Hows those skin round ups going? All I've gotten is grill master 76

Hows those skin round ups going? All I've gotten is grill master 76.

I want biker reaper so bad

Got Sombra, 76 and Junkrat, want Mercy bad, prolly gonna buy with coins.

Everyone I talk to about reapers skin say they don't care too much for it.
I don't even like sombra's. Should've been an epic.

I like junkrats but am happy with junkenstien. Can't wait for the Halloween event again

>Game so bad the community only plays to get the seasonal skins

I got Biker Reaper but I want Grillmaster.

It's too bad trading isn't a thing.

I've opened four Loot Boxes and the only worthwhile thing I got was the Mercy skin. Ironically that's the skin I wanted most.

I have stupid luck with her. My first Legendary ever was her Valkyrie skin (my favorite skin for her at the time), then my third or fourth was the recolor of it. Didn't get Witch but it wasn't my thing. Got the Chinese Epic for her, then my first Omnic Event box I opened was the Medic skin.

Shame, I don't play her at all.

>Bought 61 wellfare boxes because I'm a good goyim
>Got Grillmaster, Biker, both of tracer's old skins, both of Zarya's old skins, and Lucio's striker
>Got every epic skin
>Got nearly all emotes and highlights
>After opening them all, was left with 6000+ shekels
>Bought Lifeguard
>Opened a box yesterday, got Widow's skin
Feels fuckin great, man. I still have 3025 shekels left, but I really don't care for any of the other skins. At most, I might buy a few voicelines, especially Zarya's new one, but overall I've pretty much gotten everything I wanted.

>I don't even like sombra's. Should've been an epic.


>That ass
This is truly her best skin.

All I have is reaper

I've gotten fucking nothing, I've been playing this game for a week straight and get nothing
I can't even get money anymore to buy the shit I want because they got rid of duplicates, why did everyone have a problem with dups again? they the easiest way to get currency, now all I get are shitty sprays and voice lines that no one ever fucking uses

I'm finding it hard to be motivated to play, none of my friends like Overwatch for some reason.

I felt like this too, but then I got into comp. It was a great ride, but once I got to 2200 cp and got to plat, I stopped playing since that guarantees me a gold gun at the end of this season. Now all I really play is quickplay and custom games.

I've noticed the same problem with duplicates. I fucking miss them. I barely get any coins

It's so generic looking though

user you are playing the arcade matches for your box every three games right? I hate everything in the arcade but those boxes make it almost worth it

Bought last year's skins I wanted for cheap.
Don't give a shit to play the game any more.
It's just so tiresome.
Quickplay is boring.
Comp is boring.
I don't know how people can play this game at any length because there's never any variety.

I am. I'm getting all the sprays and shit I didn't get last year.

Reminder that if you are below M/GM and complained about Roadhog being OP with the 1shot:

>you lack gamesense
>you lack map awareness
>you have horrible decision making skills
>you don't stand behind barriers or walls

Roadhog punished bad positioning. You can only blame yourself for being killed.

I don't play comp anymore because even though my internet was fine, I was still kicked from a game and couldn't rejoin. I could play other modes still but not that comp game, or comp at all for 10 minutes because it said I was a leaver. And I lost 50 points.

>2017 still playing overblacked

I got a Greek Mercy and the Ana beachball emote

I'm saving my gold for Halloween event though.

>He says while oneshotting all 200hp heroes with Doomnigger

>Roadhog punished bad positioning
nigga he pulls you INTO a bad position from a good one