Undertale has sold approximately 2,728,439 copies (check steamspy)

>Undertale has sold approximately 2,728,439 copies (check steamspy)
>Probably has sold more copies than the whole Earthbound series that inspired it (and maybe also has generated more revenue!?)
>Getting lots of official merchandise
>2 years after Its original release it's going to be localized in Japanese and ported to the PSVITA+PS4
>The $60 PS4 Physical Edition it's going to sell like fresh bread too due to the fanbase autism that hasn't slow down in these 2 years

That is really fucking insane

>You'll never be Toby Fox

Other urls found in this thread:


>ported to vita

Maybe I'll finally play it.

>>You'll never be Toby Fox


Too bad even he doesn't think the game is a masterpiece

>you'll either like it or hate it
seems accurate

>He'll forever be overshadowed by undertale
>any future game he makes will be compared to undertale

Honestly I think the guy makes mighty fine music and pretty alright gameplay but god damn is it going to fucking suck once people start pulling that undertale comparison to any future games he makes.

of course a beta autist would say such a thing instead of just keeping cool and quiet. you should be more alarmed at the fact he did that

Nobody cares.

>rating his own game 8/10
Nah it's more like a 6

>You'll never be Toby Fox
That’s fine, I never wanted to be a beta cuck faggot.

People do that for every game. It's not exclusive to him, and he knows the boots whatever makes needs to fill.

Undertale is a $5 game, Earthbound series were all full priced. You are genuinely retarded and should probably be in some kind of assisted living facility.

That's assuming he makes any future games. Seems like he's content to coast on Undertale's success and do some composing for games on the side.

He can't really even make new games, not with his real name at least because of undertale desu.

>he says, as he wastes his precious seconds typing 13 characters

It's been nearly 2 years user, shouldn't you have gotten over it by now?

I wish I could be you, you alpha macho badass posting anonymously on a bhutanese pigmented pictogram board.

He'll be another one hit wonder of vydia like Notch at least he's not the guy who performed Kung Fu Fighting or Vanilla Ice

nice game faggot

>due to the fanbase autism that hasn't slow down in these 2 years

Not true. I was a major autist about it for a few months after playing it. Now I don't think about it much. I mean I still like it, I'm just on to other things. I imagine all but the most dedicated of fans would say the same. I mean the PS4 release will still sell well enough to be worth it I'm sure, I'm just saying I don't see its fanbase maintaining the obsession like some others have for several years.

Considering he must now have more than enough money to live in luxury for the rest of his life without working a day, I can't say I feel too bad.

>UNDERTALE might be the most acclaimed thing I'll ever make, but that's OK. As long as I can still make some people smile it's all good.


He is still a faggot

>Getting lots of official merchandise
Is it selling like a God Church™ though?

Good on the lad.

Good on him to accept it, it's hard for some people to do that. I hope Toby makes more good games, the last thing I want is another bad game to not play.

I respect him for not pumping out cheap sequels like the FNaF guy
But at the same time, he could be fucking rich if he did. He could even just license the characters/music to big name devs like ZUN does and still make mint.

>You'll never be Toby Fox

He is fucking rich already without needing to do any of that.

undertale won't even be his magnum opus. he is working with cdpr on cyberpunk.

> 8/10
Nice fake “modesty” there

8/10 by gaming journalists standards is a 6.5 in real world terms.

He's successful, but not fucking rich. Notch is fucking rich. Toby is someone who realizes the value of his product and has all the opportunity to expand to the stars, but doesn't want to sell out into the ground, and I can respect that.

Honestly what the fuck is it with this game? What sets it apart from all the other indie crap and why is it so acclaimed by journalists and redditers?


It appeals to many types of tumblr kids on an emotional level and then it spreads to normalfags because "popular things means its good" droning.

Same thing that happened to Demon Souls/Dark Souls and jaded gamers who got tired of tutorial handholding that took over games.

youtubers played it including Irish cunt, Korean cunt, and Swedish cunt. and I don't mean pewdiepie he never touched that shit I think

What the fuck are you talking about? He’s made at least $16 million from undertale. That’s well into the 1% upper class of society. You don’t need to be a billionaire to have more money than you even know what to do with.

>you'll never punch Hussie
feels bad

nothing personeel kid character Sans, with his battle and his battle music, and of course ebin reaction image pretty much made this game popular.

Is this game just an earthbound rom hack?

Hussie get your shit together. The man is lapping you.

actually originally yes it was but then Toby pulled a todd changed the game a little and that probably explains why a couple of songs in the game are unironically lawsuit worthy

he made a romhack, you can tell that earthbound was his inspiration, game was made with rpg maker i think.

A lot of it was simply coming out at a good time. I don't recall there being too much competition at the time other than Metal Gear 5 and that was a disappointment for a lot of people
It also helps that Toby had ties to shit like the Homestuck community. Those cancerous little shits were basically able to blog and share shit on tumblr with nothing to really overshadow it. From there it just spreads like wildfire

Pretty much everything about it is good.

>Undertale's PlayStation trophy list ends up being the best one ever


I hope that even the most diehard Undertale hater can admit that some of the songs are pretty nice.

