>glory kills
>generic alien space monsters
>corridor -> locked area until you kill everything
>linear progression
>pointless tacked on weapon customization
>awful music
>cinematic parts
people actually like this garbage?
>glory kills
>generic alien space monsters
>corridor -> locked area until you kill everything
>linear progression
>pointless tacked on weapon customization
>awful music
>cinematic parts
people actually like this garbage?
>awful music
Don't reproduce.
not an argument.
>pointless tacked on weapon customization
Your only real point
>generic alien space monsters
C'mon, eh?
>look at me im so cynical! like its really hard to please me, look how hard i dont like those things
just stop for a while and look at yourself op
But he wants to be the next total biscuit or that one fat faggot with the whale wife, he can totally get popular by being a massive cunt no one likes
I don't know why people said this had non-linear progression, literally halo 5 had more open areas unrionically
not an argument
Youre right about everything except the soundtrack
Total Biscuit isn't even cynical though, he legit sucks at videogames and he only is against/for a game if it has a health bar.
It's riddled with distortions, wub wub and other electronic bullshit. It's the worst soundtrack Reznor has made so far.
>i posted my pasta b8 again mom!
you forgot the barebones story, I had no idea doomguy was the guy in the tomb and still don't understand how they went through hell to save him, also what the fuck are the ghosts
before anyone bites, this is bait do not take it seriously
>shooting stuff to loud metal
people actually dislike this masterpiece?
>you forgot the barebones story
what the FUCK is your point?
literally all of this is explained very thoroughly to you, the only problem is that you didnt listen
Okay, I'll bite.
The templar dudes are ghosts of other overpowered demon hunters, they're just there to pay respect once in a while. Also did you even play the game man? There's a whole level following the footsteps of Hayden's expedition team leading you to your now ex-helltomb.
It's actually not explained thoroughly, and it barely makes sense, but neither of those things are problems.
I collected all the codecs.
Neither is
>awful music
You fucking cunt
>glory kills
This one gets me because all you D44M haters claim Brutal Doom was amazing but you bitch about the same thing here?
>generic alien space monsters
Trying too hard to be contrarian, a good deal of the demons are pretty faithful recreations of their classic designs, Pinkie, Imp, Baron, Knight, Cacodemon, and Revenant are all pretty faithful recreations in particular.
>corridor -> locked area until you kill everything
You fight enemies in corridors too
>linear progression
Wrong again the levels are pretty spread out with lots of secrets to find
>pointless tacked on weapon customization
The weapon mods are pretty fascinating to use and dramatically change up the point and shoot gameplay
>awful music
drink bleach doom has always been metal and hard rock
>cinematic parts
all 4 of them? 3 of which are about 10 seconds long the intro, olivia being bad, and the ending? The only one that's worth the complaint in the office scene with Hayden, completely valid gripe.
The templar dudes are the ghosts of some guys who protect Agent D'nur or whatever it's called, and alien civilization that perfected Argent energy and was pulled into Hell. They have something to do with "wraiths", who knows what those are. Argent D'nur may, or may not have been, and ancient Martian civilization. The Doom guy may or may not have been the leader of the sentinels, may have betrayed the sentinels, may be the father of the Icon of Sin, or maybe has nothing to do with them because for no clear reason his Praetor suit is covered in company logos, even though it's supposed to be an ancient thing.
>Lel not an argument
Wel neither is OP
Wasn't his armor sort of standard power armor just cursed by some demon blacksmith for giggles to rip and t ear some more?
>This one gets me because all you D44M haters claim Brutal Doom was amazing but you bitch about the same thing here?
strawman. brutal doom is shit and misses the point of what makes Doom good. much like your shitty nu-doom.
>it's another DOOM purists arbitrarily shit on anything that isn't DOOM 1 or 2 regardless of quality episode
Berserk power up was always "glory kill" even in the unmodded game.
Checkmate contrarian
In Hell you can find one of those lore runes that says it was forged by a wretch who shall not be named. That might the Hayden, the robot guy, but they find the suit in his tomb with his sarcophagus. The only way this makes sense if time is total broken in Hell. I think they just didn't care that much about having a coherent story.
>comparing a scarce power up to a fundamental game mechanic
kill yourself, retard.
lol mad
That's your opinion and you're welcome to have it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the game and there's nothing you will ever say that will change my opinion.
This is how opinions work.
not an argument.
this mad little redditor
>Its an other original fans are pissed that D44M is a spiritual remake and not a mechanicall one.
