How do we stop the PlayStation Cuatro?

How do we stop the PlayStation Cuatro?

>Vast majority of the world has shit taste in entertainment and media

This isn't new.

>Vast majority of the world has shit taste
But Nintendo isn't the majority

>That puts Sony in the lead by a mile.
That's not very scientific. How far is that in meters?

Is this a forbes article?

And over what distance is this race being run?

They may as well be using food analogies at this point.

1.60934 Kilometers

Just got my PS4 finally. It felt like submission and a defeat but it's a feeling I'm starting to strangely enjoy.

But they picked the best platform by a wide mile. To me it looks like the majority has great taste.

With a Playstation Cinco de Mayo.

Is the psn down? Tons of shit posting today.

excuse me?

>good taste

kids came back from their trips to disneyland and now have nothing better to do.

>if you don't like nintendo then you must like sony
Console warriors are such retards

Why would we want to? PS4 saved gaming, sit back and enjoy the new golden age

>teleports behind you
>unsheathes dual shock 4000
You don't gaijin.

Jesus, I could only count like 3 PS4 exclusives on that list (and the only good one is bloodborne). What is this console good for?

>Have a PS4
>Use it Amazon Video, Hulu, Netflix and Project Diva Future Tone
>Do rest of gaming on stronger PC

I guess I played Bloodborne on it, too.

Nintendo has the same problem. Its truly exceptional games like Bayo 2 and DKCTF barely sell any, whereas the yearly Pokemon or a $60 level editor sells many million

There's five.

for poor people & casual gamers who dont know how to build PC of course!

PLlease, your the one with the shit taste because you're in the Minority.

K...Keep me posted.

It just replaced the Xbox 360 as the console for CoD shooters and underages who enjoy murdering hookers in the GTA 5 since Microsoft went full retard at their reveal.
Sony WILL manage to drop the ball somehow considering how unbearably incompetent they have been recently.

>"if it's not exclusive it's shit"
>but that means switch only has 1 game
>"multiplats count when it's nintendo"


Everyone on Sup Forums told me no one bought the WiiU and that it was a scam.
Whats wrong with porting their games?

Why don't you join us?

We've got all the good games now.

Nah, I would just play them on PC at 144 or 60 FPS.

>good games now
Like what?
I know you guys got Bloodborne and Knack 2 is coming out soon but what else is there.

Sony will stop themselves with their arrogance


>Not being an idort

Should be renamed to facts.png

Impressive they can do that with no games.

I thought the majority was never wrong? look at the metacritic for Zelda: Breath of the wild. These are the same people who bought and praise the Ps4 to this day. Are you saying they're wrong?

>$599 is too cheap for a PS3
I like my filename better

why contain it?

Blu ray player itself cost $800 at the time, little dumdum.

well maybe because they HAVE games? unlike the Bone.

Oh you

Make up your damn minds Sup Forums.