Luck out and roll a bunch of 5* on relatively few orbs

>Luck out and roll a bunch of 5* on relatively few orbs
>Ike is -atk +res
>Sonya is -atk +def
>Celica is -SPD but at least she's +atk
>neutral Lyn
>Cordelia is -hp +def

What did you guys get recently?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing, waiting for that Sacred Stones banner. 2 hours to go.

I'm about to get that dork from the 30k Tempest Trial. I wish they'd give us good characters in these.



I've had some bad luck in my last couple 5* heroes.
-spd/+def Sonya
-spd/+hp Olwen

Rolled about 60 orbs for Celica and 30 orbs for Ike and received 0 5*s. I have about 30 now and I think it's all going to go to CYL because the SS heroes didn't seem amazing to me. I would really like Tana because she's great in SS and her skill "Guidance" seems interesting.

Good luck if you're pulling in an hour.

More red fliers never.

Gosh, Ike is such a qt :3 I'd hold hands with him.

I could see Fee and Tanith as possible red fliers.
Also seasonal shit can always happen

No idea what this is.

Do we know if we are going to be able to use Sacred Coins for anything in an hour?

I got a +spd -hp genny. I threw on +3 res and the new atk ploy seal. She's pretty beefy.


If those are not free orbs i dont care

Oh god she is fuckin cute, another one i will never get


Are those her confirmed neutral stats? Seems a bit pushed. I know armor gets higher totals, but still 35/34/35/23?

Absolutely ridiculous. Thank god I've been hording.

Narcian Rerun.

MID_MISSION_S201708HERO02_A1: Defeat Narcian (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708HERO02_A1: With Anna on your team, win\nthe Grand Hero Battle against\nNarcian: Wyvern General. MID_MISSION_S201708HERO02_A2: Defeat Narcian (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708HERO02_A2: With Narcian: Wyvern General on your\nteam, win the Grand Hero Battle against\nNarcian: Wyvern General on Hard or higher. MID_MISSION_S201708HERO02_A3: Defeat Narcian (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708HERO02_A3: Use Anna to defeat\nNarcian: Wyvern General. MID_MISSION_S201708HERO02_A4: Defeat Narcian (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708HERO02_A4: Use Narcian: Wyvern General\nto defeat a level 35 or higher\nNarcian: Wyvern General.

>another blue flyer than can use a brave lance well

Where are all the reds and greens or another flyer with hone?

She's has the same voice as Neptune. I want her even though I have so many fucking fliers.


>THE (magic) WALL

>14 def

MID_MISSION_S201708SENKA02_DAILY_TITLE: Tempest Trials MID_MISSION_S201708SENKA02_DAILY_A1: Clear Trial (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708SENKA02_DAILY_A1: Clear one of the final maps in Tempest\nTrials. MID_MISSION_S201708SENKA02_DAILY_A2: Clear Trial (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708SENKA02_DAILY_A2: Clear one of the final maps in Tempest\nTrials. MID_MISSION_S201708SENKA02_DAILY_A3: Clear Trial (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708SENKA02_DAILY_A3: Clear one of the final maps in Tempest\nTrials. MID_MISSION_S201708STORY01_TITLE: The Sacred World MID_MISSION_S201708STORY01_A1: Clear P10-1/Lunatic (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708STORY01_A1: Clear Paralogue 10: Part 1 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with a sword user on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_S201708STORY01_A2: Clear P10-2/Lunatic (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708STORY01_A2: Clear Paralogue 10: Part 2 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with a lance user on your\nteam. All four allies must survive. MID_MISSION_S201708STORY01_A3: Clear P10-3/Lunatic (Task) MID_MISSION_H_S201708STORY01_A3: Clear Paralogue 10: Part 3 on Lunatic\ndifficulty with an axe user on your\nteam. All four allies must survive.

Sacred Stones Tempest Trials incoming.

Armor stats AND Trainee stats, if anyone has an excuse for boosted stats its Amelia.


Lower HP than I anticipated

Holy shit that's painful to look at. ISIS really wants to kill the horse meta. I don't care much for Seth, but I feel bad for Sethfags.


God, I hope at least one of these fags goes down to 3* after this banner. With every new banner it's just more shitters bloating the 5* pool.

I got a FUCKING Lucina +ATK/-SPD instead of Ike. I'm pissed.

Rolled a few on Celica banner, of note I got Palla for moonbow, Cain for WoM and most importantly an Eirika, who I didn't have. She's neutral but at least she isn't -atk +hp like everything else I get.

Did want a Celica or maybe a Sonya that isn't -atk, but I think I'll at least use the free roll, even though I don't really give a fuck about anyone on the new banner. Hoping we get another Magvel banner at some point with some actual good characters.

Yeah those are really mediocre stats. 37/32/31/32/22. You will definitely just keep using Xander if you run a Sword Cavalry.



He deserves better.

So what I'm getting from this banner is that Tana and Amelia are IS's new waifus and were made as overpowered as possible, Innes is a mage counter but gets fucked by throwing a rock at him, and Seth is just a cuck.

Sound about right?

You forgot Blue Minerva over here

+2 Atk/Spd because of prf weapon.

+spd could make him into another brave bow user.

Well at least Tana and Innes show that most likely, Joshua, Saleh, L'arachel, Knoll/Lyon, and Duessel will have special weapons

Joshua is the most likely one to have Audhulm.
The rest will get regular weapons.

