My first hint that this game was going to be fucking shit, before the predictable as fuck announcement of micro-transactions and a shitty tacked on multiplayer.
My first hint that this game was going to be fucking shit...
That's neat, OP.
My first hint it was going to be shit was that it's a sequel to a shit game.
Batman combat immediately makes a game shit forever.
*Ass Creed Combat
You did get to make dude's heads explode and ride a rancor tho.
No, fuck both of you, I'm not going to parrot your shitposts and call a game shit just because it had a similar combat system to some other shitty games.
Fuck you and your hivemind of bullshit opinions and edgy pessismistic pseudo-intellectual fuckwit opinions, I liked Shadow of Mordor and I thought the Nemesis system was fucking good.
Pretty shitty opinion you got there.
Enjoy it if you want, I thought it was pretty painfully mediocre.
>I thought the Nemesis system was fucking good.
Yeah, 'bosses' with randomized attributes are great. Who wants well designed bosses with unique moves and animations? It's not like the fight against the Hammer wasn't the only good fight in the game or anything.
You're an idiot.
You're shit and I hate you and everything you stand for on this board and I hate that you can't even think for yourself.
You're the kind of faggot who's too afraid to talk about his interests in front of people. Am I supposed to shit on it just because some other people did? Am I supposed to lie and say I didn't like it just to appeal to fuckwits like you?
I hate that people like you feel welcome on this board.
You have no idea how right you are, user.
Sup Forums really has no self awareness, huh?
you seem mad user, I suggest you discuss this game on reddit, they will be more welcoming of your opinion there. I highly recommend it.
No, but you shouldn't get this upset because you're presented with an alternate view. You see how I'm not foaming at the mouth that someone likes a game I consider crappy? Take a chill pill.
obvious samefag is obvious
The Hammer fight was generic and mediocre, you're a joke. A boss you have to stun to damage who summons mobs, wow, what a good fucking fight and totally different from the Captains.
Maybe some of us don't want scripted generic bullshit and the same three attacks repeated over and over with the same fucking obvious hint that they're going to swing at you.
I am not angry because you merely have an alternate view, I am angry because you don't have your own view at all.
Sure I do. I play a lot of action games and I think asscreed/batman combat is fucking awful. I played like 5 hours of shadow of mordor and I was really unimpressed.
An example of good combat would be dmc3 or ninja gaiden, or just this year Nioh had really good combat.
>The Hammer fight was generic and mediocre
And the fact that it was more fun than fighting "Orc immune to ranged attacks #8493672" should tell you a lot, then. You know the shitty Nemesis system is absolute garbage when I don't even bother to check their strengths/weaknesses 90% of the time, because it's not going to have any impact on the gameplay.
Maybe the Hammer being a basic boss fight could be excused if there were ANY OTHER FUCKING BOSSES IN THE GAME.
>Maybe some of us don't want scripted generic bullshit
Shouldn't be playing Shadow of Mordor, then. It's one of the most painfully generic, by the numbers games you can play.
>5 hours
Are you an idiot? 5 hours is a perfectly acceptable length of time to judge whether or not a game is good.
I really wanted to like it because I like LOTR but it just felt like a shitty reskin of asscreed.
Unironically fpbp
>since the second game is bad, it's now cool to retroactively shit on the first game
for what purpose
It's cool to shit on it because it's a garbage game.
Get some taste, nigger.
I liked Shadow of Mordor because I dig the Arkham/Ass Creed style of gameplay. If Shadow of War is able to add some depth I'll probably enjoy that too.
OP has valid points though. And I like Kumail Nanjiani but that character looks like garbage
Game isn't about bosses, if you want bosses go suckle up to the tits of a game like Dark Souls 3 where they rehash Shin Gojira and the Abyss Walker as a dragon and give him a sponge health pool and people pretend it's good.
I had an Orc who broke vaults, was immune to ranged, stealth, and combat finishers, and blocked stuns and repelled your basic attacks.
For me it's an Uruk collecting sim and thats how I enjoy it, and some aspects of the story as well with regards to how it got deeper into the background lore than most games (which are just parrots of the movies)
>one of the most painfully generic, by the number games
It's literally different every time you play with the exception of the quests. Saying something is "painfully generic/mediocre" and "by the numbers" is exactly that when you shitpost on Sup Forums like this to feel like a smartie and posting "plebian" unironically with classical statues just makes you look like a Sargon wannabe. And that dude likes ARK.
