What are the chances that Square Enix DOESN'T fuck up the Final Fantasy VII Remake? Is it possible for them to remake the game in away that satisfies nostalgiafags or is all hope lost since Square is terrible ar managing the Final Fantasy franchise in this day and age?
What are the chances that Square Enix DOESN'T fuck up the Final Fantasy VII Remake...
I think it'll be fine.
People are freaking out over nothing.
Square knows what they're making.
>reddit spacing
Fuck off
I only just started playing FFVII and any changes they make an only be an improvement. I'm sure it was great as one of the grand daddies of JRPGs but compared to almost any modern JRPG it's a clunky mess.
>double spacing = reddit spacing
holy shit, fuck off you fucking redditor
>Square knows what they're making
I like FFXV, but that game in itself shows that square has no idea what the fuck they're doing.
Go look at some old screencaps and realize how fucking retarded you sound.
I somehow get the impression they're going to butcher the pacing and force a bunch of AC bullshit
>using buzzwords without understanding their meaning
They ruined it when they decided to break it up into 3 separate games
based reddit spy who knows how redditors post
It really depends on the combat and changes they make from the original.
Totally agree
ITT. reddit defense force.
XV is a completely different situation mongoloid
This. It really should be one game. You would have think Square would have learn that episodic doesn't work when Hitman flopped.
Okay then what about the first iteration of FFXIV that game was a fucking mess. How about the XIII trilogy that none of the fans wanted because the first game was shit.
Yeah you're talking about a specific period in Square's history in the transition from PS2 to PS3.
>What are the chances that Square Enix DOESN'T fuck up the Final Fantasy VII Remake?
0%. They had a pure gold mine in Versus XIII. Easily the most hyped Final Fantasy game in a very long while. All they had to do was deliver at least partially what the trailers showed. But they didn't. They cut everything and shat the bed harder than I thought was even possible.
FFVII Remake will be no different. SE can't do big games.
One advantage to going to a real-time/action combat system is that it will almost certainly fix the way that in the original, characters were all largely interchangeable with nothing unique aside from their limit breaks. On the other hand, a lot of Materia and combinations of Materia seem like they'd be completely unfeasible in an action game, so it'll be interesting to see how they implement that
Well they better start throwing money to the guy who is in charge of the summons and their shiny epic effects.
Also, does someone miss how well done the FX were in ff8 and 9? the summon ideas were rad.
>Ff8 ifrit and it fooooking awesome meteor with a two handed mega punch.
>ff8 shiva with that recharge sound and amazing ice patrons.
>FF9 bahamut with that incredible and satysfying "twup-FSHOOOOOOOSH" upon the mega flare ray impact.
>Ark... that was BEAUTIFUL.
>Madine and his mega sanctus. That was flaaaaashy.
You get me. I want designed awesome effects not some random shiny physics (I want both of them, realist physics give me a hardon but they must lay in a well designed giganormous explosion)
Seriously I dont want to see another shit line the megaflare in ffX. Or any effect in ffx, that was a brutal downgrade.
Agreed. I want cool summons and the ones in XV were neat, but whoever decided to make them random needs to be castrated.
>What are the chances that Square Enix DOESN'T fuck up the Final Fantasy VII Remake?
Low, at best.
>Is it possible for them to remake the game in away that satisfies nostalgiafags
Fuck no. Nostalgia is so powerful it will make a lot of people miserable at the remake no matter what happens.
>is all hope lost since Square is terrible ar managing the Final Fantasy franchise in this day and age?
Most likely.
Tifa needs to show cleavage and/or underboob in the remake
Also, anyone its like me for FF's? I just really never gave a fuck about their deus ex machinist stories, I just want cool combats, nice attacks and a FUCKTON OF SHINY THINGS as result of my crappy actions.
Im just a simpleton for these games. I remember seeing my first ff summon at 12 or so, fenix in FF9 and since then Its the only thing I care about.
FF13 was by a long shot the worse in this aspect. What a fucking crappy effects.
I can see her showing clevage, but not underboob.
My man.
But you should now that I havent played XV because poorfag, idk anything about the summons because I want to see them when I play buttttt
Still wanna play it hard. I saw ramu. Fucking rad.
Are they still chopping the game up into like 4 different chapters you have to buy separately? If so then they have already fucked it up, what a shitty business model.
