
Did the Switch Demo convince you to double dip?

So, just what is new?

nope. i already double dipped when my fat finger accidentally pressed new game on the title screen. thanks wii u

>loved rayman origins, bought day one
>Rayman legends comes out, gets put on backlog and pushed consistently
>switch edition with bonuses revealed

it pays to wait

I played the Vita version. Fun game but I don't really see the need to buy it again.

>double-dipping for ports
What are you fucking retarded?


God I miss Rayman
If a new Origins style game were to be revealed I would buy it in a heart beat

I haven't bought it yet.

I intend to, though. Though I also need to put some time into Origins, I only got to the music world and haven't played it since.

Upside, half of Origins is in Legends... basically the greatest hits selection of levels including all bosses. So dont sweat it too much

I've bought both games twice and thrice by now lol. They are pretty good.

They should do the same for origins

Same here

I went to play some R6S friday and there was a new Rayman game I didn't add there. Did Ubisoft gave it to everyone? Is it good?

I got the vita version, but no multiplayer kinda sucks, and I hate going on rails and being forced to control murfy instead of just using a button. So, I might actually like this one better. As long as it's not 50-60 bucks, I wouldn't mind buying it again.
>a new Rayman game I didn't add there
Well, what is it?
A port of adventures without shitty touch controls?

Wasn't home when I posted, but it's Origins, which seems to be good. Guess I'll dl it then

Never played the Wii U or PS4 version, so I might pick up this one.

I never actually played the new Rayman games. If I do end up playing this, should I play Origins first?

As much as I liked the game, I have no desire to replay it. I'd recommend to anyone who hasn't.

never played the game before, highly considering getting this one

the demo showcased some really cool game types such as the musical speed run stages and the handheld touch stages

They actually put 40 of the Origins levels in the game so it wouldn't pay off to do so.

So what did they add?

Are you me?

There's a demo?

What's so definitive about it?

>Reminder that Ubisoft promised Rayman 4 would come out on the Wii, and then backpeddled to make a bunch of minigames with rabbids instead.

>Reminder that Ubisoft executives delayed Rayman legends for 8 months after it was already announced to have finished development and studio devs were actively protesting the decision.
>-this was a game that was advertised as a launch window title in throughout america, and it is likely families bought the Wii U on christmas expecting the game to be released soon.
>-Ubisoft never officially disclosed the reason for the delay, but ports for the Xbox one, PS4, and 360 were released simultaneously with the Wii U.

>Mario+Rabbids is only happening so nintendo is guaranteed Ubi won't be able to pull that shit a second time.

Yeah, it was bullshit, but it was also fucking bullshit that Legends was originally going to be Wii U exclusive when Origins wasn't.
I guess with Adventures though, everybody loses.

way too many of of last gens problems were more political than they were technical.

Like Sega deciding sonic boom should be a wii U game when BRB had been developing it on the cry engine for PS4 and XB1. Nobody won that day.

>Mario+Rabbids is reskinned as Bubsy+Rabbids for PS4, XBone, and PC
What could pawsibly go wrong?

It is DEFINITELY Rayman Legends
no doubt

>released it the same week as GTA5

Are they complete imbeciles or just pretending?

Oh wow.

>double dipping for ports

They made it for Xbox and PS4 after 360 and PS3, the Fucking Switch should get it since nobody bought a Wii U

Wii U is still more popular than the Switch and probably will be at least until Odyssey hits.

Well I never got it on Wii U or PC so I might get it.

Not sure why either, since I liked Origins.

>Don't worry guys we added 30+ levels with the delay

>aka we shoved Origins levels in it

Not sure if I'm the only one with this opinion

But I absolutely hated the Origins levels in Legends mainly because I loved and perfer the fast paced and more robust Level designs of Legends

Going back to the origins levels felt bland and boring

They didn't even let you go through Land of the Livid dead properly they just shoved you to the boss

That's wrong.
The Switch is very significantly outpacing the Wii U in all regions at this point.

>more popular

>More than half it's sales in less than a year

What are the chances they'll fix the final Legends boss

That was so anticlimactic it made me puke, Atleast add an explosion sound effect when you defeat it or something

Quit your infantile semantics. It hasn't sold as many units yet.

Yes for if they released it during the intended date they wouldn't have to compete with nothing

>>-Ubisoft never officially disclosed the reason for the delay, but ports for the Xbox one, PS4, and 360 were released simultaneously with the Wii U.

I think that WiiU version sold more, but well, Microsoft forces publishers to release any multiplat on same day for Xbox.

Whatever this DLC is, I'll pirate it later.

Does it really matter? Wii U owners don't buy anything not Nintendo, while Switch owners do. Whether or not this has to do with the current drought of Nintendo games is yet to be seen.

>more than half of literally nothing
>less than nothing
That's pretty rough.

>Wii U owners don't buy anything not Nintendo

Maybe because every damn port or game had something butchered or ran like shit? For starters, EA released a fucking ME3 at full price despite the other consoles getting all games at discount. CoD didn't had any DLC, and Sega somehow made Yakuza run worse than PS3.

Albeit, a lot of indies got happy with WiiU sales.


It's getting games every month instead of once every 3 months the Wii U has been doing it's entire span

The only month that hasn't had a major release was May and there's probably something I forgot

even the ps3 had the game in 1080p, so how the hell would a switch port be in any way 'definitive'?

Okay. What are your excuses for:

Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed (exclusive 5 players mode)
Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Edition (timed exclusive with gamepad features)
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (exclusive Nintendo costumes, gamepad features)
Need For Speed Most Wanted U (gamepad features)

Why is it the definitive version?

No marketing. I bought 3 of them.

The demo was pretty fun and it's been in my backlog for a while so I might pick it up. The only thing I'm annoyed about is that it forces you to play in handheld mode for the murphy levels. I wish they'd give you the option to use buttons instead.

Calling it "definitive" is a bullshit attempt to market an old game as fresh. Literally all it is is an update to the kung-foot minigame no one played and acting as if the co-op abilities of the Switch are a special feature instead of a given

Thanks for clearing that up, helpful frog poster.

Old games that already had their multiplayer communities elsewhere that didn't share servers, and an old game that had some gimmicks that everyone had already played a year ago for cheaper.

How else do you double dip for a game that's not a port?

Transformed released simultaneously. DXHRDE was an enhanced version of the base game plus DLC and remained exclusive for a while. Tekken came out only two months away from the initial release. Need for Speed did come out 5 months later though, but the Wii U had fuck all for racing games.