How do we fix Sup Forums?
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Delete and ban P5 and P4 posters
You KYS.
These threads change nothing.
make >>>/cel/ real and move e-celebs there
thread IDs (not board wide)
When OP gets banned for offtopic any other IP in the thread gets a minor ban (like 10-20 minutes) for replying
Fixed Sup Forums
its the same shit every time
ban phone posters
get thread ids
ban the dumbass who reply to obvious shitposting threads
state mandated homosexuality
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
range ban all redditors
remove e-celebs
etc etc
All weebs and nintenbros to be perm banned.
Every post ending in 5 results in the poster getting instantly gassed.
Ban ALL anime, weeb, waifu, etc threads. Ban ALL Nintendidiots. Boom! No more cancer.
>ban anybody who outright claims their intentions are only to shit up the board
>new releases to a general thread for the first 2 weeks on release to curve shitposting
>eceleb general. id advocate to ban ecelebs all together personally
why dont mods every post in these threads instead of hiding and shutting them down from a distance.
>like 10 waifu threads up
>the single husbando thread 404s
Remove Sup Forums mods.
These threads have literally OBJECTIVELY accomplished nothing
More funposting
adios space cowboy
Yeah remove the weebs from Sup Forums! This sub should be for cinematic games only xD
Uh oh
Remove the catalogue, completely disable phone access across the entire site.
More Sup Forums specifically get rid of the retarded rules that visual novels have to go on /jp/ or /vg/ based on country of origin and that eroge have to be split between all the NSFW boards.
Sup Forums's nature needs to be given an adjustment if Sup Forums as a whole is going to improve. For example, we need to stop the reactionary non-argument BS that so often plagues threads. Calling everything bait and shitposting and trolling, for example, does nothing to spur discussion.
Time to die fuccboi
>hiro approved
>hiro said
>all over the pic
>threads always get deleted
>keep posting them
do you have OCD?
IDs to prevent samefagging
Ban everyone who pretends to be the Barney fag
Ban the word reddit
bring back dubs
kill barneyfag
discourage platform elitism of all kinds
ban eveything Sup Forums related on sight
you know what must be done user
No seriously, fucking kill yourself
Your mom is shit
check for a neogaf login cookie and permaban if they have one
Literally this
>Remove the catalogue
It's literally impossible. There is nothing that can be done for Sup Forums now. Jannies are lazy fucking retards that can't be bothered to delete blatanly off topic threads. The board is infested by a constant spew of porn threads, furfag threads, Sup Forums threads, you fucking name it and it's there. And they're allowed to hit the bump limit too, because the mods here are terrible. There's nothing that can be done for Sup Forums at this point.
I'm actually pretty sick right now Lee and I wish I could die right now :(
fucking die
>Ban normalfags
>only NEETs
>Increase Anime and Weeb mentality
there you go. i just saved Sup Forums
>completely disable phone access
Barneyfag is a reminder that bans don't do shit for dedicated shitposters
fucking die you piece of shit
put pictures of lolis everywhere
based barneyfag how come you don't do this for trapfags as well? i think it could really help the board if you went after furfags too
literally get fucking killed
The catalogue resulted in a gradual shift in how threads are made which has brought us to where we are today. In the old days in page view you saw a thread, and you saw 3-5 replies to that thread that showed you where the conversation had gone, and that's what made people jump into threads. With the catalogue the only thing you ever see before going into a thread is the OP, and so people fish for replies by making the OP the same stupid bait or meme text constantly. Think about how many times you see a thread with "can we all agree on [contrarian opinion", or "this is x, say something nice about them", or "it's ok when x does it", or any one of the other hundred things that get posted in the OP every day. The catalogue was a mistake.
The only way to save Sup Forums
fucking die you shitfuck
Get more mods
Delete Sup Forums
Give the mods the all-clear to delete anything even slightly Sup Forums they see, no matter the cost or methods, permabans and rangebans without possibility of appeal are allowed too.
