Sega Mega Drive / Genesis appreciation thread?
What's your 5 favorite games for this machine anons?
Sega Mega Drive / Genesis appreciation thread?
What's your 5 favorite games for this machine anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
good taste
Dynamite Headdy
Hard Corps
Thunderforce IV
Still my favourite console. Snes is a very close second.
Thunder Force IV
Zero Tolerance
Shinobi III
I was a nintendoboy
This Masterpiece.
it's never too late to learn the art of blast processing
I don't understand why this game seems to be so unknown. It even has a Sonic Cameo.
langrisser 2
those are the only games i remember
I'm actually in the process of getting a mega drive, I actually never see Sega stuff here on my state
Is a shame that Sega had to die
Phantasy Star IV
Monster World IV
Gunstar Heroes
In my country SNES wasn't represented that well, and Megadrive replaced famiclones as THE console in the end of 90s.
I could add many other games to the list, but these are definitely my top-5.
Good game as well.
Too many franchises on Sega's consoles never got recycled or less brand recognition.
>I'm actually in the process of getting a mega drive
If you are "purist" or just respect quality hardware, please read this
Robocop vs Terminator
Zero Tolerance
Rambo III
Star Control
Some submarine game I can't remember the name of
Shinobi III
Sonic 2
Wonder Boy in Monster World
>Zero Tolerance
In no particular order:
Streets of Rage 2
Phantasy Star IV
Thunder Force IV
Gunstar Heroes
In no real order:
>Terminator 1
>Mick and Mack
>Eternal Champions
I had seen this already thanks to using /vr/, but thank you man
Mega Drive and PC Engine are next on my list to get
>Playing Dynamight Headdy
>never beat it as a kid
>get to the flying levels
>realize why
They're just not fun. Your sprite size is fairly large and enemies take a fucking million hits for some reason. I also remember it dragging on for a crazy long time, and now I remember why I rarely got past that part as a kid.
Also I really need to beat Shinobi 3, Gunstar Heroes, and start Phantasy Star IV and that other popular RPG.
>PC Engine
That's a good console to own as well, hope you've decided on model already.
How is that new Wonder Boy game anyways? I snagged it and didn't put a ton of time into it, but it seems pretty neat.
Phantasy Star 2,3,4, shining in the darkness, and shining force.
Monster World IV
Keio Flying Squadron
Earthworm Jim: Special Edition
X-Men 2 Clone Wars
Monster World IV.
Phantasy Star III and IV.
Streets of Rage, all of them.
Golden Axe, all of them.
Boy, how much I loved my Mega Drive, I didn't had a huge collection but it was great. I eventually gave it to my little cousin when I got a PsOne, biggest mistake of my life, the brat barely appreciated it and just eventually broke it.
>the brat barely appreciated it and just eventually broke it
What a fucking faggot.