Is Blacked the best looking game on the PS2?

Is Blacked the best looking game on the PS2?

Is it mere coincidence that American day-time hours is when Sup Forums is the at its absolute worst.

I'd say Tekken 5.

fuck. you're right. maybe it's the kids

It's because Eurocucks are getting home from their wageslave jobs at the muslim breeding grounds

lol no

I would go with RE4.

Silent Hill 3 is.

oh please, Americucks worship blacks, you subhumans have no right to tell anyone shit

also it sucks shit

I remember seeing someone play this on PS2 after owning the Xbox version and I found it hilarious how terrible it looked

>on PS2

looks better on OG Xbox

>tfw you add random maps from whatever games and sell into a disc called Black 2 and still sell thousands of copies because your audience doesn't know the internet exist

Silent Hill 3 looked better.

It was the original brown&bloom.

At least post the good "black", you retard

It looks worse than I remember

Either Black, Okami or FF12.
I'd also say Auto Modelista and Yakuza 2

This. I remember being surlrised the first time I played it at how good it looked. Probably the first time I'd seen bloom on a console or something.

One of my all time favourite games

Katamari Damacy is the best looking game

Fuck EA for killing Criterion and not making a HD remake/sequel (prefoerably both).

From what?

How come none of this homos understand the question?

Yeah, getting BLACKED was the best game on PS2, and still it's the best thing sony fags can aspire to

>FPS games on ps2

i've never played one that felt good. you can play third person shooters on ps2 all day, but suddenly it's a janky experience when it's in first person perspective. Maybe it was the low framerate.

People still haven't figured out the proper gamepad layout yet.

>playing fps on a console