This game tries to capture the feel of being a badass demon killer, its not trying to be a copy of a masterpiece (that hasnt aged well, replaying doom isnt as fun as it used to be) that it could never be. I also dont get the arena rooms argument. Why is this a bad thing? The worst thing about the original was looking for keycards.
>betheshill in damage control due to not being able to create an argument
Kys DWTerminator
I play classic Doom daily and enjoyed D44M and hunted down all the secrets in every level.
I also platinum'd it on PS4.
>The only good games are the ones from before the 20s!
Hello again jaded old people. Maybe you should take of your nostalgia goggels and see that re creating the originals makes for a horrible game that doesnt use the power of modern systems at all.
I don't get why people like D4's music so much and even claim that this dubstep thing is somehow "metal".
Other than that D4 is alright.
It really did feel like D44M was made on the misconceptions of what made the original two games so good but I still had my fun with it. Sure as hell isnt worth full price and three billion terabytes on my hard drive though.
Croteam could have made a modern Doom capturing its true essence.
Yeah you're right, the game still had too many sections where you were locked into an unskippable cutscene to be told stuff nobody should give a damn about
s a g e
>The worst thing about the original was looking for keycards.
People have a habit of romanticising shit parts of a game they liked
The successor must have every single shitts little detail exactly the same
And no modern audiance would buy it because looking for keycards in a level you allready cleared is boring.
>But thats a problems for idiots!
No its a problem for the devs because their game wont get sold. Hunting for keycards sucked to first time around anyways and I cant think of a single reason to defend it besides being a nostalgia fag who knows where all the keycards are. How can you possibly say that the original doom is "fast" and "full of action" when on your first playthrough your looking for keycards half of the time.
Isn't it implied that the Doom Slayer is Doomguy from the original game, following on from the ending of Doom 64 where he decides to stay in Hell and prevent another invasion by smashing the place up for eternity? There's that carving that shows Doomguy in his classic armour, too.
Doesn't explain where the Praetor Suit came from though, but my best guess is that the 'traitor' guy somehow pulled it into Hell from some version of Earth and then made all the modifications for absorbing Argent energy and stuff.
The Praetor suits was created by a demon known as the Wretch during the Age of the Second Demon Lord (Successor to the Icon of Sin).
The Betrayer was a completely different Night Sentinel (The templar guys) who betrayed the order to ressurect their son. Problem is that the son is ressurected but as a new body for the Icon of Sin (As seen in the level Necropolis)
Because industrial metal is an alright modern genre.
>he thinks the music in nu-doom is metal or hard rock.
>>glory kills
This turned out fine desu
>>generic alien space monsters
monsters were actually great though
>corridor -> locked area until you kill everything
this is the game's biggest fault, hopefully they do away with this arena shit with the sequel
>linear progression
agreed, it definitely wasn't mazelike like original Doom
>pointless tacked on weapon customization
i liked it, kept things interesting
>awful music
garbage opinion
>cinematic parts
like 1 cut scene for every 50 minutes of gameplay gaylord and they were all very short
It's technically a sub genre of Metal. Mick Gordan mainly used an 8 string guitar for 99% of the songs then ran it through a synthesiser to distort individual sound waves to get that techno/other worldly sound found in the UAC and Hell songs respectively. Technically, it is still metal.
That's like saying nu-metal is metal. If they wanted a genre of metal that's still doing well in modern times for kickin demon ass they could have just gone with power metal and called it a night if they didn't want to be inspired by thrash anymore.
Sub-genres have ruined metal but I honeslty don't mind Industrial metal. Mainly because BFG division is so fucking good. It's not better than E1M1 or my personal favourite Doom song, Sign of Evil (Which is just atmospheric as all hell), but I can listen to it, VEGA processing and Argent Combat like I do with the original sound track.
Also at the same time, most of Doom 1+2's soundtrack was more atmospheric than straight thrash metal.
>Tacked on weapon customization.
Some of the weapon upgrades are 10/10. Micro Missiles are incredible.
not an argument
I ran the game, picked up a shotgun, I had to stand in face of the weakest enemies and make all the pellets hit to instakill them because otherwise I'd be prompted with EPIC!! NOW DO THE GLORY KILL :-DDDD I tried to enjoy it but I really couldn't, the guns all felt like toys and the glory kills legitimately ruined the game for me. At least I got the refund.
But that's not industrial metal.
