We can all agree that FFXV was disappointing mess so how do we save Final Fantasy...

we can all agree that FFXV was disappointing mess so how do we save Final Fantasy? for me i think SE only make MMO it seems to me they only know how make those.

Let it die.

>how do we save Final Fantasy?
Make it, you know, an actual fantasy game. Like the old classics. Square should have learned from Bravely Default.

Don't make it a fucking early access game and change things because of fan backlash. For a series as big as Final Fantasy it looks embarrassing.

so turn based or action rpg?

Why can't they just use Kingdom Hearts gameplay if they're going to go for an ARPG. Or at least hire Platinum again.

FFXV feels clunkier than KH1 which is shocking considering the hot mess that can be.

Also don't sacrifice story for the open world meme, the two can go together.
To be honest the only good part of the game was Duscae because they had to flesh that out for the proof of concept demo that they gave everyone with FF Type 0. That was the only thing that had a hunt with an actual story. More of those would be nice.

Also character DLC which fleshes out characters that hardly had anything going for them is despicable. Gladio's DLC was hardly even about him too. Hell, most of the character information for anyone other than Noctis comes from an anime of all things.

Turn based fantasy epic with passionate story, characters you can empathize with, and comfy towns. None of this j-pop boy band shit and modern looking settings.

More than one playable character.
More than four party members.
Mix of male and female.
No more cars.

I really liked it until i landed in the 100 floor dungeon

>tfw I was more sad about Ignis going blind than Noctis dying

An actual airship would be nice next time.
What the fuck was the point of the flying car? It just emphasized the bad draw distance and pop in of the map, was ridiculously shit to control and you couldn't even have any fun with it because it had a no fun allowed game over attached to it.

That's because Noctis gets to fuck his dead bitch in the crystal afterlife. Ignis has to live with seeing nothing for the rest of however long he lives.

>More than four party members.
You mean total or active? Either way, I really hate managing huge character rosters that don't fit into a single party. And I think four members is the perfect number for party.
If they do that, the devs should just let the back up members earn FULL exp. That becomes especially problematic in games where you can't remove the main character from the party, resulting in them being twice as high level as everyone else.

>Why can't they just use Kingdom Hearts gameplay if they're going to go for an ARPG. Or at least hire Platinum again.
>FFXV feels clunkier than KH1 which is shocking considering the hot mess that can be.

one thing i'm sure about for the next installment

How about not doing a timeskip and mentioning all this cool shit but showing FUCKING NOTHING ABOUT IT.


>Turn based

I'll be glad when you old fucks die off. Turn based combat is ridiculous and fucking boring.

>how do we save Final Fantasy?

Cut the bullshit and get FFXIV

alternatively, for single player get Tetsuya Takahashi to direct it

Yoko Taro director and make it THE Final Fantasy.
I'm sure he could kill the franchise off if he tried hard enough.

This. Kill it and pump more money into SaGa and Dragon Quest.

Fuck off you ADD underage faggot.

Not even that user but fuck off to a different genre
Mediocre turn based is still miles above shit like ff15 or crisis core. Maybe if square could pull off another kh2 or sonething closer to DMC id maybe reconsider but im starting to think kh2 was a fluke or happy accident

Remove all the problematic sexism for misogynist men to masturbate too and remove most of the gameplay that keeps us in the way of the story. Also have an actual proper female heroine for once that isn't just a genderswapped man who has actual woman problems but make her body shape believable and give her modern clothing.

>>Turn based
>I'll be glad when you old fucks die off. Turn based combat is ridiculous and fucking boring.
fuck off

You geriatric fucks can kindly piss off. We shouldn't have to suffer because your Alzheimer destroyed brains can't handle action based combat.

-Dont show concept trailers 10 years before the game's release
-Have a solid idea of what you want to do
-Stop playing musical chairs with critical staff members
-Manage time and resources effectively
-Get a competent writer for today's standards
-Figure out what works and stop trying to experiment with dodgy gameplay in a major release
-Stop wasting resources on trivial details
-Dont use a beta graphic engine for a major release, especially if its not suited for the game

That would be a start.

Traditional turn-based combat in JRPGs is fucking laughable. Not *all* examples, but many I've played are a joke.

>spam attack
>use heal
>hope enemies don't simply gank up on one guy

Such strategy.

god ffxv is so shit

i think a Spirits Within oldstyle turn based rpg or perhaps more RE+magic similar to parasite eve but deeper magic component related to the spirits stuff would be nice for FF

We can all agree it was easily among the top 3 best FFs yet and it literally saved FF and SE.

also i think the Spirits Within world would work nicely with a dead space sort of game

>an actual fantasy game.
So like XV is.

>FFXV feels clunkier than KH1
No it doesn't and if you honestly believe this then you havn't played either KH1 or XV.

Welp - time to abandon ship.
Isn't it a bit early for you or is really late?

RPGs are dead because retarded nugamers just want dumb button mashing action games

>s-stop defending good game!
Don't you have a KH thread to shill KH in?

Trying too hard

Buy Zodiac Age, with the retropective it's one of the best of the series.

That was the only part of the game that had any challenge at all though.

But both FFXV and KH1 are fucking shit.

i think KH is vastly overrated

I enjoyed FF13, 14 and 15.

All of those are true, fuck off back to your KH thread.

XV is better than that in every way.

Man where have you been these days, i almost thought you were dead

FF13 had good lore but bad actors mainstage.

This is just sad. There are kids growing up right now, who will remember those games as Final Fantasy, not what the series used to be like in its golden age.

i didn't know it before hand. May have enjoyed it better if it was a challenge i planned for.

