Mania thread no memes edition

mania thread no memes edition

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no memes you say?

What's the length like?


knuckles is stupid

What's the continuity now adding Mania and Forces?



sonic level design is inherently flawed

Can someone look into the digital manual? What's the name of the other Hard Boiled Heavies?

at the very least we do know now that Sonic beat up Robotnik at Hydrocity twice, once when he was still scouting the place out and then again in Sonic 3 proper

ay yo hol up

How? If anything, it shows that he's not going to do the stupid thing again

>Mania Sonic is the Sonic sent back to the past at the end of Generations
>It changed events because Mania never happened in Modern Sonic's past
>People made jokes out the ass when Modern Sonic said "enjoy your future! It's gonna be great!"
>Mfw he wasn't lying because Mania WAS the future for Classic Sonic

Anyone know of a special stage ring close to the start of an act? Trying to get the emeralds on my clear save

>that favor egoraptor and his fat, ugly wife are in the credits
why? What did they do for the game?


that eggman sprite animation on the tv in the background in studio act 2 is ascended god tier holy shit

>can't get that damn fifth chaos emerald

I've failed so many times. Fun special stage though.

>tfw on pc
what sonic games should I play to stave off suicide until I get to play mania?


The others are Heavy King, Heavy Shinobi, and Heavy Magician.

First playthrough takes around 3-4h if you do an average amount of secrets. Then you can play through it again with some of the other characters and hunt for secrets. Probably like 15h to 100% it

Whats wrong with the pc version? Im on ps4

It's not out yet. That's what's wrong.

the biggest issue it has until further patches is that it's not out yet


Pro tip for the special stages:
It's easy as all shit to turn on a dime when you're jumping. This makes stage 5 a hell of a lot easier, is very very useful for stage 6 and is NECESSARY on stage 7. Enjoy!

I think it's bugs. The switch and PS4 versions have shown a wide range of bugs so far. I think they couldn't delay the console versions for some contractual reason, but could delay the steam version.

I have the sonic mega collection plus. What is the correct order to play sonic before I get Mania?

1, 2, 3 and knuckles, CD, maybe the Amy versions of 2 and 3, Advanced 1 and 2, Yoshi in Sonic 2.


Tails is cute!

Couple funny things that happened to me
Spoilers for the final zone

Im only on act 2 of Chemical plant and i have no idea what the fuck is going on

did you try going right?

what exactly is D.A. garden? is it getting ALL meddallions or all gold?

What are you having trouble with?
Is it the boss?

have you tried going fast?

Deviantart garden where they show off sanic art from fans in Deviantart

None shitter thread here

PC version leak when

fuck off nigger i was first
i only made this thread because the other 2 threads were forces and sonic was never good shit

>Hard Boiled Heavies have sick as hell designs and some of the best boss fights in the series
>We'll probably never see them beyond this game

I want to play so bad but I'm going to be at work until 10pm.

>monitor at eggmans boss fight in studiopolis plays the same buzzing noise from the 25th anniversary party stream


>Get to the end of Mirage Saloon Act 1


Knuckles thinks in crayons. Everyone worth a damn knows smart people think in PS1 era 3D models.

I hope Forces has them in full 3D.

Im not having trouble. The game is just tripping me out because I keep thinking its sanic 2 level design. Im gonna turn off the ps4 and come back to it later

Are you /mania/cs enjoying the game?

>Infinite pulls enemies from other dimensions to fight them
>The Gem is from Mania itself
>Implying they won't have at least one appearance

>Bean is only ever potrayed as evil in the Archie Comics and is neutral at worst in Sonic The Fighters
It's a good thing that wasn't really Bean.

what a mistake making 2/3 of act 1 the fucking flying level and then having act 2 short as shit. The new levels were gone before I even noticed them.

>tfw Tails doesn't have a scene where he thinks in wireframe to compliment this

Anyway no, it's meant to show Knuckles is childish, not dumb. He's always been extremely naive.

Heavy King might show up in Forces if we're lucky


k keep me posted


They are Deadly Six but actually good.

Fuck Oil Ocean. Fuck that fucking level and those stupid fucking launching pipe cap things. WHY THE FUCK WAS IT SO DIFFICULT FOR ME

Other than those stupid things and that level, this game is fucking awesome.

>Aaron said they'd use the crowd yelling, "SEGAAAA" in the opening screen
>Just the stock version

Anyone remember that? What gives?

They're literally just Egg Robos in funny costumes.

Egoraptor confirmed tsundere for Sonic

>Fire shield completely trivializes octopus boss
well fuck, that could have saved me time

Really it deserves to and seeing as it is a tie in it should. But they did seem to think of mania as cheap advertising so it may have not even been considered

>those stupid fucking launching pipe cap things
I got crushed by those cunts a good 4 times before I finally just played the stupid level slow. Fuck that insta-kill shit.

That's all they really needed to be honestly.

Mother of God...

>But they did seem to think of mania as cheap advertising so it may have not even been considered
Sega once again showing how consistent they are in understanding nothing about their fanbase or their own game.

>Classic Sonic sees the future
>Sees the horror that awaits him
>Now he seeks to undo the future that is Modern Sonic

That's pretty much the only way to do it, but holy shit I am a god at that level now.

I got insta-killed by jumping on the cap as it was coming back down. I guess the flames hit through the cap or something. Also, the damn boss on act 2 can insta-kill you too if you get too close when he's coming up.


That makeup is awful.

so having just made it to Mirage Saloon the best new area thus far is Press Garden, especially the boss which was a bit deceptive with the difficulty
I hear that this one and the last are thinly veiled Sonic 2 Beta references and I can see it pretty clearly already in Mirage Saloon so that might change

> I guess the flames hit through the cap or something
It's the cap itself that insta-kills, not the flame. You probably clipped under it somehow.

>no memes
>when the franchise is a meme in and of itself

I think I may not have had a ring though..

Either way it's fucked.

>especially the boss which was a bit deceptive with the difficulty
Heavy Shinobi became my favorite boss fight in the series.

Whats the trick to super jumping off those red bobbly things on the studio level?

>Beat game
>25 lives
>4 emeralds
>22 gold medals, 8 silver medals


Maybe he was talking about Forces?

Oh, right. Didn't think about that.


>Infinite is destroyed at the end of Forces
>his gem somehow ends up on Angel Island in the classic timeline
>the last thing we see is a group of nonspecific EggRobos plucking the gem from the ground as Classic Sonic shows up
>fade to white
stable time loop

Really? I had a blast.

It chewed up a lot of my lives the first time but I aced it on my second playthrough. Try to stay close to the center. Robotnik always seems to fire his beam at an angle so you're safe directly under him. It also reduces the risk of being crushed by spikes.

it's easy user
you can hit him twice on a single pole
and in the narrow section with spikes on both sides you can knock him into them without one

>the end of Forces leads up to Mania 2
>the end of Mania 2 leads up to Forces 2
>the end of Forces 2 leads up to Mania 3

welcome to the new era

Any differences in Tails route?

you can spin dash + jump him into the spikes

>A Sonic game so good even Egoshitter gave in and said it was fun

Best timeline

i haven't beaten the game yet, but none of them actually get destroyed right?

>Oil Ocean
>Lava Reef


>Infinite timeloop

They're both good, fuck off sky sanctuaryfag


I pity all the Adventure fans living on this timeline.

>Not liking lava reef

Classic Era>Dreamcast Era>Boost Era

Infinite Era?