Zelda does horizon better than horizon.

Other urls found in this thread:

You aren't making a good argument with screens where you can count the pixels.

Barbarian costume is the best
it was supposed to be handsome, but hes cute anyway

Oh yeah...? How many are there then, kid....?

No u

I like looking at nature in Breath of the Wild


Link looks cute on any costume

Keep fighting over which 30fps garbage is better, peasants.

So dark you can't see anything

>dose jaggies
More like Horizon for GameBoy Color!

No uncanny valley tho


Well Zelda is superior since you play at a qt boy

Is that Quasimodo?

I'm a straight male and I find Link more fuckable than that down syndrome mess.

did she ate a light? wtf her theet are illuminated

Gay Link thread huh.

Carry on.

>Posting Horizon beta footage
You're desperate Nintenbro.

Eewww wtf


Cause she's a robot

Your screen settings are off.


>This was day one footage
You know when something is released it's no longer beta right?

Dude, she's like, totally STONED lol.


The footage was taken from one of the streams where the guy got his copy early. Here's this, too:

That was patched on day one.

Too bad the didn't patch the part where she looks like George W. Bush

As much as I enjoyed new Zeldor I hated the feeling of "tech demo" the game had, the open world was also pretty boring after you visit a few areas and realized you'll only be met with the same cookie cutter enemies and rewards.

>posting supersampled bullshot and not actual in game aliased mess that runs at shit framerate

"I can't handle a real woman": The post

cant stand the sight of a strong nord woman?


im not gay im not gay im not gay fuck fuck fuck

Why are Nintendo fans so obsessed with Sony?

Why were Sony fans so obsessed with this game being a Zelda killer that they had to shitpost in every single BotW thread before launch?

5, it says it right there in the top right you mong

Looks like shit. Get some mods or something for that horrible draw distance.

Are there any ways to change her hairstyle?

Horizon Zero Dawn did Zelda better than Zelda Breath of The Wild.

>dat resolution

>yfw you ran into your first boulder miniboss

What is this, a NAMBLA game?

>"real women" just means ugly in 2017


Link is cuter.

Do people honestly think the Horizon will be looked back upon as fondly as BOTW?

That webm is incredibly poorly made, console warriors have gotten so lazy it's ridiculous.

Who's the dude?