I'll play it and have fun, but of course tons of people will hate it because it's not the original.
>What are the chances that Square Enix DOESN'T fuck up the Final Fantasy VII Remake?
Redundant question.
The combat system is a massive downgrade and anything else they do to "improve" the game is absolute insiginificant in relation to that.
A lot of people will like it. A lot of people will hate it.
FFXV sucks
depends a lot on your approach as a player.
>if you are an oldfag with nostalgia for FFVII
chances are good you'll enjoy it
>if you are a diehard FFVII nerd
you are likely to be dissatisfied
>Sup Forums
it will be shit and you will post angry posts about it
It's going to be extremely cash-grabby with no love and care put into the game. You can already tell by how they're splitting up the game into episodes. Each episode will probably last 10~15 hours if you cut out the bullshit filler they'll most likely stuff in to artificially extend the playtime. And you know they're going to charge full game price per ep.
SE has been a dead company for a long long time.
Waiting for them to cut 2/3 of the Bahamuts, or fuck them up with new designs
XIII was a new game with enough leftover content for two quick sequels.
XIV was a new game that fucked up and then made another entirely new game with the same number to make up for it.
XV was a new game with a lot of ambition, stuck in development hell for a while with a clashing of visions.
FF7 is an already made game with a lot of established things that will be recreated. All we know so far is that the only liberty taken has been with the combat system. The rest of the game and the story script could be a beat-by-beat copy of the original with better graphics.
Here's a question: what are some things from XV that you guys would like to see in VII Remake?
>Square knows what they're making.
No, no they don't. Which is why it's getting remade in the first place.
Bring back the camping to level up mechanic. Also bring back cooking. In FFVII, Tifa was not only a bartender for Seventh Heaven, but she was also on kitchen duty for AVALANCHE. Make it so that not only is Tifa a great cook, but a great mixologist that can make drinks and cocktails for the party.
>make drinks
I want Tifa to provide milk.
But where would they get a cow?
You are more dense than a male protagonist of a harem romcom anime.
Go fuck yourself. Spectacle and wallowing in callbacks is why XV's sucked so horribly.
>The combat system is a massive downgrade
>XV's sucked so horribly.
Found the underage shitter. Get some taste kiddo.
Absolutely nothing.
>Bring back the camping to level up mechanic. Also bring back cooking.
This is why RPGs are dying. Too much emphasis on retarded tertiary shit and not enough on the core gameplay.
Its going to be Kingdom Hearts gameplay with an FF7 skin.
Summons with the level of scale and grandeur that FFXIV had but hopefully a far less retarded way of summoning them. There's a fuckton of summon materia so maybe each one wouldn't be as detailed but I just hope they don't skimp out.
>Tifa mixing White Russians with her breast milk
>Get some taste kiddo.
I hope you're not claiming to have any. RNG cutscene nukes which were, for all intents and purposes, completely identical are without question the worst summons in the series, and massively outdone by games from the early 00's.
Im totally fine with this tbqh famalam. Wish XV had combat as enjoyable as KH.
Nothing. I don't want a single aspect of that shitty game to touch the FFVII remake.
>camping and food porn
Good, KH is basicly just old FF combat in realtime. Everything is there, the attack command, items, summons, limit, magic etc.
It's theb est way to make it realtime without going wannabe cuhrazy
Fuck, meant FFXV summons. But the Primals from FFXIV are also cool as fuck so maybe get some of that aesthetic in the ff7 remake too.
Doesn't need any elaboration at all.
It's blatantly obvious, unless you are a cancershit that is ok with how AAA JRPGs turned to worthless garbage.
>Doesn't need any elaboration at all.
You made a claim. Back it up. VII's original combat system eventually turned into brain dead trash and isn't close to the best in its own series.
It's comfy and cute, and it adds creative gameplay perks. Fuck you.
>It's comfy and cute
>it adds creative gameplay perks
You mean busywork to get numerical buffs.
>Not wanting best girl and top tier waifu Tifa to cook and make drinks for you
>Somehow I'M the Fag
Sure thing buddy.
>You mean busywork to get numerical buffs.
They're a creative, comfy, and fun way of buffing your party and it heightens the immersive experience and makes the characters more endearing. YOU'RE the fag.
