>game has little replayability due to accidental kills/contextual opportunities being displayed with objective markers and handholding the player unless you turn them off (in which case it becomes obvious the game design wasn't conceived with this option in mind), leaving little room for exploration and experimentation beyond the 6 or so methods the devs want you to follow
>to counter this, let's introduce new targets with mini scenarios and various challenges like specified disguise/kill method/new location entry point, that'll be a really fun way for players to explore the maps again with a fresh approach!
>but let's make those time-limited and unavailable to those who decide to play the game a year after its original release
what were those retards thinking?
Game has little replayability due to accidental kills/contextual opportunities being displayed with objective markers...
>it becomes obvious the game design wasn't conceived with this option in mind
you are just bad at hitman
>I'm too much of a retard to have fun playing a video game I bought
I got SA ranking on every mission from SA to BM so no. The whole "you can just turn it off" thing is bullshit. I'll give you a simple example, I was just doing the Colorado mission disguised as the Point Man and after the briefing, you're told to "get into position", there's no indication to what spot you're supposed to go exactly unless you turn on the marker and go exactly where the game wants you to go, otherwise the next event doesn't get triggered. It's shit game design.
>displayed with objective markers and handholding the player unless you turn them off (in which case it becomes obvious the game design wasn't conceived with this option in mind)
The fuck are you going about, i played from start to finish replaying the living fuck out of each episode without any sort of handholding while trying to figure out the different ways to accomplish the challenges they give you that encourages you to do different shit.
What is using the map for 1000$ Johhny?
I recently did the pointman route with all opportunity communication turned off. You literally sit through a briefing where they show you a fucking diagram of where to stand.
Don't forget
>They patched out the fire extinguisher catapult trick
>Nerfed the wallbanging sniper rifle
All so they can keep some shitty leaderboards nobody cares about intact
>tfw you'll never be this retarded
Feels pretty good
Cant you just follow the other dudes?
>you're told to "get into position"
Not only do they tell you in that briefing you sat through, but there's a soldier who walks you over and I'm pretty sure there's even a big spot drawn on the ground to show you where to stand. You sound like the exact kind of person who needs those objective markers turned on.
I've had enough.
>no indication
except for the whiteboard in the room that you just had a presentation at, you stupid cunt
>in which case it becomes obvious the game design wasn't conceived with this option in mind
git gud faggot
Reminder that objective markers and streamlined gameplay have now been shown by scientists to cause brain damage.
this is bait
They wanted it to fail from the start desu.
square enix wanted it to fail. IO fixed this. You can buy the game now only as a full package
>game has little replayability
>You can buy the game now only as a full package
oh, so it has these elusive missions then?
fuck you
the game is the second best hitman in the entire series
if you really want to, you could make an argument for it being the best
lol nope. Enjoy paying 60 dollars for season 2 as well.
but this guy here
told me i can buy full package
He's lying or retarded or maybe both. I bought the game during the steam sale and I got to do the last 1 before they were gone forever.
I actually started playing this yesterday. All of the gameplay options were a bit confusing. There is instinct, opportunities, challenges etc. Which option should i keep on to get either the optimal experience or the experience closest to blood money.
I am afraid that toggling some of these stuff off will make it hard to find spots where you can blend it etc.
Also as someone who got the full game a couple of weeks ago i am seriously annoyed that there seems to be a lot of content that i am locked out of. What were they thinking? They even sell boxed copies that are clearly inferior.
Are there are way for me to unlock the suits at least?
Opportunities to minimal or completely off.
>I got SA ranking on every mission from SA to BM so no
If this is true, you've dealt with far more poorly signalled bullshit objectives than those found in Hitman 2016
What am I looking at here? You dragged someone on stage and kicked them off?