>unironically lawsuit worthy

Examples? I'm curious now.

When EB came out in America it sold so poorly it was shoved in bargain bins.

Even including the Japanese releases, the Mother series sold only around 1.5M. Sure, this isn't including the Virtual Console rereleases but I think you're overestimating everything. earthboundcentral.com/2009/02/earthbound-series-sales-figures/

>millionaire from a game that takes an hour to beat, respected musician, got to meet and earn the respect of the man who inspired him.


>self proclaimed "alpha" who has no gf and who's biggest achievement is getting a (you) on Sup Forums.
I'd rather be anthony birch than you desu.

Yeah I'm sure Mother 3 sold terribly in the west and all.

Oh wait...

The game cater to the "i want to feel special" crowd. It has a very simple message, but with a presentation that miiiiight be justifiable till you are around 14
Without naming names, it is basic the video game equivalent of a certain cartoon featuring certain animals.

That was a retarded joke he made with his friends. Undertale was already being worked on in Gamemaker by then. People just saw the dumb post he made on his friend's thread claiming Undertale was a sequel to the non-existent romhack and thought it was never-before-seen exclusive content. It got to the point where he deleted the post because so many people started to believe that even though it was an obvious joke.

It may not be a rom hack, but it’s certainly full of copied/traced assets.

Him just riding the fame into a video game composer career seems like the best possible outcome for everyone. Guy makes some decent music but no way in hell will he make an accomplished developer. Undertale is some basic gamemaker crap and there's no way he'll ever repeat that success.

Haha us ironic gamers right?









With some its more of a case of using the same soundfont than outright copying a song

these sound nothing alike

>b-but muh soundfonts!


Some are homages, some are the same soundfonts, some are the same vibe, but they've never really felt copyright infringing to me. That said, this mashup is both catchy and eyebrow raising.


I had forgotten how fucking enjoyable undertales soundtrack was.
thanks for reminding me!

Undertale also ripped sound effect right out of Mario paint and no one ever brings that up.

wow, the drums to bonetrousle really go well with.. oh right

probably because nobody cares

F E E L S .

I like Toby

It looks like shit precisely because he didn't trace anything.

mother fucker you didn't even list the one that was LITERALLY Persona 2's Boss Theme

>it is basic the video game equivalent of a certain cartoon featuring certain animals.

The Lion King?
I haven't played the game so I can't say for sure what you're alluding to

>you should be alarmed

Check out this drama queen.

Good for him, Making a ton of money from a indie game.


Any thing user doesn't like with cartoon animals is the new mlp.

Fucker knew his place.
I remember when undertale came out, Sup Forums was all harddick for it, cumming around for how non-mainstream it was.

Now every indie is regarded as shit. Corporate assblasts i tell you

Hes talking about mlp

Why is like every response talking about the fanbase.

It's a good RPG that subverts some shit about RPG's, the subversion is fun if you're familiar with RPG's.

Fuck, separate the audience from the game guys.

i'm the guy that marketed this indie trash and scammed you nerds into buying it just like binding of isaac.

I can't be the only one who thought that Enemy Approaching sounded a little bit like Honky Cat at times right?

>I'd rather be anthony birch than you desu

whoa, now, let's not say anything we can't take back

Funny how this is still relevant

>tfw love Binding of Isaac and Undertale.

Thanks marketer kun.

i love both, thanks.

Well fuck me sideways

It's slightly evocative but nothing really made me go "Huhhh, I see it".

its honestly insulting that he ripped sounds from Mother only to use them in such a boring and uninspired way

here is the persona shit I mentioned m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb22li36dJg m.youtube.com/watch?v=bPCMJC1Ig6s if you don't see the blatantness, you're a bit of a dip

You say this as if the one man team making a niche RPG for himself knew that his Mother homage would be getting the eyes of millions.


To be fairireeno Megalovania is literally from Toby's edgy as fuck Halloween Hack

fuck he has good taste.

You are the worst kind of person.

Yeah, working your dead end job and being an eternal virgin is far better than being a fucking millionaire of a rpgmaker game

Yeah, it's it's obvious it wasn't written with it in mind. I just couldn't help but notice it.

game maker retard

>implying RPG maker can do that crazy flowey animation bullshit.

Not even close. man you're really reaching as there's only the most blankest of similarities. Where did toby fox touch you?

>Make probably 5 million after taxes
>give a fuck

I'd just fucking retire.

well he did decide to sell it

Better than:

- being a hack who does not fulfill his promises
- being greedy for releasing an unnecessary port
- having to live with expectations you can probably not fulfill again

Posting the better version that no knows about.

geniunely liked both, thanks asshole

yeah that one, fags

for speeding up music and reusing it in his game, yeah. Also this: m.youtube.com/watch?v=dtYwq4aBr0E m.youtube.com/watch?v=_C4yBssyoTY fuck your lei motif excuses M8 8 for persona 20 for hero. They're fucking note for note if you sped up persona by 1.5, honest to god

Why would he make another game in the first place?
Dude can sit on his ass the whole life and still will be rich.

What's the secret to having the video game "journalism" cabal shill your game? We already know Zoey fucked reviewers for positive reception, but what about people like Toby Fox?