>totally change the game to action """"rpg""""
>modified and in some cases censored worldwide to apease the feminists
>completly droped the artstyle and went with generic 3D FF style we've been getting since 10
It can have the same story and characters, but most of the things that made the original memorable are gone, sure, they can come up with a good or even a great game, but it won't be FF7.
>Not wanting best girl and top tier waifu Tifa to cook and make drinks for you
>They're a creative, comfy
They're numerical buffs, most of which are redundant.
>fun way of buffing your party
>I have never played a game with interesting buffs before
You're not helping your case.
>muh immersion
>muh friend simulator
Go fuck yourself. Games are about gameplay, camping and foodporn is shit gameplay.
So how will the FFVII:R have product placement shoved into it?
a lesson learned on how to not make a game
Wasn't FFXIII-2 actually pretty good?
I'm legitimately curious, because as bad as FFXIII was, I enjoyed the battle system to a degree, and was considering picking up XIII-2 at some point.
Giving their track record of fucking up every Final Fantasy game since 6 I'd say the chance that they don't fuck up the 7 remake is effectively zero.
FFXIII-2 is a step forward in a lot of ways but also a step back in others. It gives you full reign over the combat system almost immediately, unlike XIII that never lets you play with it until end-game, but it forces you to play pokemon for the third character slot - You only get 2 main characters, so your third slot is a monster that you have to find, capture, and figure out if they're shit or not.
It means that you get a lot of interesting strategies that you CAN do, but in the end most people just jam various chocobos in the last slot and call it a day.
That being said, the plot is dumb as hell but the characters own it in a way that XIII never did. They appear actively invested in what's going on, no matter what fresh brand of stupid they've walked into, and that ALONE makes the game 1000 times better.
If you like both the games, btw - Speaking as a fan - I'd recommend Lightning Returns, too, it's the closest of the three to being a real, complete game. Just skip literally every cutscene in the game, they do nothing but regurgitate information you already know and they're cringe-boring as hell. Which is a shame, because the game does a great job of world-building and teaching you concepts throughout it, but some asshole executive somewhere decided they needed a huge cutscene budget dripeed everywhere. They also revert the BEST PART of XIII-2, how Hope turns into a legitimate badass and the de-facto leader of mankind, and gets himself a smokin' hot wife too.
>Is it possible for them to remake the game in away that satisfies nostalgiafags
daily reminder that the game will sell well regardless and you people don't matter at all. none of the "how to save ff" discussions matte.
Why not just use Anri for Tifa's body model?
>You only get 2 main characters, so your third slot is a monster that you have to find, capture, and figure out if they're shit or not.
Have to admit, I'm liking the sound of this. I'm a sucker for any game that lets you put the enemies you fight in your party. It's why I got hooked on the mainline MegaTen games after starting with persona 4.
>the plot is dumb as hell but the characters own it in a way that XIII never did. They appear actively invested in what's going on, no matter what fresh brand of stupid they've walked into, and that ALONE makes the game 1000 times better.
That's a relief to hear. I don't mind stupid plots, I mean, this is Final Fantasy, as long as it's not the kind of stupid where everyone's still taking it deadpan seriously. Part of why I like V so much: the plot can be serious at time,s but there's always a slightly goofy undertone that keeps it from being "too" serious.
> I'd recommend Lightning Returns
I'll check out FFXIII-2 and if I enjoy it, I'll check out the 3rd one.
I remember the console versions having add-on DLC of sorts, like the Gilgamesh thing. Does the PC version I get on Steam have that?
>Wasn't FFXIII-2 actually pretty good?
yeah, no. XIII-2 got a lot of praise from people who passionately hated XIII but it's probably the worse modern FF. the battle system was simplified and dumbed down for no fucking reason. we thought that recruiting a monster would make it like MegaTen but no. The game is tons easier than the original.
>I'm a sucker for any game that lets you put the enemies you fight in your party.
>I don't mind stupid plots
XIII-2 is not stupid. It's retarded. they try to make a sequel out of a game that ends in a very explicit manner. For example, at the end of the original Lightning no longer has a fragment of the crystal, she can no longer perform magic. In XIII-2 you hear a ton of unbelievable bullshit trying to make shit up how Lightning can because she is totally special. Also worse time travel drivel you will EVER hear.
>I'll check out the 3rd one.
You can play LR (which is fairly good) without XIII-2.
>that fucking aliasing
its a remake with story and gameplay changes, expect it to get fucked up and move on.