Keep deleting for 2-3 months, that should be enough to have the Sup Forumstards go away (and the SJWs too, Sup Forumsshit goes both ways)
Sup Forums is fixed.
>for Sup Forums in particular
Delete anything that might be considered "original", make the board more like Sup Forums, new stuff that doesn't conform 110% to a strict unwritten standard is to be shitposted relentlessly and reported for deletion
Make it a text board.
Ban e-celebs.
Ban thinly veiled porn threads.
Ban Sup Forums and /soc/ threads and posts.
Enforce ---seriously--- all of the above.
get fucking hanged, faggot
how about gays just be straight instead
fucking hang yourself
You can't save it, entire internet is going to shit thanks to propaganda machine/shills and you can't really change how people act which is the main problem with Sup Forums atm. Also I feel like everyone here now is a super mainstream gamer, I will try to have comfy Roguelike threads or CRPG threads or something like that and if it's not whatever the next hyped thing in the genre is nobody is playing it.
Move e-celeb threads and encourage to post them in a general in /vg/. That way you keep allowing board culture horseshit and encourage on-topic posts.
>Delete Sup Forums
>delete the containment board
How about you both kill yourselves instead.
We don't need containment, we need extermination.
literally get fucking necked
Not him, but it doesn't contain us.
I can't think of a worse fate than that.
how about you dont be a fucking bully instead
theres like 50 grimoire threads a day you fucking whiny baby
Add flags, enforce the ban on console wars.
>i'm American so reading more than 3 words at a time hurts my brain, the teacher was a communist faggot the only letters i need to know are U, S, and A, reading is a commie construct for fags, i know because my daddy told me so, now if you excuse me i have to go and fuck my cousin
Autosage shitty meta threads
your post gives me motovation to continuing shitting on this board
stay butthurt
>He fell for the containment board meme
How the fuck did op image trigger Barneyfag?
Mods need to come down on shitposters with an iron fist like they used to, it's the only way
Forced sage is a terrible idea that should never have been implemented.
fucking hang yourself faggot
Any OP that does not blatantly discuss video games is banned. No more of "This is X, say something nice about X!", "X was a mistake", "Who is the X-est Y in video games, and why is it Z?", and other such nonsense threads are banned on sight.
Threads "about video games" that used cropped porn or porn for their OP image are banned on sight.
take one (not a penis) for the team
ban ecchi threads. bullshit like senran kagura, and doa waifuposting doesn't belong here and gets plenty of support on /e/
Bring back Moot.
Did last week vermin tournament end?
It's a gif. After ten minutes, it turns into A program like gifsicle can show you.
You mean the brand spanking new hyped game in the genre which I directly addressed?
I've an idea, let's all go to Reddit.
Ban East v west
Ban food threads other than weekends watchan/playan
Ban politics in any form
Make /yt/ to keep out e-celeb shilling from everyboard
That is just fucking retarded
Nice idea. You first.
literally fucking die
It's genius though.
It allows for plausible deniability. It's not the thread that is autosaging, is the posters that are saging a shit thread.
Plus it doesn't elicit the same reaction as a ban, it's literally a CIA tier hush-hush covert operation to make someone disappear in imageboard format
After you, faggot
we (You) fix it by closing this board for good
I'm already there :D
literally get killed
>Ban East v west
All threads that have some version of "what are some games that have" should be a 1 week ban.
All attempts to post any comics about Social Justice or transgender issues in LOL threads should be a no warning permaban.
The fuck is it this time?
It's not plausible at all, it's always incredibly obvious when it's happening, especially with people actually saging being a complete rarity these days. It's a shitty attempt at hiding the moderation of a thread instead of deleting it outright which doesn't send the same message and just makes the mods look like sneaky fucks.
how do you identify them user, tell me
literally fucking die, fag
Eh, it would work better with shadowbanning (that i hope gets implemented soon)
More bans. Public bans. More public bans.
Fuck off back to plebbit if you actually think that's a good idea.