Should I play it?

Should I play it?

Sup Forums BTFO

yeah lol there is a skeleton he's so funny and an epic boss battle you won't believ!

>Sup Forums BTFO

how much does it cost?

Either way, it's pretty good


Assuming he's not being ironic, no wonder his games are all trash. He's a fucking reddit tier in taste.

trying too hard to fit in/10

Its a good game. Sup Forums used to like it at the beginning than when the catalog started getting full with undertale shitposting, it became kinda hatef. Its a unique and short challenging rpg with alot of replayability, it has a good ost and cute story. A solid 9/10 game

>being this Reddit it hurts

Untertale is epic... Epic for the win!

Well, it's official. If Yoko Taro says it, it's gotta be true.

dude doesn't know game design if it bit him in the balls so I don't exactly trust his tastes

he's an ideas guy and a world builder

It's cool to hate undertale, that's it.

As it became more populars, people who played the game because it was popular ended up disliking it. There's also the Sup Forums hivemind but the game isn't flawless.

Story and characters are pretty weak. 7/10, it would be a 8 or even a 9 if Genocide was actually a complete route.

Who gives a fuck. Just play it and make your own opinion of it. Its like a 3 hour game. The guy is already rich as fuck so you can just pirate it. No one is going to give a shit about any of these games in a year.

>reddits feefees are hurt
Go be taroshill elsewhere, dickbag. His games are shit.

I always knew Nier was redditshit.

come on user elaborate more
please tell me exactly whats wrong without saying the word "reddit"

what started this meme?

Yoko Taro likes games that challenges norms. The game strays from conventional JRPG tropes with grinding and leveling up and instead focuses on giving everyone personality. Also the game's story heavily breaks the 4th wall and turns game mechanics such as saving into big story points.

In other words he's a gimmicky hack who can't design a proper game so he relies on being "different"
No wonder his gameplay is always trash, he doesn't care about actual games, just being a little sneaky subversive cryptojew

Play it, if you don't like the opening tutorial area then don't bother.
I thought it was fine, I thought the combat was fun enough, I played it, had fun, uninstalled it, and moved on.

Undertale is a good game, don't let Sup Forums turn you off of it. The fanbase is a total pile of shit, however. Just ignore the retards and play the game yourself.

is this worth pirating

well i mean. its a FUN game. the story is kinda preachy and a little 14andthisisdeep but the jokes are pretty funny and its a really fun game to play.

He's right you know


>likes things that challenge conventions
>sneaky subversive cryptojew
Do you hear yourself talk or is it drowned out by the shit spewing from your mouth?

>mainstream game is popular so we have to hate it and hate anyone who likes it

I hate this meme

Who is yokotaro?

What's with the whole faggot thing? Do you have to get hot death pumped up your ass to progress or something?

>mainstream game is popular so that means I can't continue to hate it and hate anyone who likes it without being considered part of the hivemind or some edgy contrarian

Not a big fan of this meme