Let's discuss this incredible game.
Let's discuss this incredible game
Yuki is my waifu.
Should I get this lads never played Yakuza before
No, play them in order, fuckwit.
go for it but is right ultimately
Go back to Sup Forums.
That makes no sense.
Cutscenes and text boxes
Yes, I did and it's an amazing game. I only vaguely heard of the franchise before but I bought zero. I've had so much fun with the main story and side quest and minigames, I think I spent about 115 hours total. The devs put a lot of love and detail into it and it shows. Majima and Kiryu areally great protagonists
Yeah I'm a little underwhelmed too, I was expecting a little more. Fighting is fun but the Kiryu parts are pretty boring so far. I literally spent a week on Majimas side only playing the club minigame
That cabaret club business game was really addicting. Especially customizing the platinum girls.
yeah its grear
>im a faggot
I'm so burned out doing Kiryu's business I can't be bothered to do Majima's. I still want his legend style though
Do you have to unlock dragon of dojima style in Kiwami too? that doesn't make sense if so
Dragon of Dojima style gets unlocked by fighting Majima in Kiwami.
It's the Japanese version of "if you pile up a shitload of mediocre content, it becomes good, right?"
if 6 is the last game in the Kiryu chronology what's next for the Yakuza series?
More spin-offs?
A new series with a new character but everything plays the same?
>More spin-offs?
Yes please.
I want WW2-era Yakuza game.
First Time playing it.
Kuze on Hard really kicked my ass.
When are we gonna get a prequel about old man Kazuma? Being a Yakuza in the old days?
They would never make that because it would be rated adults only or something for violence
In all Yakuza games the people you fight magically don't die but Kazuma butchered people
>I have ADD
You should DEFINITELY do Majima's business. It's A LOT better than Kiryus in every way and possibly the best minigame in the whole game. You're missing out if you don't do it.
They really fucked up Kiryu's business, it's boring as hell and tedious.
I prefer games to be games not movies or graphic novels
You're saying that like Yakuza is MGS4.
There's plenty to do besides the story. I was never bothered by the text boxes and neither was a whole lot of people. And besides, the cutscenes are really well done anyways. Maybe this series just isn't for you.
Kuze is a bit of a casual filter. Easily the hardest boss in the early to mid game.
I finished it last night with 105 hours in and 72% completed.
This was an amazing game.
Anyone know the name of the little music box that's played by the watch at the ending?
the cuckold sonata in C minus by Majima Goro
Can't wait to play it on PC
well this game was too fucking easy on normal. should i play kiwami on hard?
Majima's cabaret club is much more fun and requires a level of skill (or grinding) to complete with a few fights in between. But it nets you next to no money.
Kiryu's real estate game requires no skill at all and rakes in shitloads of money. But it isn't fun and is basically an idle game with a few fights and other minigames thrown in every now and then.
If you're not man enough to farm Mr Shakedowns then Kiryu's real estate at the maximum level is the safest and easiest way to get money.
Also Mad Dog of Shimano absolutely pales in comparison to Dragon of Dojima style. It's worth unlocking and taking a looking at but I really feel like it underperforms except for clearing large amounts of trash pretty quickly.
>tfw found penultimate Kuze fight harder than the finale bosses
always start a yakuza game on the highest difficulty you can, the upgrades will always make them too easy way too fast
>mfw I am man enough to farm Mr. Shakedown
thanks user. i loved Zero but at 20+ hour i was frustrated when i was forced to fight non-boss enemies cause it was way to easy and you can always restore your health.
when should you use rush style?
it's only good for 1v1 but beast style's super armor and instant block seem like a much better option for that
>It's only good for 1v1
You can use it to dodge around large groups of people
Rush works a lot better for 1v1s against faster enemies, like Kuze further into the game. Using beast against fast enemies like that doesn't work because they can hit you enough times to break the super armor before you hit them, or they'll just dodge it because it's so slow.
Problem is once you knock a fast boss down as beast you can just spam leg grab slams until they're almost dead and they start kicking out of it, but by then they haven't got enough HP to put up much of a fight.
