/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday

/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
SEGA edition.

Favorite console-tans?
Favorite console-tan family? (ie Nintendo, Sega, Microsoft, Sony)
What games have you been enjoying lately?

Other urls found in this thread:



way too early, but good work properly linking the OP.
also sonic delayed 2 weeks

>also sonic delayed 2 weeks
For PC only.
I'm saddened by it but I accept this fate. Going spoiler-free will be difficult.




That's a pretty cute Jag.

>mfw Sonic Mania
Requesting Genesis having a blast playing Sonic Mania with all of her new friends, the consoles that actually got the game


What is your main and why it's not toaster?

Console-tan fighter when?
I'll main SNES and Gen.

because toaster sucks.
I main PC cuz he's top tier as always

CD-i, 2DS, ganecube, switch and gamesphere.
joke characters can be good if you know how to use them!




oh, some of the first reviews are in, sonic mania confirmed to not be dogshit



As expected of it. I'm sure it'll be GOTY for me.

We're off to a good start but there can always be more CD-i postan

Also press F for Wii U

>but there can always be more CD-i postan
No, I'm god damn tired of CD-i posting.

it sure is video games in here right



early thread is almost dead as expected.

post more CD-I


It's currently 1:30 am in ausland and I gotta be out tomorrow so I probably won't get this comic strip done by this week's thread.
I'll just post a panel then go to sleep, I feel like I gotta leave somethin'.

That right there is a true look of fear.



PaizuriStation 4

Looks like it'll be a slooow Tuesday today.

it's around 1pm where it matters.
and every week is the same thing
the thread doesn't get active until 8pm.

just wait.

at this rate, there won't be an after dark thread!

I've been waiting for this.

Fuck, I don't know. There's so many to choose from.

>Switch Twins

Oh the humanity

reminder now that GRIMMWAH was released finally the final part of mod-tan doujin must be delivered. a deal is a deal.


what if xbonex was just xbone?

It's very dead right now, we need some discussions going.
Who's your favorite -tan and why do you love them so much? What underrated -tans do you want more art of?

If we can't have Scorpio then that's preferable.



Is there any good art of my homegirl Gamecube?


Ain't nothing going on in the discord, not even shitposting

someone draw toaster and PC crying over no sonic mania

Or something like this with PC however that would work with his lack of eyes.
>Only have the Nintendo version


remember kids, piracy is a serious crime

good enough 4 me


Is she shy or just scared of herself?



Have you ever seen a thread so dead?


So what games have you been playing?


Grats Vita-tan

Clearing my backlog. Lego the Hobbit is actually pretty fun.

pokemon moon

Where's the Starcraft love? Remaster came out yesterday!


Grimrock 2 and Paper Sorcerer.

Finished Retron 77's design

And a uncolored version if you guys don't find the color choices too appealing

why did you drop the shoulder pads?

Shoulder pads were too 80's, while the atari 2600 was arguably more 70's
Also people said it looked like a certain robot

i think it made the design too complicated and not simple desu

Why isn't she white like the others


it's sepia skin color. cuz she's old

what is retron wearing? looks like padded vest a baseball umpire would wear/
also seems 77 can't escape the influences youtu.be/YHL_Bk60F_4

She's new, and all the designs I made have white skin; so I wanted to change it up

I want retron3 to sit on my face.


I main Genesis and maybe Xbone.

Also, that reminds me of these old ass sprite I made like 3 years ago that I should remake one of these days, here's the most recent one (with a few corrections) that looks decent enough.

thanks, retron3. now my life is complete

i peeked into the flockmod, seems you didn't link the right room
it appears to be a TypeMoon room and not a ConsoleTan one

I guess we're all busy, buddy.
wait some hours.