It'll be Joshua, L'arachel, Lute and some other male.

Too bad Lel will be shit. Joshua too probably. Characters I actually like almost always end up being mediocre, while characters I don't care about like Tana end up being godly and I end up using them anyway. Wish I could use characters I like for once.

It's weird, I never thought of Seth as maining swords even though he starts with A in swords and lances in SS, so I didn't expect him to be red. I guess we did have a string of blue melee horses, but the only one that stands out is Camus.

>Wish I could use characters I like for once.
Like who? Fir and Caeda?

40 minutes until (until!) Magvel!

Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that I'd need two Amelias to inherit Slaying Axe/+ and all the Armor March skills, I'd consider feeding her to my neutral Sheena.

>Wish I could use characters I like for once

What's stopping you. I'm over here with my 5* +10 Lucius.

Tana was great in Sacred Stones. How many characters were amazing in their main game and shitty in Heroes? What about vice versa?

I mean, Joshua was pretty good in Sacred Stones, so he has a chance - especially if they give him a prf weapon. L'Arachel was okay, the only issue with her was her recruitment time. She could go either way I guess.

Honestly I don't remember a damn thing about Tana in SS. She was an ok unit I think but not that special, and she seemed pretty bland in both personality and looks. I tend to like characters based on a combination of their personalities/roles and their worth as a unit.

>Roll for Ninian all week
>Finally get her the moment we find out we get more Magvel

In terms of stats, growths, and availability, Tana was high tier. I didn't find her bland, but I don't really care too much about the personality of the characters in FE titles. I just want to know if they are worth deploying to the field or not.

I get hundreds of summoning session videos in my recommendeds on Youtube that I get sick of seeing. Is watching others' summons really that interesting?

Fuck no, it's just as boring as you would imagine it to be

how do you see what Stat bias toon has? or is it just highest and lowest Stat?

I haven't been getting jack shit on this banner. I've wasted like 60 orbs and all I got to show for it is a stack of Firs and Raighs.

B-but at least more of them are 4* now.

Unless it's people flipping the fuck out over their terrible rolls, no.

>how do you see what Stat bias toon has?
Please try again in proper English.

>people flipping the fuck out over their terrible rolls
That does admittedly sound entertaining.

>A senile old fool once called me a beast—a wretched beast that lives only to kill and take what it can. I will kill that man one day. Still, he is correct, of course. I am a beast, with mouth full of fangs. I do take what I want. I'll take whatever I desire. From anyone. Knowing this, you have made use of me. And you have granted me much power... I cannot understand your actions. Do you intend to control me? Or do you long for me to be your master? Either way, you have become my finest prey. I will not permit another to sate their bloodlust on you... Just me.

You're fucking dead kiddo

No, you have to compare with a calculator. Try this one:
Put your stats in (subtract weapon might from atk, subtract passives from other stats) and it will tell you the bias.

dont know if this been asked but what phones are you guys using to play

Who cares?

HTC 10

iphone 7

iphone 6s plus, might replace battery or get a new one

Ten (10) minutes till Magvel!

Moto X pure

does this game kill anyone elses battery like super quick?

Galaxy S6 Edge, prettygud/10

>hone spd or hone armor
yfw an armor doubles you

No quicker than other games.

good luck faggots

>Magvel banner
>can't waste my orbs knowing CYL banner is near and CYL units will almost certainly be limited while the Magvel characters aren't

I can't decide if I want to spend ALL my orbs on Amelia, I don't like her that much and I've only got 121, but I'm not getting Ilyana anytime soon


Who the hell is James?


>More battles have been added to the Chain Challenges

>no green on free roll
>blast through paralogue to get 20 orbs
>got her on my last 6
Here's hoping she's not shit.


>3 greens on free roll
>first roll Amelia
I have never been so lucky.

Oh fuck ISIS the hero fest rates are a fuckin lie

>No Amelia or Tana
>Get Camilla, Fae, Nowi and Cherche

Eh, i'm cool with this. Didn't have them, anyways.

>tfw you just want Amelia

>Gacha Game
>with IVs
the canadian devil did this

>hawkeye and minerva cucked
fuck off

Two Amelias, Tana, and a off banner 5* Raven and Effie. Never before have I been so blessed. This truely feels like endless ejaculation especially after wasting all my orbs and getting nothing in the banners that had Linde, Doot, and Ike.

The memebuild to end all memebuilds

ZTE Blade A452

I was really worried my Amelia would be -Attack, but I'll take -Speed/+Def even if she's pretty fast

>Tfw just rolled a +Speed -Res Amelia

Fuck yes

same here

>it's the heroes I don't give shit about episode

It begins

>Rolled her on my first green


What do?

I'm so glad about the 3/4* switch. Now my barracks can start flooding in Soren.

What hero do you have the most copies of?

I have 12 fucking Firs. I'm considering just sending most of them to the feather factory because apart from Glacies, which is only good on a few units anyway, she has nothing worth saving.

-Spd is pretty bad, but +HP helps with earth boost and overall survivability

6 Jagens/Hanas, if we're counting free units I have about 8 Donnels

8 Eliwoods.

Counting both genders, I got a lot of Corns

Think I should go with a Quick Riposte route then? Other options include Wary Fighter or a breaker skill.