>mfw beating shakedown for the first time without weapons
what a pain that I can't give Kiry's infinite money to Majima until near the end of the game or something
I finished the game with more money on Majima than Kyriu for some reason, I think it was because of the bonus you get by beating the 5 stars
I always gound myself with more money as Majima than Kiryu, Majima's access to the weapond shop made Mr Shakedown easy fo farming
I thought Majima didn't get the 1.5x bonus on mr shakedown that allows you to get hundreds of billions of yen
Gotta love the Saejima and Akiyama duet on the Yakuza 5 soundtrack
Yeah he doesn't get the perk but felt pretty fast since slime gun of good knives trvialized Mr Shakedown
>tfw no continues is exclusive to Legend difficulty
It should've been there by default. No section in the game is difficult enough to warrant continues, especially since you have healing items.
Is Legend actually difficult? Hard was pretty easy with Sera and Lee being the only fights to give me trouble
excuse me I only play Yakuza for its bowling, billiards, and sexy telephone shooting
I've only done NG+, but I assume it's not difficult by too large a margin since it just increases damage values even more.
On that note, it's hilarious to see how broken you become on NG+. You can get bosses down to 1 HP before they've even triggered their QTE.
Are they ever gonna bring 0 Majima back or is he relegated to being a shitty meme machine for the rest of the franchise now?
wasn't Majima's vision going in his good eye by Yakuza 5?
I really should get round to finishing this game. Laying the smackdown is satisfying as fuck.
>he's 20
>I'm 20 and look like a high schooler
is that a jojo reference
is this?
I think he was just lying because he wanted Saejima to fight his goons instead of himself.
The gameplay still looks exactly the same as it did over a decade ago.
Why do people praise this so much?
what better beat em up games are there?
I hope the translation for Kiwami is better than Zero's.
Tachibana payed 1bil for me and we escaped from Tojo residence. How far am I?
>let kid brother play Yakuza 0
>he finally gets up to Kuze and doesn't want to play anymore because you can't just mash against him
it's the same company doing it so it'll probably be the same
what was the problem with zero's translation for you?
>did a bunch of sidequests
>Mr. Shakedown appears
>so far so good
>managed to stun me a kill me in one kick
>38 million down the drain
>hadn't saved in like one hour
Now I just don't feel like playing it at all.
About 60-70% through.
There's 17 chapters.
>Miracle Johnson
I already love this game
>38 million
I have no sympathy for peasants crying over chump change
>38 million down the drain
Talk to me when you lose like 20 billion to him.
All of the made-up stuff.
>not purposely losing 90 billion with kiryu so you can get back 1.5 times as much
stop crying about chump change
is miracle johnson real in the yakuza universe or is it just that Kiryu is ignorant of popular culture and bad with foreign names, meaning he was friends with the real michael jackson?
realy make me think
Is it worth spending CP on girls for the cabaret, or are the ones you get through sidequests and find around town enough?
you'll only get gold hostesses from it but they can be useful if you suddenly need to rotate out a platinum hostess when you weren't ready
you mean the swearing and the different turns of phrase instead of a more literal translation?
Like Kiryu calling Kuze 'sir' instead of brother? It made more sense.
Yakuza 7 with a new protagonist and multiple characters again.
>fighting Tojo on a rooftop
spenrt it on all of them.
Your post just taught me that you can use weapons from your inventory in this fucking game
How do I use the costumes I got from the clown? Are they NG+ exclusive?
Jesus fuck what the fuck is wrong with the translators, the guy that controlled the 5 billionaires flat out said, 'screw the rules I have money'. Every fucking translated japanese game has this god damn meme references.
Can't use them on your first run, yes. I think they are premium mode exclusive.
Costumes are always Premium Adventure (Or the equivalent) exclusive.
It was Atlus US.
I wish i could go back several years when there's still was will in learning new languages
Japanese looks hard as fuck, but i want to know what charachers are really saying
Don't even think about it lmao you fucking can't.
Well you just make me want to learn it even more, thanks
It's literally Michael Jackson and Stephen Spielberg. WOO!
come back in 2025 lel
how good is Ishin? i need details
i wanna know if its worth the trouble
The two or three people here who have it have spoken nothing but good things about it. The only negative I've ever heard of against it is the gun-kata style is completely broken while the other styles deal half the damage it does or something like that which would be the same situation Kenzan was in with the dual katana vs everything else.
why are you here then? ego?