Industrial metal sounds like this:
You're right with that last part but it still had it. There is not a single song in D4 that has a BPM that's higher than 120. Remember all that energy in 1 when you had to fuckmangle the spider mastermind and Facing the Spider played? None of that is present in 4 anywhere.
There is an option to turn off glory kill glows.
Hell, there is an option to just turn the HUD off.
you're right OP, i tried it and i thought "this is what everyone has been talking about?" very boring game. glory kills and weapon customization along with shitty levels just killed it for me. also the game is like 50 gigs, what a waste of fucking harddrive space
Glory kills are supposed to keep the game flowing. You've already done enough damage to kill the enemy, which not do a half second animation to get some health as a reward?
You are correct in that regard, but it still has a BPM fast enough to match the action. It's not as fast, but still fast.
Funny how that describes D44M. Anyway, Sign of Evil
Argent Combat
>Unironically wanting open worlds in FPS titles
Go fuck yourself, you ruined the genre.
It gives the illusion of being fast but isn't as fast as you make out. It carries a good amount of power but no energy with it. Gotta have both when you're facing down some dickhead demon boss. D4's spider mastermind theme was embarrassing.
How is this shitpost still up?
I am not going to defend the Spider Mastermind D44M theme but I can genuinly enjoy the music both as background for most of the levels and on their own. Could it be faster or heavier? Sure, but I do enjoy Mick's work and this soundtrack is a close second behind Killer Instinct's soundtrack.
People legitimately like nu-Doom and any reason to post about it is welcomed, even if it's a shitpost.
turning off the glow doesn't remove the fact 9 out of 10 enemies still be standing around waiting for you to press F.
Because I want to shoot the fucking demons, half a second every kill adds up to a lot of wasted time, the glory kill animations are atrociously annoying and if you don't do them the enemies regenerate.
The only time that they have enough time to stand around is when you aren't making sure the son of a bitch is dead. Especially once you unlock the Micro missiles, super shotty, gauss canon and the fucking chain gun.
>that bit at 3 minutes where the Doom 3 theme comes in
honestly ur a faggot
You're supposed to use glory kills, it's part of the game. Their isn't a way to turn them off and the game fiddles with the mechanics a little bit to encourage you to use them. Basically if you tried to play the game without using glory kills, you are actively trying to fight against the game and playing it poorly on purpose. The redditor you are responding to doesn't understand that. That's his loss.
Then shoot the demons, they don't become immune to bullets
>people actually like this garbage?
yep they do, pretty sad isn't it.
The GK can be sped up. But if you are refusing to use glory kills you are literally playing the game wrong and ruining it for yourself out of stubbornness.
Paid bethesda shills need to fuck off
Not really, the only times Glory kills are mandatory are when you are on critical health and fucked up badly in an arena or during a boss fight. Even then, higher difficulties punish you for glory killing willy nilly since enemies love to gang up while you are in the animation, making the health gained/loss ratio completely fucked.
Then it takes double the ammo, I tried to play that way but it sucked even more. The game is balanced around GKs, see there was no way to skip GKs so I simply refunded the game.
Okay, your loss. Close this tab and leave the thread.
combat and level design are pretty gud tho. just a shame about the contrived upgrades
This is the whining thread, you leave.
The chainsaw shits out ammo, also headshots
Do you also complain about other games where you need to shoot enemies more than once to kill them? If they go into a stagger animation, that just means you didn't deal enough damage to kill them, but did deal enough to stagger them.
When enemies enter glory kill mode they become more durable. It's because you are supposed to be lunging through the arenas by "chaining" glory kills. They are just a way to encourage correct, aggressive play.
serious sam 3 have better soundtrack than this game
>steam refunds
lol fags actually do this?
>they become more durable
Source? I tested this once in Snap map with damage numbers on and it didn't change how much damage the demons were taking. Now, this may be different for singleplayer.
What kind of DOOM fan doesn't like metal? Let alone the masterful fusion of metal and electronica in DOOM 2k16?
Pretty sure they only become more durable if you use the rune that specifically does that.
>fusion of metal and electronica
Even if some Mick Gordons songs are good, they're always destroyed by the overblown loud production job that grates my ears.
kill yourself
>tfw 70% of Sup Forums is just idiots like OP baiting people to respond
god this place is shit.
Prove me wrong niggers. Prove to me that this music doesn't capture the absurdity and pure metal ferocity that is DOOM.
guns are boring
you are slow
enemies are bullet sponges
Do you ever wonder what would've happen if we lived in the universe where this was what D44M was?