>someone who actually wants to talk about what a shit character that is
His motif is so tired and unfunny and the voice acting is fucking horrible and doesn't fit the character at all. I recoiled in embarrassment when I watched that the first time.
Literally different like No Man's Sky maybe. 50 shades of bland doesn't make the bland less so.
>Game isn't about bosses
See, this is a shitty non-defense. You can apply this to any aspect of the game where it fails and suddenly it's not a flaw.
>game has shit combat
>"Game isn't about combat"
>game has a shit story
>"Game isn't about story"
So exactly what is SoM about? Because it's certainly not about fun - the only people that I can see genuinely enjoying it are 12 year olds who like the flashy kill animations.
>It's literally different every time you play
You're a retard and don't know what 'generic' means. A rogue like can be different every time you play, but if it takes every single one of its design aspects from different games, it's generic. SoM has
>batman combat
>ass creed parkour/climbing
>barebones open world design that means there are no interesting locales
>tacked on level up/upgrade system where you get XP for doing the most basic shit (50 XP for a headshot! so epic and cool)
>collection items scattered around the map with no real meaning or thought into their placement
Face it, buddy, you have nothing to defend the game with other than "I like it." And it's okay to like shit things - just don't try and bullshit me and say that it's good because you like it. It's not a good game. It's mediocre and boring, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise just to spare your feelings.
The nemesis system was like a cherry on top of a diarrhea mountain.
>gathering cannibals, diseased bloated freaks, armored juggernauts, crossbow snipers, and spearchucking niggers to take on your most hated enemies is bland
Maybe you're bland and dead inside and thats why you find everything bland and dead. Remember when you used to have fun, user?
It wasn't from playing shadow of more dross definitely.
>borderlands-tier ironic "humor"
What the fuck happened. This is loike, the exact fucking opposite of what an uruk would sound like
Game is honestly a fun version of asscreed with a smol open world map and busy work, but the nemesis system carried it on it's back like a champ.
Not everybody has to agree with you and shit on a game just because you have depression or something and act like a facetious twat on the internet.
>>batman combat
>>ass creed parkour/climbing
>>barebones open world design that means there are no interesting locales
>>tacked on level up/upgrade system where you get XP for doing the most basic shit (50 XP for a headshot! so epic and cool)
>>collection items scattered around the map with no real meaning or thought into their placement
This is like criticizing a game for utilizing the buttons on a controller.
i feel like this nemesis stuff would work way better in an xcom style game but in lord of the rings. you could have invasions and shit easily.
the combat in this looks kind of boring just like the combat in the first one was. the best thing about the first one was the nemesis system but you had to ignore all the other boring things. now the best thing about this one is the conquest type stuff with nemesis and your own army but you have to ignore all the SHIT things.
It's the kind of thing that makes a neat greentext but the actual execution of that greentext isn't very interesting. I play games mostly to just overcome mechanical challenges, not to get "comfy" or immersed. That shit doesn't do it for me.
>the nemesis system carried it on it's back like a champ
The Nemesis system fell flat on its godamn face because of one thing - the complete lack of difficulty due to the horrendously designed combat system. Why does it matter that this Orc can do ABC, and this one Orc here does XYZ instead, when you're just going to run up and kill them in 5 seconds? Why even bother to check their traits? I can see the system being interesting to fuck around with when you just try and promote an orc to make it as strong as possible so it can fuck up other orcs, but that's just a minor novelty and it's going to lose appeal real quick.
>Not everybody has to agree with you
I don't give the slightest fuck if anyone agrees with me. I'm not going to stop shitting on bad games because you get offended and think I'm "a facetious twat." I'm not your friend, dipshit, and I don't care how asshurt you get.
>This is like criticizing a game for utilizing the buttons on a controller.
So all games are shit? Amazing argument.
They must have just liked him as a comedian and he reached out to them as a fan or something. Who fucking knows, maybe they thought it would be a good idea to diversify the VA cast with garbage.
Hopefully he won't go around and shoot off about how the game is going to teach people to be anti Trump and that Sauron is basically a metaphor for the Donald.
