post the top 10 games you have most hours in and be judged for your tastes. I'll start
Post the top 10 games you have most hours in and be judged for your tastes. I'll start
For the record, Arkham City is a bad game.
I bought it during summer sale because it has overwhelmingly positive but still haven't played it
also how the fuck did you manage to have over 1000 hours in left for dead 2 and not want to die
Easy: I'm good at Versus and kick fags like you.
This is the most normie list I've seen in a long time
ok what's yours then faggot
>Hmmm yase I idle games like Gone Homo and Stanley Parable to make my list as kino as possible as I have no time for multiplayer games
kek I just realized I only have so many hours in ps2 because it took more than a week to download. I probably have like 10-20 in actual playtime
>clicker heroes is #3
I stopped playing TF2 and Dota years ago.
I miss duel of champions
A little ashamed of how much time I put into Warframe. Didn't spend a cent on it though
I know, but still it was a good waster of time
I haven't played most of this stuff in years
The most recent play was on DS3 and it was months ago, Ringed City
Haven't touched Dota in 5+ years
we both have 94 hours in paladins
But skyrim isn't a bad game
that is just neo-Sup Forums in your head
Let's hope we don't have the same amount of money spent on it! Send help
No elder scrolls game is that great. They're all okay and janky at best.
You should join the army
I never said that i didn't enjoy it, is not an excellent game, but still it was fine for me
casual detected
>Enter the Gungeon
My man!
Dota 2
At least dark souls is there somewhere, but literally the worst one, the rest is normie tier shit gtfo
don't call me a normie without posting your shit. Let's see how superior your tastes are
Terraria is good.
Sup, anons?
Weird, I don't see DS2 on that list anywhere? Check your glasses, Melvin
>Im a real hardcore gaymer cuz i beat dar ksouls xDDD
your faggot
Right there my dude
What's your MMR
>half my top 10 are shit games I haven't played in years
>don't want to post them because I feel they don't represent what games I actually like
feels bad
alpha male coming thru
I haven't played tf2, chivalry, or left 4 dead 2 seriously in a long time
lower than my hours played 3250 I don't really play ranked, I've played long enough I gave up being a tryhard and now mostly stack in 2 or 3 in unranked and just try to have fun
is path of exile any good?
Yes, I actually played that game.
With the exception of Terraria, I don't think I've actually played any of these games in more than a year.
>ask user who has 500 hours in Path of Exile if its good
Hmm I bet he'll say he hates the game
Turns out I can't count
well singleplayer games generally arent replayed that much, so it makes sense
well I guess most of your games are ones I have never seen gameplay for
However to defend myself I don't think normie is as impactful when it comes to video games
I'm not proud of a couple of things on this list, but I feel pretty alright about it overall.
I stopped playing ARK because I refused to let that be my most played game. I don't know why it activates my autism so good.
you can find a lot of people on steam who have hundreds of hours in video games and will still not recommend it on the store page
Ehhh why do I have so many hours in CSGO I hate it .-.
I remember seeing a trailer for ark and it looked awesome but when I saw actual gameplay I found out it was shit
Click click click mother fucker
you actually bought gamemaker on steam? The free version is fine, and you could easily get the paid version free if you wanted to
I see a lot of people have grim dawn. I was curious when I saw some of the art looked like darkest dungeon but when I looked at gameplay it was just another generic automatic rpg
Yeah I bought Professional for like $40. In a few months it went $1 on Humble bundle, bought it like twice and sold it on G2A.
>Torchlight 2
My nigga
>being good at versus in L4D means something to someone
You could at least be good in a good fucking game.
You're not wrong. Out of those 650 hours, maybe 20 of them were spent actually enjoying the game. The other 630 were spent mindlessly farming and doing daily chores to keep up base defenses so some chinks don't come and steamroll my base when I'm away. Like I said, I have no idea why I played it so much. Having not played it for about 6 months now, I don't have an urge to go back, even with all the new content.
Case in point: I have 2.3k hours in TF2 and I think it's shit. That's why I quit. It was probably my favorite game before.
theres no such thing as a good game
yeah the trailer made it seem like you could do awesome things like storm a base using dragons alongside a bunch of other people but one of the top not recommended on the store page said groups would just wait until most of the people disconnected then they would take it over...
FPS faggot
True, but some are certainly better than others.
click faggot
2.5k hours in Dota, kys.
14 yr old detected, only 80 hours in cod mw2, fucking casual.
For the record, skyrim was in special edition because I bought the base game plus all dlc on sale and by the time I got around to playing it the remaster was out
i unironically enjoy for honor
I feel it has the best base gameplay of the genre, everything feels heavy on melee, guys get ragdolled away even if they didn't die, builds are fun to do, there are plenty of equippable skills other than the ones you get from level up and mixing classes is fun.
It's nothing too original but very competent. Music is also fucking fantastic.
Haven't touched that game in over year, can't say I regret it. Maybe I'll try it again some time to see how it changed.
16 year old detected, adults quit after WaW because the game went to shit
I thought it was fun during the free weekend. I'm not that good at it though
>tfw so much stress and anxiety in life that it transfers over to videogames
>most games are too stressful for me to play
>dota 2 is one of the only games i can play because i can autistically farm in the corner for the whole match and then win 40 minutes in
>gives me a sense of control in my life
I want to stop but I can't. I thought mobas were supposed to cause stress.
That's actually some of the hours in the "20 that were enjoyable" category for me. I always played on custom servers that ran things like offline raid protection, so the only way to do it was when people were online. Best time was loading up two paraceratheria with turrets on platform saddles while 4 other tribe members went with 2 pteranodons, with two flying them and the other two being carried while using sniper rifles. Ultimately we lost that one, but it was still fun as fuck. Unfortunately, shit like that is too few and far between to warrant playing.
>not enough hours in fucking cod
>an idle game is in his top games
who would've thunked it. dumbass
>alpha male
>actually giving your well earned money to todd
Well, if it's something that calms you down and you enjoy, why do you want to stop?
I could only enjoy mobas when playing in at least a 4 stack and even then losing felt like the most depressing shit. Mobas are some kind of hell.
Ricing carries are fun. I live for the AM mana break on creeps. Or the sound of gold 24/7 with Naga.
could be worse considering i didn't own a PC until december, plus i don't really play that much
i may not regret the 500 hours of L4D2 on PC, but i regret the 1000 hours i've put into it on the xbox
Because I want to like other games. I used to like grand strategy and Total War games, but dealing with army upkeep and predicting enemy movement and losing wars stresses me out too much. All I can do is play Dota and roguelites where death doesn't matter.
either that or a themepark game where I can live a cozy alternate life like Skyrim
I haven't actually played dota in about a year, and I'm banned in GTA.
My 11th is pubg at 8 less hours than new vegas
I wish I could participate in these threads but my profile is pathetic. I mostly play shorter single player games and games on other platforms.
What's even the point of sharing your most played if its just a generic list of a selection of the top 50 most played games on Steam? They all look the same.
in hopes that someone on Sup Forums has some taste
I do too, but it's hard to get back into when so many other games come out.
the problem is playing it in the first place
If I could, I would erase TF2, GMOD, and CSGO hours from my profile.
why csgo and gmod?
>tfw hate 8 of the 10 games and constantly talk shit / criticize them
God I'm pathetic. At least 300 of those hours in Warframe were spent afking though so it's not as bad.
this is a cancerous way of thinking people. It's sad when people think mainstream == bad
it rhymed so it must be true
keep being distracted/playing other stuff so list is mostly stable since last thread
fug forgot the image for my list
>no m&b