What should my build be Sup Forums?
What should my build be Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Max strongest spell
All speed and spell power
Lil fragile glass cannon
wurld of LUK
Luck, Defense, Strongest
In that order.
Luck all day every day
I wish I could find the soundtrack for this game. It's underrated as fuck.
>Gash bell will never get an actually good game
>there will never be a clear note arc OVA
>there will never be a FMA brotherhood or HxH style redone anime so gash gets a good anime adaption
>The series will never get the acclaim or recognition it deserves in the west as being one of the best, actually good long running battle shonen
>Raiku will never be unblacklisted
>Vector ball will never be uncancelled
What did Raiku and Gash Bell do to deserve this
You wouldn't lead me astray would you Sup Forums?
Has Sup Forums ever lied to you?
I liked the fighting game
>HxH author will continue to get millions of extra chances because he made yu yu hakusho over 20 years ago
>/Ourmangaka/ keeps getting shafted despite making 2 incredibly popular works
Its not fair.
Clear arc was shit anyways
Kyanchome got done dirty
Fuck off lionfag, he learnt how to be a hippo like a true man.
>DQXI is out and it's pretty good
I give 5 weeks before another hiatus
>Raiku will never be unblacklisted
Blacklisted from where?
This is why tenure is bad. HxH isn't even good.
I am honestly suprised that he is lasting this long when there is a new DQ game out, unless he made these chapters a few weeks before hand.
what the fuck and people get mad at Oda for taking 1 week off a month
>Clear arc was shi-
I'm mad at oda for making a fucking awful arc and saying it was going to be year of the sanji when its just year of a fat autist screeching about wedding cake.
>Gash goes super saiyan so it's fine!
All in luck baybee
>super saiyan
Gash himself didn't get powered up at all though, that's what made it great.
>never get a good game
some retard never played the top tier GBA games including the JRPG that rivals FF6 in quality.
But can you do
For all intents and purposes it was just Gash getting powered up with everyone else's abilities because friendship
It was lame
Publishers and production companies.
Fuck off emo faggot.
Cool I wonder whose spell this will be
Magic omniscient death eyes were stupid too
>every ally gash has ever had swooping in and btfo-ing clear with their strongest spells they'd get if their book wasn't burnt is lame
I don't think it've seen taste this shit in years
I'll agree answer talker was retarded though
what was he blacklisted for?
>it was lame
Nah, fuck you.
Anyways, did anyone play the third fighting game for gba? I never got to unlock the mechavulcan.
Lemmie guess, you only watched the anime
Read the manga, it's so much better, even the parts that the anime didn't change to shit just comes off better. But if you are lazy and only want to start from where they diverged, that's chapter 212
Sued a publishing company for being cunts
>They don't know about the foreshadowing
>not going full body str and speed for rapetrain
Its like if you all were gay...
No I read the manga a long time ago, that was just what happend when I first saw it.
Why didn't I like this show when I was younger.
Is it worth it? I'm curious now.
It's pretty good battle shounen with good fights and fun characters
It kind of falls apart a bit in the last arc and the story as a whole is REALLY predictable
Manga is great, anime never finished and it has filler
Nope, its shit, beyond cringeworthy kind of humor.
>riddle has concentric eyes and has mysterious knowledge
>sunbeam has concentric eyes and has mysterious knowlege
>Apollo has precongition that acts just like answer talker
>none of them have anything to do with answer talker at all
that's precisely what makes it dumb
The manga is absolutely worth it, the anime not so much, as it's shit aside from the music
>implying that the first FMA anime was bad
It's weird to see a correct opinion on Sup Forums
Who was the realist nigga and why was it Umagon?
>even Gash is doing it
every time
>Raiku will never be unblacklisted
His own fault desu.
Being a mangaka is suffering and if you get your game going, you don't want to try anything that dumb until you hit One Piece levels.
The Gash bell games were really fun. It had good games. I even went back and played Mamodo Battles one day, and then Mamodo Fury right after.
Only thing I hated about Mamodo Fury was the story mode. It was kinda difficult if I remember correctly?
I remember getting stuck at Victoreem and be unable to beat it.
You should start over, and pick a better Mamodo next time
Fuck off. It's
Wait, was the Gash Bell anime adaption bad? I enjoyed it a lot.