Shadow of Moredollars
No but apparently every open world rpg that has come out in the past 10 years is.
Also I don't think anyone wants you to agree with them BUDDY GUY FRIEND
This is the brainless hivemind shitposting that is killing Sup Forums, where everything you say lacks understanding and self-awareness and is the same as every other asshat cynic on this board getting high off their own criticisms and percieved butt blustering when no one in their right fucking mind would actually get mad at someone for criticizing a game on their own legit grounds and not some regurgitated bag of dicks.
I agree.
>absolutely no refutation
Instead of complaining, how about you point out the flaws in my argument? I mean, if it's just
>brainless hivemind shitposting
then it should be very easy to illustrate why I'm wrong.
If you think the game is so godamn great, then put a fucking argument together and tell me why. Don't post some holier than thou garbage and expect to look like anything but a complete dickhead - just labeling me as a cynic means absolutely fuck all.
Maybe you shouldn't come in and post your full unpublished review and criticism of a game and expect legitimate arguments in a thread that isn't about that game and just wanted to shitpost about some currynigger fucking up as a VA.
Hey now, I didn't respond to anyone who wasn't already talking about Shadow of Mordor.
>it's okay that I was being retarded because someone else was being retarded first so I just joined in to be retarded
this is why you got called out for
>brainless hivemind shitposting.
Jim Sterling is a fat cunt and if you agree with him you're the devil's advocate for cucks and SJWs and fat fucks like Jim.
You expect people won't talk about SoM in a SoM thread? You're a fucking moron. And stupid. And probably dumb too.
It's a Shadow of War thread, not a thread about a game that came out 3 fucking years ago
>thread about Game 2
>absolutely unacceptable to talk about Game 1
Just how fucking retarded are you?
Confirmed for dumb. I wasn't sure but now I am. I think you may also be an idiot.
Not retarded enough to go into a thread about skyrim and todd howard and then post an article sized review on Morrowind and argue with people about Morrowind like you aren't being a cantankerous retard
Look dude, the game is crap, he explained why it's crap, either accept it and move on or post a rebuttal. You're just playing the victim and it's really pathetic.
I liked the first one and will probably get this eventually if there is a decent sale
>playing the victim
What are you even talking about you massive head-shoveled into their ass faggot?
Are you capable of making any kind of coherent sense and defending your points? Maybe you should just get over it and move on and leave Sup Forums forever if you really get this obsessed over getting a confession of guilt from anons who don't agree with you in threads that don't even relate to what you want to argue about.
yer game is shit bud. It has shitty asscreed combat and doesn't fit the lotr universe. the only original idea it had doesn't get to see the light of day because the game is so piss easy.
>tfw tohru will never ram your asshole with her futa dragon dick
Agreed, user
>opinions about games are objective and you have to agree with me let me explain and list all the reasons why you are wrong
Just get out
During one of their demo sessions they showed one of the invasions and every four seconds the camera swung to another enemy general where they made their grand entrance/declaration. That's my reason for not getting the game on launch, because if they're going to ruin the flow of gameplay just to show off all their randomly generated OCs it'll just get annoying.
>someone going around saying bud to make themselves seem condescending and smart
Wow, four seconds.
Yeah that does sound annoying desu
I'm just a Canadian, bud is part of my lexicon, fuck off if you don't like it.
Well it is. You start fighting with dudes and then enemy orc general #1 shouts his presence. Then you fight again for about four seconds and then #2 shows up and announces his presence and the camera flies over and looks at him. Back to you, four more seconds of fighting, then #3 arrives and the camera flies over to him too. Completely ruins the flow of combat and makes the action less exciting and more of a 5th grade roll call.
Is lad condescending? I use it all the time, it rolls off the tongue nicely.
go push the middle out of a toonie while people from real countries discuss bideo gaymes friend
No but only because wew lad became a meme
gayme describes shadow of arkham: Mordor's Creed pretty well actually.
I like how the nemesis system stopped actually bringing back orcs 5 hours into the game. Really fun killing several dozen orcs in different ways for hours only for none of them to return. Great system.
U mad bro?
