a problem, like you seem to have.

The response to this is werider, look at 'fine art' which is not much better than your james zapata or whatever yet pieces reach quater million or more

I have a small suspicion that it was notch.

>have spent at least 300 dollars on loot boxes in OW
>spent 100+ on keys for TF2

Get help

Art can be resold and people respect you for having it.

>over $1000 in 3 days

Honestly, notch is the 0,01%. He could buy himself all this egregiously expensive DLC is every mobile game ever, and it wouldn't matter.

Obviously the real problem are kids with rich parents who make a large margin for this kind of market.

>spent 100+ on keys for TF2
Just think user. With that amount of money, you could've bought Something Special For Someone Special!

If I remember correctly Art has special tax laws that makes it a worthwhile investment. Also, something about money laundering.

Mobile gaming could have been so much more.

Could it? Anyone in the comfort of their home would choose the PC. Mobile is only an option during work breaks or in transit. That kind of audience is never going appreciate skill in vidya.

A lot of anons prefer playing on a Vita or Switch at home depsite having a PC/Home console.

All mobile games are made to exploit the part of your brain that's associated with gambling. They literally survive on reaching the 1% of people with no self restraint who pay prices like this to fill a void.
All mobile gaming is pure cancer.

Art increases in value over time.
Bits, bytes and jpegs do not.

Imagine the faces of the mobster back in the Cuba casino days when someone told them there will be international gambling for all ages where the bank never fucking losses...

They're just weak-minded and restless, so they buy those toys to move around more or seek better "scenery", but in the end those devices are massively inferior and a waste of time. If you want deeper gameplay, don't settle for the middle ground, the diluted coffee or whatever metaphor you'd want to think of.

rich anons, buy me a game instead of wasting hundreds in a mobage

Play TF2 and tell me that

Gambling for money is an understandable addiction, but this shit is ridiculous.

It used the same part of the brain. It's very insidious really.

Im quite sure the average value of nearly everything in TF2 dropped with time

Ding ding ding. It's baffling that the fucking Chinese are the first to wake up to this scam.

The Nier banner is the most amazing form of schadenfreude in a while.

That applies to most art as well

Let me explain addictions.

Around 10% of people are more inclined to become addicts. Nothing to do with upgringing or even parenting. Addiction is a legit illness that people are fucking powerless against it.

Gambling, alcohol, drugs, and fucking mobile games.

90% of people won't pay a fucking thing for this game. But addicts get a better feeling buying this crappie than everyone else.

Fucking alcohol addicts are the only reason why even alcohol companies can stay alive.

Alcohol is widely consumed by people who aren't fully addicted so I doubt the "whales" keep the alcohol industry alive

I have a friend who spent thousands on that dragonball mobile game. And that's why I never started that game.

But fuck... I started Fate Grand Order.... hope I don't become crazy enough to spend much on this.

Ya and tell me how often a regular person buys compared to an addict.

Do you have any idea how much alcohol an addict takes? They are drunk all fucking day. Having a moment with no alcohol is murder for them.

Every normie maybe drinks a beer max 1 or 2 a day. Maybe has hard alcohol MAX 1 time a month or rarely 1 time a week.

Take a guess how much an alcoholic takes compared to that. Change the hard alcohol to all fucking day instead of once a week.

There you go...

It's not about the money, it's about chasing the rush. I have more than enough fucking money, I just like gambling. Ever since that fucking dice-a-roo neopets game.

Alcohol sales like basically everything in the world follows the Pareto distribution, which means that the top 10% of alcohol consumers will consume 90% of the alcohol.
You will find this distribution in almost every social, biological or cultural system.

Those numbers aren't quite right. You're forgetting the small percentage of people that do pay a small amount, but don't turn to whales. There's been more than a couple free games I liked that let you pay a couple bucks to remove ads, so I usually do that.

>doubt the "whales" keep the alcohol industry alive
Jesus christ, you have no idea, do you ?

I know someone who's spent thousands of dollars on dokkan battle, I don't get it because there's jack shit to do once you get all the good characters

Weird how that falls in line to some degree with wealth distribution.

Because the wealth distribution also follows the Pareto distribution.
But don't worry, the fact that we can discuss this on the internet proves that we're among that 10%

>I don't get it because there's jack shit to do once you get all the good characters
For normal people, nor gor that guy, because next time another card will come and he will chase it, he loves the thrill and excitement of getting a new upcoming card, all those blinking lights, flashy colours and congratulation messages are what makes his brain contnue wanting to play.