Boin chop?
Folgore is the realist of real.
Be such a madman in your youth your own parents drive you away with a shotgun
Only Kiyomaro can say he's as hardcore a motherfucker as Folgore
>you will never get to play as Kanchome with all of his spells
it'd probably be broken, but at least give us the one where he makes a bunch of copies of himself
who was the best team and why did it turn out to be this nigga and his shit tier mamodo
Was Kanchome like one of those joke characters with low stat growth that unlock broken shit during the endgame?
Pretty much. Just read the book where Kanchome gets his burned. It's one of the high points of the series.
Kanchome started off weak but he shit together by the end and had a real shot at winning it all.
Yes he is.
Fuck you Folgore, hippos are massive assholes
Where should I start? The last thing I saw was the entire anime.
which one was this?
which one was the fun one?
I forget where but there's a chapter congratulating the final 10 mamodos for making it. Start there I guess? The manga version of the Faudo arc is amazing. I honestly don't remember the chapters, but I remember enjoying reading it all the way through. It was a surprisingly satisfying manga. Especially for a kid-oriented one.
Has there ever been a game where Luck was worth leveling up?
I know what Strength, Defense, Magic is, but I've never leveled up Luck cause I don't know what it does.
mario & luigi games
upped crits and shit but also gave you discount % off at shops
>joke character
>literally could solo the final boss and had to get written out
Depends on the game. If Luck increases crits and drop rates then is worth upgrading then.
>its just year of a fat autist screeching about wedding cake
holy shit this. Literally nothing has happened the past like 4 chapters.
>Has there ever been a game where Luck was worth leveling up?
Fallout: New Vegas. It was arguably a more important stat than Int usually is in RPGs, especially the Fallout games.
Zatch Bell's manga had so much fucking good moments. Read it ASAP.
>Sherry defeats Zophis and gets her girlfriend back
>the part where it's revealed Zophis is absolutely scared shitless of Brago
>mfw he defeats Zatch without taking a scratch
I was really mad when his book got burnt, but fuck if the rest of the arc didn't make up for it.
>that part where they're all flying towards Clear and Tia has to make those absolutely fuckhuge shields to keep them from getting shot out of the sky
>took so much damage her book had to be burned so she didn't die
My favorite Mamodo pair was Laila+Albert though, probably because she was 400% broken in Mamodo Battle.
It was.
In general, it just felt cheapily animated and kidified in tone, and the art doesn't compare at all to how good the manga art gets, pic related.
But the real problem is it butcheres the second half (the better half) of what's not only the best arc of the series, but arguably the best arc in battle shonen period, and changes it entirely for the worse, and then the anime just ends, not covering the final arc at all.
The anime is good for it's OST, adaptions of the song scenes, like 1 specific fight (the Belegium EO fight), and that's about it.
Forgot my image
>that one delinquent kid whose power was just getting turbo tough
Ted? He was great.
Demon souls
>shit tier
Kanchome is that joke party member that gets a broken skill after grinding a lot
>a broken skill
in this analogy it's more like he got 3 OP skills and one skill so busted it basically rewrites the game's code
though to be fair they show that Kanchome's regular "joke" spells can actually be stupidly useful, especially when he's working on a team
Kanchome would have been stupidly OP from the start had he been partnerd with Kiyomaro rather then folgore
And I'm glad we got what we did, their dynamic is great
Tio's panties were godly.
LUK in SMT is usually pretty good
>ywn be a man who can strike even the king
Raiku ended Vectorball of his own accord because he didn't know what he was doing with it. Let's just hope he plans his next series better and comes back soon. We know he wasn't just a one-off, Animal Land was great
fucking hell, it wasn't as funny the second time i watched it but i remember dying of laughter when this happened
Which game is this? Is it good?
where can i read animal land
Basically any manga site. Just google it
>Implying best bro's return wasn't hype AF.
>Zatch bell thread on Sup Forums
Nice. I watched the Anime as a kid then read the manga for it. I ripped off the story for an essay in highschool.
If you told me that a ninja weasel was the coolest thing about this manga, I would have laughed at your face.
But it was awesome.
By jove was it ever so awesome.
Posting Sup Forums's survey results for Gash/Zatch bell after the month long storytime dump for it ended
keep in mind these have spoilers