The music suddenly stops

>the music suddenly stops

Other urls found in this thread:

>nothing happens
>music starts again

Happened with Yooka-Laylee.
I think it was a glitch.

>the music suddenly stops
>Super Boss theme starts

>bgm of virtually unbeatable random encounter plays
I remember some Dynasty Warrior do this

Music that starts is way worse.

>Danger battle music starts
>Spin around looking for the threat
>Can't find anything

>normal music playing
>battle music starts playing
>you don't see the enemy anywhere

>it's just an audio glitch

>Trying to find a contradiction in Ace Attorney


>music doesn't stop

Kill yourself

Nigga how do YOU know that was ponyshit?

>game stutters for a second to load in enemies
>can't see or hear them anywhere

Because he posts these threads himself.

Name one time this ever happened and it actually unsettled you.

>Nigga how do YOU know that was ponyshit?

You do realize that he is OP right? He makes a thread and than spam it. This shit been going on for months

>If the game struggles to load an enemy's model it just gets bored and doesn't load it
>tfw boss is invisible, just a red circle on the ground
>Beat boss anyway because whatever it's an MMO. Watch the cast bar and you'll be fine.


What made you come to that conclusion?

Explain what this has to do with pony

kill these fags

prove you're not the OP

The character is Richard from the MLP fan comic The Horse Wife