But it was this sudden endurance slog that really soured me after hour 1.

>how do we save Final Fantasy?
Actually finish making the games first instead of selling games that are clearly unfinished.

I really hope you put as much effort into improving your life as you are defending this videogame, FFXV-kun

It would be really sad if you were wasting all this time without being paid. At least with a mental illness I could understand.

It's not only that, the writing is absolutely awful.
I liked playing the open world road trip part but the plot made no fucking sense, cutscenes were stupid, tropes fucking everywhere and forced.
It really was a mess.

Just wait for your parrot reply

FFXV is great while KH1 is shit.

I really hope you put as much effort into defending KH as you do desperately trying to shit on XV. Because otherwise your life would have no meaning.

>Just wait for his words to be thrown against him while I act like no one is allowed to do that
Don't you have a KH thread to shill KH in?

How to fix SE?
Just fucking fire Nomura.

Only if we can admit that 13 is what made it this bad and at 15 was a step up from that shit, not much of a step up but a step up at least.

>but the plot made no fucking sense
It makes perfect sense.

>cutscenes were stupid,
No they weren't.

>tropes fucking everywhere
Everything in anything is a trope, this is literally no an argument.

>and forced.
nothing was forced

Only mess here is your shitpost.

Yes it was disappointing
>i think SE only make MMO it seems to me they only know how make those.
They fucked up so hard with xiv that they had to rebuild it from scratch

XV is easily the best FF in like 20 years.

>Waaah not my button masher!

Hey look at that lack of a new IP trying to make a post to the OP post.

There's nothing special about Dragon Quest. Final Fantasy has innovated and offered new, interesting settings while Dragon Quest is practically the same game over and over again, sometimes with a minor gimmick to differentiate itself from other Dragon Quest games. SaGa is cool though. I would very much like more SaGa.

If 15 wasn't such a production mess, Lightning Returns would have never existed.

FF XV is one of those "Would have been great, had it been finished" games.

>good lore
Meh it was presented terribly.

I want FF series to go back to it's very roots with none of the boring shitty grimdark modern settings or the ones with stupid edgy stories with kingdom hearts tier designs.

Are you dumb

If waifu developers would have made with their promise of vs 13 then we would still be at 15.

Yea, but those kids have garbage tastes. They enjoy pic related.

To be fair, Dragon Quest 11 is probably going to be remembered in 10-15 years a hell of a lot more fondly than Final Fantasy 15 is.

I don't know ff makes more wavers here in the west than DQ.

At least that Gilgamesh is actually Gilgamesh unlike the absolute disgusting abhorrent tripe that was fucked into XV.

It was already saved when they rebooted it and called it Bravely Default but then they fucked it just one game later.
Our next hope is Octopath Traveler.

Final Fantasy "Innovated" itself into an unrecognizable mess. You want to go from being a cat into a tiger, not a cat into Manbearpig.

just wait for the next FF game and FFXV will be gone from peoples memories.

Bravely Default fucked itself when you had to do the same shit 4-5 times over.

bring back Ivalice Alliance and Crystal Chronicle spin offs
starting with a new Tactics Advance game for the 3DS
and a CC game for the Switch
Keep going with the FF7 remake, while at the same time release HD versions of 7's spin offs between parts
and put Tokyo RPG Factory on a proper FF6 remake

Make a final Final Fantasy and move on.

Yeah but it wasnt like they repeated the same scripted it was just the same boss battles and you get extra shit you missed. None the less I enjoyed the game very much.

Small budget
You're not supposed to encounter this kind of situation in a main FF

Persona is fine
Dragon Quest is fine

I wish they didn't ruin the lore with the sequels.

How's that FFXV combat workin' for ya son?

Ya winnin'?

Persona is waifu garbage for weebs made on a crappy budget and can't measure up to something that people actually put time and resources into.

at least we can all agree that the savior of jrpg now is Atlus

FF15 clearly had completely fucked up development. Seriously, what the fuck was with that blood moon that didn't end up in the game but was far enough developed to be in the files of the duscae demo?

Make a turn based semi open world game with ff9/ff12 setting.

Would you buy?

>DQ11 has sold half of XV worldwide sales in a few weeks in only one country
Shame DQ isn't more popular outside of japan

No but you try too hard.

Played the wrong gilgamesh.

(You)'ve been disregarded.

No it wouldn't, people love FFXV and it sold more than all the others on launch, while no one besides Japan even gives a shit about DQ and it would barely make a dent on XVs western stretch.

People are literally begging SE for more XV so no.

>e can all agree that FFXV was disappointing mess
wrong, fuckley

Better than any other FF combat that's for sure.

>bring back Ivalice

Literally bring back Matsuno.
Let the dude do his things, for fucking sake all his games scored near max rating everywhere, all his games are masterpieces, Vagrant story, FFT, Tactics ogre, FFXII...

>Persona is fine

The combat in Persona is boring as shit. The only reason people even play those shitty games is because they made it into the video game equivalent of a harem anime complete with shitty love interest and a gary stu protagonist.

>tfw I hate the game, but I still cried over the camp scene at the end.

>Persona is waifu garbage for weebs made on a crappy budget and can't measure up to something that people actually put time and resources into.

FFXV was the savior of JRPG because it literally boosted PS4 sales in Japan that allowed PS4 to become a viable platform in Japan for more JRPGs to then come onto it.


>Country of degenerate pedophiles like archaic game for old people.
It's 2017, grow up. It's no longer okay to like turn based combat.

Ok then, point out where the 24th ip is then since you are so convinced
Or are you fucking stupid that you weren't aware of the IP glitch that 4chanx has