GOG sale thread

Did you fell for the piƱata troll?

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Yes, bought 10, got only crap or Steam dupes.

I bought 5 yesterday
got 2 Steam dupes, and 3 old as fuck games

what games you can get?

reminder that all GOG games are available 100% free

here are the ones reported so far

Little Big adventure 2
War of The Overwolrd
Heroes of Might and Magic 4: Complete
Aliens vs Predator Classic 2000

Wasted some money

not bad, but not happy either
yesterday, various anons told me warlords: battlecry III is a really good game
i will give it a try

Too many shitty games to take the chance on getting something good.

Warlords is dope.


I bought one of those, got Spellforce platinum. Never heard of it before so what am I in for?

I bought 15 pinata's and got fucked on them.
All I wanted was a decent game in the mix and I got shit.

Apparently there's limited pools for each of the games, so if the pool for a game is depleted, you can't get it anymore. For instance, copies of Tyranny have already run out atm, leaving you with the other crap. There's also the question whether the pool sizes for different games have been equal to begin with. No word on when, how or whether the pools get refilled. Wish I had known this beforehand.

If you're buying these kind of things expecting to get the one or two games on it that are really expensive don't. The odds that you will get them before you spend more than the game is worth are minimal, it's how these kinds of thing work.

You should only be buying into it if you're willing to give anything that comes out a fair try. At least in this mystery box all games are made in earnest and at the very least passable, unlike shit like the GMG mystery box which is chock full of the same sort of literal trash that gets given away in Indegala regularly.

Isn't it a grand feeling that you get a game you didn't want and then check the price and you realize on top of it, that the current price is the same price range as a pinata? Why even put a game in a pinata when I can buy it directly for the same price?

How the fuck. I never paid money for that SJW garbage

I don't like GOG it feel like a cheap and crappy flea market.

>Heroes of Might and Magic IV
>Signals from Tolva
I was aiming for a better deal.

>Did you fell

I can agree to a degree, but I wouldn't feel so gypped if I had had at least a fair chance at all the games. But learning that depending on when you buy, you're only left with the filler material to choose from, since the good deals were already given away and not restocked makes it sting a bit.

You wouldn't go to a fair booth, where you can see that the top 3 prizes were already won by someone else, would you?

Heroes of might and magic 4
Little Big adventure

I got fucked


>hoping for a game X that's $10
>buy $30 worth of magic boxes
>get abandonware from the genre you hate, a game you owned since 2001, Jack Keane 2 and some indie non-game

Why do people do this?

It feels good when you get a good deal.
It`s like taking part in the lottery.

Because the curiosity gets the better of them.

the thing is, you can't get games that you already have, so if you have a lot of trash already in your library, then you have more possibilities to get good stuff

>blatant attempt at reasoning how i got fucked by my pinatas

Fool and his money?

I`m still mad, but at least I learned my lesson.

Brb buying up all the garbage on gog so the next time there is a blind sale I'm guaranteed to get good titles.

Grim Fandango is pretty good if you don't mind some moon logic.

Also everyone's already played it and the remake is a ripoff.

i already have in on Steam
same with brothers a tale of boredom fucks
really bad luck, desu

they are giving away Deadlight for free right now