>pretending there's no difference between three franchises
>shitting on a game just to seem cool and edgy and bait
literally everything wrong with Sup Forums
I'm shitting on the series because I think it's crap and the proliferation of asscreed/batman combat has been a series detriment to my enjoyment of action games in the last decade or so.
It's random aside from the first few times each playthrough which have specific triggers, probably for dev testing or something.
I was about 140 hours in and went stomping around killing random mob uruks with the rancor thing and 10 minutes later one of those same uruks came back, a generic, easily killed, run of the mill uruk, as a Captain, with a fucked up bag-face and wounds all over his body, saying it was my fault and I stepped on him or something. Thought that was pretty funny and then I brainwashed him into joining me cuz he looked cool.
God forbid people enjoy things you don't.
>Game isn't about bosses
That doesn't excuse the fact that the boss battles are horrible. Also the entire plot of damn near any game leads you to a Final Boss Battle, and Shadow of Mordor led you to fight 3 QTEs.
The uruk branding system was the main focus of the game, and it was actually a very promising and fresh system. It was nice to brand random uruks and see them wandering the map. It was nice to brand level 1 generals and get them to be the Warchiefs. But the plot of the game gets in the way of that because 2 hours of branding an entire region's worth of Uruks, then going back to the previous region to do the same loses its meaning when all that work is just to get 4 or 5 uruks fighting with you in the end.
Also it fails to capture legitimate difficulty when they have monster closets in the strongholds when you fight a warchief. Enemies spawning forever doesn't make a game difficult, it just makes it annoying and boring.
Pretty much, my needs come first after all. Honestly though how are you so bothered by someone criticizing something you like.
I really enjoyed Nioh this year. Feel free to chirp the shit out of it, I really don't care.
>So exactly what is SoM about?
The entire game was literally just to introduce the uruk branding system. That's all. It did nothing proprietary besides that and while it's a promising system that in the right hands could amount to something fun, it was held back by shitty developers, shitty combat, and a shitty story that had no reason to be there other than to have a story about something.
>take your best shot, I enjoyed The Weeb's Bloodborne for Casuls
holy fuck this autist
>Sup Forums is one person
>except for me
>and him
>and the guy that agreed with him
>and the other guy that agreed with him
>and the guy that was indifferent
>and the guy that disagreed with me
>but you're all the same person
>except me
This is funny enough that it is now fact that all of Sup Forums is one samefag
The nemesis system was cool, but the game was so fucking easy that you hardly died, and therefore never really got to experience it.
I'd say that the game being easy made the nemesis system better.
I only died like 3-4 times in the game, and 2 of them were to the same enemy. When I killed him the first time I felt satisfied. When I killed him at the end, I felt doubly satisfied because he was so hard to kill when I was grasping the controls in the very beginning. By the end he was piss easy since the game's more about learning to handle its clunky mechanics rather than develop any form of skill or tactics.
But isn't the system supposed to be about creating memorable enemies? If you don't die and enemies don't get stronger, all you have is a system where you have to hope the dice rolled captains you get are somewhat challenging instead of each one being a threat on their own and evolving to become your nemesis.
I still love the game, but the Nemesis System felt like it had a lot of wasted potential.
>but the Nemesis System felt like it had a lot of wasted potential
The whole game is wasted potential. It should have focused ENTIRELY on branding/controlling/strategizing with your Uruk army, but instead became a 'spam B to make friend'-a-thon with generic assassin's creed combat and a generic, mediocre story with a generic and mediocre protagonist.
I hope they manage to learn from their mistakes and focus on the branding/nemesis system more in the next game, but I definitely won't shell out more than $10 for it.
Yep its shit, thread's over boys
I still don't understand why they waited until halfway through the game to unlock branding.
Yeh this was the gripe i had with killing floor; who the fuck even needed slow motion? Completely fucked up the pacing (for me and some others at least)
I wish there was an option to cancel boss intros, then put their name and quirks lower right or whatever in a semi see through list of captains in the area.
The list can fade out then when you press tab or whatever it pops back up, or use your map. Pretty easy to get around it.
i got the impression that the game was rushed. i expected
>start game > first area > boss > second area > boss > third area > final boss
instead i got
>start game > first area > boss > second area > shitty boss you barely fight > go back to first area to fight orcs briefly > qte final boss